Believe in Me

Ch. 4 First Days of Warped Tour

Warped Tour’s first stop was in Salt Lake City, Utah. We were at the Utah State Fairpark. Dahvie, Jayy, and the rest of the band were getting set up. They were one of the first bands playing today. The doors opened at ten A.M. I walked over to the front real quick to see if people were in line. There was already a lot of people there, and more were pulling up. I seen a lot of people wearing Blood On The Dance Floor shirts, then some in Motionless in White, Breathe Carolina, and a lot more bands. It was amazing to see so many people here.

It was five minutes until opening, so I headed over to my merch area, and got ready for customers. I had everything already set out so I didn’t have anything to do. Once the doors opened, girls came running through looking insane. At first I didn’t get any customers, then they all just started piling up. Luckily I had everything marked down for as much money as they were as people started throwing money at me. Bracelets were $10, necklaces $14, t-shirts $20 to $25, and hoodies $35 to $45. It was crazy. I had actually started running out of shirts when Blood On The Dance Floor’s performance was over. Dahvie walked over to me with two waters and sat beside me.

“How you doing?” He asks me. “Pretty good. Everything’s almost gone. It got a little crazy.” I tell him. He was smiling at me when I said it. “You’ll get used to it kiddo.” He says, petting my hair and getting up. He was going over to the signing table, where a crap load of Blood On The Dance Floor fans were crowding. Jayy had to have been signing ten or more autographs a minute. I watched a fan literally jump all over Dahvie. I got pissed when she did it. I was about to march over to the table when security came and got her. Dahvie looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up.

Had I felt a twinge of jealousy towards that girl? No, I couldn’t have. I don’t like Dahvie that way. Do I? Even if I did, he would never like me that way. I mean he was probably going to end up picking a band slut up after this. At least I remember Kerri saying stuff like that about him. Eventually the line shortened and Dahvie had come back over to sit beside me again.

~Dahvie’s P.o.V.~

One random fan girl had ended up jumping all over me and she would not get off, no matter how many times I pleaded. I looked over at Krystal and her fists were clenched and she looked like she was about to kill the girl. We called security, and they escorted her out. I looked back over at Krystal and she was still watching me, so I gave her a thumbs up and kept signing autographs. Eventually the fans disappeared, and I walked over to Krystal and sat beside her again.

“Hi.” I said to her. She looked over at me, smiled, and said, “Hello.” “So, you looked like you were going to come over and start a cat fight with that fan girl.” I said to her. She blushed and mumbled a quiet, “No.” She was so adorable when she blushed! “Oh, ok. You sure?” I ask her. She blushed and mumbled something, that I couldn’t quite make out. “What was that?” I ask her. She blushed again and said, “Nothing.”

All of a sudden a fan was coming over and screaming, “Oh My Gosh! You’re the new merch girl for Blood On The Dance Floor! Your so pretty! Could I have a picture with you, Dahvie, and me please?!” She asks excitedly. I smiled at her and shook my head yes. Krystal on the other hand looked very uncomfortable. “Come on Krystal.” I say, taking her hand. I blushed at first, then smiled at the fan. She was giving me a strange look, but she shrugged and handed the camera to her mother. “Say cheese.” Her mother said. “Perfect, thank you Dahvie and, umm… I don’t know your name yet.” She says looking directly at Krystal. “Its Krystal.” I say for her, because she still looked uncomfortable.

After the fan left, Krystal sighed and sat back down. Today’s Warped Tour would be ending soon, then we had to make our way to Colorado. “You know, today is almost over.” I say to her. She smiled and shook her head yes. “What would you like for dinner today?” I ask her. She shrugged. “You don’t care, or you have no clue?” I ask. I wanted a verbal reply from her. “I have no clue what I want.” She says to me, then turns away, and it looks like she was blushing again. I smiled and almost gathered up the guts to tell her I liked her. Almost. “So then, I guess we’re having Subway. What would you like on your sandwich?” I ask.

` “I’ve never had Subway before, so pick for me?” She asks. I smiled at her and said, “OK.” Luckily there was a Subway somewhere in this area. I walked around for awhile until I actually found it. I knew what Jayy wanted. He always got the same thing when we went to Subway. A meatball sub. I was getting a BMT, and a turkey sandwich for Krystal. Hopefully she would like it. All the subs would be on Italian Herb and Cheese bread, since that’s what Jayy and I love the most.

I ordered and went back to Krystal. I smiled at her and asked her if she was ready to start packing up. She nodded. There was actually only five shirts, two hoodies, and a couple bracelets left after that, so she grabbed one box and placed them all in neatly. She smiled and went to put the merch up. She came back and asked what I got her for dinner. “You’ll find out now won’t you?” I tease her. Jayy came over and started bossing us to the bus. “OK, OK, were going Jayy!” I yelled at him. Krystal and I ran towards our bus after that. We were actually one of the first bands on our bus. “So are you guys all ready to go?” Our bus driver asks me. I nodded yes and we took off. We would be there early tomorrow, so we ate our dinner in peace, and about an hour later, went to bed.

~Next Day- Back to Krystal’s P.o.V.~

So, I’ll admit it now. I might have a small crush on Dahvie Vanity. He was just so damn adorable and nice! Yesterday, he made me blush like a thousand times. I was the first one up, so I got in our small kitchen and made breakfast for the guys. They really liked pancakes. The reason I know that, they have like five or more pancake batters up in their cabinets. I grabbed one and read the back. Luckily it could be used with water, because there was no milk in this bus. I was making the pancake batter when Jayy walked out of his bunk. He gave me a weird look but shrugged. I continued what I was doing, and started cooking the pancakes up when Dahvie came out.

“Something smells freaking good!” He exclaims. “Kristi over there is making pancakes.” Jayy says. I cringed when I heard my old childhood nickname from my father. I shrugged it off and continued cooking. I made the guys two humongous pancakes, and me one medium sized one. I sat the food down and the syrup, and Dahvie jumped on it. I laughed and rolled my eyes. He was such a child sometimes. He started stuffing his mouth full of pancake. “Its good.” He says to me. “How would you know! Your not even tasting it!” I yell at him. He smiled at me and continued to smother his face in pancakes. Jayy was giving me a look like he knew something. I gave him a confused look, and he just shrugged at me.

After that we had to get ready to go out for the day. Dahvie asked me if he could do my makeup again for the day. “Sure, Dahvie.” I say smiling at him. He jumped around excitedly. I laughed again, until, rainbow hair got shoved into my face. He had fallen over. “Umm… Dahvie, this isn’t doing my makeup.” I mumble at him. He smiled and said, “Sorry, I lost my balance for a second there…” Then he blushed. I gave him a strange look, but decided that I was seeing things.

He didn’t put that much makeup on me today. He just put some purple glitter eyeliner, and grey eye shadow on me. Then he threw a rainbow Blood On the Dance Floor shirt on me. He smiled and whispered, “Perfect.” in my ear. I felt chills go through me when he said that. He smiled at me and went to get ready himself. About thirty minutes later, he came out wearing the same exact outfit, but his makeup was rainbow like normal, and his hair was spiked like he liked it. He looked amazing. I smiled at him.

“You ready for today?” He asks, putting his arm around my shoulder. “Of course I am.” I say to him. So sure, I liked him, but there was no way I wanted to show it. I didn’t feel like getting rejected by anyone ever again. I guess that’s what happens when you live with a screwed up family. Ever since my father had left us, everything had went in turmoil. Dahvie and I walked off of the bus together, and I had to go and start getting the merch set up. I unpacked what was left of yesterday, and started getting everything out of the unopened boxes. There was a lot more merch today, because this warped tour was going to last a little longer then yesterday had. We had three days to rest after this, then we would be in Nevada.

Like yesterday, the fans didn’t come piling in for merchandise for a while, but when they did, everyone came in! About forty minutes after that, Dahvie came over and gave me a water bottle like yesterday. I had just realized that he hadn’t brought a band slut with us yesterday. Maybe Kerri was wrong about him. I mean he seemed like a sweetheart. “So how’s today been?” He asked me. “Not as bad as yesterday. You better get over there.” I say. The signing table was getting filled up again and Jayy was hurrying through autographs again. He got up and left again.

Yet another fan girl tried to “rape” him today. But this time before security could come, I got up, ran over there, and ripped her off of Dahvie. “I am already sick of you little bitches trying to get off with that! If you ever, ever, do that to Dahvie again, you won’t just be missing this.” I say to her, showing her the hair I had ripped out of her head. She ran off whimpering back to where ever she had came from. “Anyone else want to screw with me?” I asked, with a huge smile on my face. I looked over at Dahvie, winked at him, and went back to my merch table. His jaw had literally dropped.

~Dahvie’s P.o.V.~

So another girl had got all up on me again. We called for security already, but we actually didn’t need it. Krystal came over and ripped her off of me. She was yelling at the girl. “I am already sick of you little bitches trying to get off with that! If you ever, ever, do that to Dahvie again, you won’t just be missing this.” She says, showing the girl the hair she had pulled out of her skull. Well then, Krystal was a little badass eh. The girl had ran off whimpering. “Anyone else want to screw with me?” She asked. She had a huge smile on her face. She then looked over at me, winked, and went back to her merch table. My jaw had literally dropped.

“Well then, you’ve got a little badass on your hands Dahvie.” Jayy told me. I smiled at him and laughed. “Yes, yes I do.” I say to him. I loved the fact that I had her on my side. I now knew better not to do anything bad to her or she’d definitely kick my ass, and I loved that about her. Once fans had cleared through, I went over to her and smiled.

“So… What was that all about?” I asked. “Oh, nothing… Just pissed me off that there was another bitch trying to do that to you.” She said. “And why is that?” I ask her. “I have no clue. I just didn’t like it.” She says to me. “Do I hear a little hint of jealousy there Krystal?” I ask her. She blushed and looked away for a second. “No Dahvie. People are just so stupid and I wish they weren’t.” She says to me. She would never admit to being jealous, but I knew she was. The merch table was almost cleared out again. Either people really liked us, or she was a good salesperson. Or a little bit of both.

“Well I’ll leave it at that then.” I say, getting up and leaving her. I didn’t want to go back to Jayy, but she wasn’t too talkative today, and I needed someone to talk to. “So, you talk about the cat fight?” Jayy asks me. “Eh, not really. I asked her if she was jealous and she turned away and blushed.” I tell him. He smiled and looked at the blue sky. “You know something, don’t you?” I ask him. “Of course I do, my little Dahvie.” He says, smiling even bigger. “I hate you sometimes Jayy.” I tell him.

~A couple hours later- in their hotel- Still Dahvie‘s P.o.V.~

“So what should we order for dinner?” I ask. Throwing the room service list at them. “Pizza sounds good.” Jayy says. “What about you Krystal?” I ask her. “Pizza sounds pretty damn good to me!” She says, “OK. What kind?” I ask. “Pepperoni!” They both say in unison. “Pepperoni it is!” I say. I order two pizza’s and about thirty minutes later they bring the pizza up. We ate the pizza and then messed around a little. We watched random shows, joked around, and plenty of other things that night, until all three of us passed out. That day was a very good day.
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OK, so its a really long chapter for me... I've been typing this up on microsoft works for a couple hours now... lol. I hope you enjoy and I'm starting to like Krystal a lot... lol. I'll try to update again tomorrow promise. SGTC!!! sorry had to. Thanks to my five subscribers and my two commenters from yesterday!!! H.L.A and Massacre Smile!
oh, and by the way, I will not be at home at all next week. I'm going on vacation for like a week. that's why I've been trying to update everyday I can. Hope you enjoy this chapter : ]