Status: Active

This Is Our Rebel Love Song

Chapter One

“Emma! Get up!”
“Just give me a minute Jason! Please, just five more minutes!” I whined, forgetting just whom I was talking to.
“What the fuck did you just say to me? Are you trying to talk back to me?”

My eyes widened and I jumped out of bed.

“I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”

His anger faded away, his strong jaw line unclenching, his baby blue eyes softening and lastly he ran a hand through his short brown hair. He flexed the muscles in his arms for a few seconds before he took a deep breath and turned to me.

“It’s okay Emma. You know I don’t like hurting you. I love you. I love you so much.”
“I know you do baby. I love you too.”

I stepped forward for a hug and he wrapped his arms around my waist momentarily before pulling away and smirking at me.

“Well, it was gonna be a surprise baby but you make it so damn hard to keep things a secret from you. We’re gonna go see your cousin today. Go get dressed.”

I was grinning like an idiot and so excited now. I loved my cousin Christian, well, he’s the only one I’ve got, but I rarely got to go see him because of Jason’s, uh, controlling tendencies and so I got a little bit carried away and before I knew what I was doing, I had broken one of my boyfriend’s many rules for our relationship. No kissing before we’d brushed our teeth.

He shoved me away and my back slammed into our dresser.

“Oh, Jason, I’m so sorry I forgot.”
“I gave you a second chance already this morning. You don’t get three chances in one morning bitch!”

He stalked towards where I was cowering on the floor just in front of our dresser and pulled me up by my hair. He raised his hand up high and before I could react he had brought it flying back at my face, creating a loud smack that echoed throughout the room.

“Now just shut the fuck up and go get ready before I change my mind about this!” He screamed in my face.

Like I had learnt to do over the past five years, I held the tears in and just rushed into the bathroom and turned the shower on, hopping in as fast as was humanly possible, saving the silent waterworks for when Jason wouldn’t be able to tell which was which.

Maybe now would be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Emily Coman and for the past five years I’ve been suffering from one possibly lethal disease. Stockholm Syndrome. I was a prisoner of my own thoughts and feelings and I was now stuck with the one man who had hurt me so many times that I rarely even felt the pain anymore.

Five years ago, I was at one of my cousin’s shows, back when he was in a local band and not the internationally famous one that he’s in now, I was standing in the front row, just casually bobbing my head to the music that, at the time, I hated, back then I couldn’t seem to understand why people even wanted to like the screaming vocals and heavy instruments that is metal and rock. This amazingly handsome young guy came up to me and we started talking. It turns out he was only there for his younger sister. He told me his name was Jason. Emma, I had replied. We talked until the end of the show when we exchanged numbers… And that, ladies and gentlemen is how it all started and how we get to here, the beginning of my journey from being the shy girl with secrets, to the one I am now, the one sitting here and recalling the memories so that I can write this for you.

I am Emily Coman and this is my story.