Believe in Me

Ch. 1 On My Own, Even If Just For A Minute

"Krystal DiAna Simms! If you back talk me one more time, you will be out of this house!" My mother yells at me. I didn't believe that she would really kick me out of the house so, being me, I sassed her again. "Whatever mother. You wouldn't ever have the guts to do that!" I say. She turned around, back handed me, and told me to get the hell out of her house. I cursed at her, went to my room, packed a bag, and started out of the house. As I left, I shouted, "Have fun in Hell mom!"

Reality hit me about thirty minutes later. What was I suppossed to to do? I didn't have a job, or a place to stay. How would I survive in California? Luckily I had been saving up my birthday money for years now, so I had $700 bucks to keep me on my feet for a bit. I called a taxi and asked the cab driver to take me to L.A. It took us two hours to get there, because of how bad the traffic was.

I started walking around until I ran into a man with very colorful hair. Apparently I was crying, because he kept asking me what was wrong. Why would some random stranger in L.A. care about me? "Its nothing, I am sorry for bumping into you, now I hope you can continue your day, and pretend you never seen me." He laughed at what I had said. "Why are you laughing?" I ask him.

"There is no way in hell that I am now leaving your side. You will tell me what's wrong, or I will follow you around L.A. all day." He says to me. I look up at him and smile. "Hi, I'm Krystal." I say introducing myself. "Dahvie, Dahvie Vanity." He says. I've heard that name before. Doesn't Kerri listen to his band. Blood On The Dance Floor! That's it! "Your that one singer from Blood On The Dance Floor aren't you?" I ask. He smiles. "Yes I am. You a fan?" He asks. "No not really, but my little sister Kerri listens to you guys.

"OK, since I know your trying to change the subject, what's the matter?" He asks again. I really didn't want to be explaining myself, 'specially to someone famous. "Do I really have to tell you?" I ask. He shakes his head yes. "OK, well I was messing around with my mother like any other day, and apparently she was sick of my shit and she kicked me out of the house. There's my story. I have no job, no home, and not enough money to survive in California." I tell him.

He looked at me sincerly. "Well, we just lost our merch girl, so would you like a job with Blood On The Dance Floor? Maybe we could even turn you into a fan." He says to me. "Jesus." I mumble. "I'd rather be called by Dahvie, but if you feel better calling me by my real name, go right on ahead." I laughed. I mean sincerly laughed at him. "I'll take your job offer up Dahvie. You seem really nice and I would like to get to know you and I guess the rest of the band some more." I say to him.

"Do you need a home to stay at right now?" He asks me. "Yes I do, but I really don't want to be a bother." I tell him. "You won't be! I'm sure Jayy won't mind you hanging around with us. We won't be touring for another month, so yeah... Take it or leave it." He says. I shake my head yes at him and hug him. He was so kind. Why couldn't there be people like him around my hometown.
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OK so yeah, I'm bored and decided to make a botdf story. Its boring I know... Oh also I just typed this up on Mibba so, I'm sure theres some mispells and stuff. Hope you like it : ] please comment. you would make my day if you did. : ]