Status: Active

Gangsta Sexy

Chapter Six

-FF- December 24th (Jordan’s POV):

Ever since Andy’s birthday everyone in the house had been walking on eggshells around her and Aron. No one knew what had happened in her room that day but we all knew that our plan to force them into making up and moving on.

Since that day Andy had retreated into herself even more and now barely spoke to me, let alone Aron. Even to find them in the same room together was a rarity these days and when they were you could cut the tension with a butter knife.

It hurt me to see my best friend like this. She would barely even talk to Jorel no matter how hard he tried to get a response out of her, she only ever nodded or shook her head, and no matter how much it hurt me that Andy wouldn’t talk to us, it hurt Jorel ten times more.

Today was Christmas Eve and she was still in bed with the door locked even though it was midday already. The rest of us were sitting in the living room. The TV was on and playing Miracle On 34th Street, one of Andy’s favorites, but no one was actually watching it we were all just sitting there, staring into space and off in our own little worlds.

Aron was sitting on his own in the kitchen, we hadn’t spoken to him since the whole thing happened really, we tried to ask him what went on in her room but he just frowned and sort of flinched, like it embarrassed him. He still lived here and he was still in the band but it was only because we all knew that cutting him out of Andy’s life completely would kill her.

“Hey Jordan, you’re the only one who can get my sister up and it’s Christmas Eve. Even if she’s not going to speak to us, I kind of want her down here with us.” Jorel said.

Why? I mean, it’s not like we were all doing anything important anyway. Nothing was going on. I almost told him to do it himself but when I looked over at him and saw the blank expression on his face, I merely sighed and stood up, stretching before I rushed up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

While I waited for Haley to open her door after I’d knocked I looked down the hall to Aron’s room. His door was closed and I hadn’t seen him when I’d walked past the kitchen, he probably went back to bed, the lazy shit.

The door in front of me swung open a little and I managed to catch a glimpse of Haley walking into her bathroom so I just waited while she did her thing, looking at all of the posters on her wall but those weren’t there before, usually that wall was covered in pictures of… Now I see. Behind the corner of one of the posters I could see the top corner of one of her photos. It was a photo of her and Aron last year. It was the photo Johnny took when he had to kiss her in truth or dare.

“Jordan, please don’t touch my posters.”

I jumped a little and turned around to see Andy standing there in my sweater and a pair of old jeans. No make-up on, still beautiful though, as always, but her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy from crying and I really didn’t like that it was becoming such a common sight these days. All I knew to do to comfort her was to give her a hug. So that’s what I did.

It made me angry to think about the way Aron had broken her so completely. She didn’t deserve that. She’s been through enough in her life as it is. Could he not see what he was doing to her? Or did he see it and not care? Either he was an idiot or a jerk and neither one of those was a good thing.

“You ready to come downstairs?”

She nodded, smiling just a little before walking to her door and out to the hallway. We were almost to the stairs when she just stopped dead in her tracks.

“What was that for?”
“He… Oh my God. That’s it. I’m done!” She yelled, bolting down the stairs and rummaging around in the kitchen for something before she left.

As I looked down the hallway I noticed that Aron’s door was no longer shut but fully open and it seems he’d done a little re-decorating. His bed, that used to be pushed up against the wall, out of sight from the hall, was now just opposite the door and he was on full view.

Unlike most nights, he hadn’t slept in the bed alone. Lying next to him was some blonde girl. As I watched, she snuggled up closer to his side and he opened his eyes to see me glaring at him but he didn’t seem shocked or worried. He just smirked and in that second, several things happened. The girl next to him woke up, he realized that I was pissed and when I got to his room I grabbed him off of his bed and started punching him. I was trying to make him feel the pain that Andy was feeling.

After a few seconds he started to fight back, the girl on his bed was screaming at me and soon I felt at least two pairs of arms pull me off of him and I watched as Matt and Jorel pulled him away from me.

“What were you thinking?” I screamed at him.
“What does it look like I was thinking?”
“Well congratulations Aron, well done! I didn’t think that it was even humanly possible for you to hurt her more but you’ve just gone and proved wrong!” My voice rose even more, I was starting to hurt my own ears.
“What? You think I did this to hurt her? Why would you… I love her man. I love her and she hates me! What was I supposed to do? Live my life waiting for her to change her mind? No, fuck that!”

That did it. I tried my best to get out of Dillon and Johnny’s arms but they were too strong, plus, Aron’s words only just sunk in.

“Wait, you love Andy?”

The poor girl on the bed was very confused at this point.

“Yeah… I love Andy, I have for a long time… I just, I was scared she wouldn’t feel the same way, I was sick of seeing guy after guy reel her in, knowing about the only thing they wanted from her.” He paused, running a hand through his hair and sitting down on the edge of his bed.
“I’m just going to leave now. Great night Aron, crappy morning. Don’t call me.”

We watched as the girl left, waving to us as she went.

“Aron what happened on her birthday?” Jorel asked calmly, leaning against Aron’s wall.
“We argued, I tried to tell her but the words just wouldn’t come out and she kept telling me to just ‘spit it out’, ‘get it over with’ but I just couldn’t! So… I kissed her and she didn’t respond. She just stood there.”

None of us said a word. We could only stand there and gape.

“You were the one who told her to never go near you again! She didn’t do anything to you! If you had enough patience and weren’t such an idiot, you would realize that Andy loves you too! Guys let go of me! I’m not going after him again! I’m going out to try and find Andy!”

They let go of me and I ran downstairs to grab my keys before I ran out to my car and sped off towards I don’t know where but I was going to find Andy. I just hoped that she didn’t do anything stupid before one of us found her…