Believe in Me

Ch. 5 Death To Your Heart

~Krystal’s P.o.V.~

We are now in Nevada. Today has went by very fast. I am actually getting used to all the fans swarming the merch table. I think someone had like posted a video up on my attacking the fan girl, because no one has messed with Dahvie today. He didn’t come over and talk to me today. I had no clue why, but I really didn’t mind. People were still buying anything they could get their hands on. Our next stop would be in California. We were going to be making three stops there. Hopefully my mother, and Kerri, would not be there. Knowing my mother, if she found out about me getting a job with Blood On The Dance Floor, she would end up trying to frame me for something. Anything she could get her hands on. Knowing her.

Dahvie walked over to me and asked if I was ready to go. I started packing everything up after that. Like the first day, there was only a couple shirts, some hoodies, and a few bracelets left. After that, I took the box back over to where I was to put my merch, and left for the bus. Dahvie came running up and tackled me onto the ground. I fell with an “umpff” while Dahvie was laughing right beside me. I couldn’t help but laugh with him. His laughter was addictive.

“So you ready to go to Cali?” He asks me. “Yes, I am, but I’m afraid my mom might try and pull something while we are there.” I tell him. He looked me straight in the eye and said, “I won’t let anything bad happen to you Krystal. I promise.” He made me want to literally cry. Whenever I was with him, he made me feel so special. If only I had met him sooner. Then I wouldn’t be such a failure. “What’s wrong Krystal?” He asks me. “Its really nothing Dahvie.” I tell him, walking slowly onto the bus. He left me alone after that.

~Two Days Later In San Francisco, CA in the AT&T Park Lot A.~

I was getting bored of running the merch table. I just told myself that it was because I was getting used to it. All of a sudden, I felt my hair being yanked back. “Hello my little bitch.” It was my mother. She had a devilish grin on her face, like I was in a lot of trouble. Blood On The Dance Floor was still performing so Dahvie wouldn’t be able to help me. “What do you want?” I ask her, through gritted teeth. “Oh nothing much. Just your little boyfriend to watch as you get ripped out of his life.” She says. I know I gave her a confused look and she yelled, “Dahvie!” in to my ear.

I laughed at her. “Me? Date Dahvie Vanity? Mother you are insane.” I say. If I only I really was dating him. “Oh, so he wouldn’t really miss you all that much then.” She says. I swallowed, looked at my watch, and sighed. They were getting off stage now. He would be over here as soon as he got off. He always was. What if he didn’t come this time though? I’d have to sit back and wait patiently I guess.

~Dahvie’s P.o.V.~

I walked off stage and there was a girl over to the side. She started hugging me like crazy. I tried to push her off, but nothing worked. “What do you want?” I ask her. I needed to get over to Krystal. “Oh, nothing much.” She says looking me directly in the eye. She had Krystal’s eyes. I started thinking. Krystal showed me a picture of her mother and her sister, and this was definitely Kerri. “Get off me now!” I say. “Oh, hell no Dahvie. You are not running over to protect my stupid sister. Even if you get over there, mom should already have her in the car and driving off.” She says to me.

OK, so I knew it was against the rules to “touch” the fans without their own permission, but I needed this little twerp off of me. I punched her in the face, and she let go. I think I might have knocked her out, but I really didn’t care. I ran over to the merch table and seen Krystal’s mother holding her by her hair. “Oh nothing much. Just your little boyfriend to watch as you get ripped out of his life.” Her mother said. Did she think we were dating? “Dahvie!” Krystal’s mother had yelled. Knowing Krystal, she had pulled off a confused look on her face.

“Me? Date Dahvie Vanity? Mother you are insane.” She says to her. My heart sunk in my chest when she said. She didn’t like me at all did she? Or was she trying to play something off? “Oh, so he wouldn’t really miss you all that much then.” Her mother says. She swallowed and looked down at her watch. “Hell yeah I’d miss her! She’s like my best friend!” I yell at her mother. Her mom smiled when she finally seen me. “I can’t believe you Krystal! He isn’t even that cute!” She yells at her. Her mother then kicks her in the ribs and then waits for my reaction.

My reaction was to flail out at her. I had no clue what I was doing, but I didn’t want her hurting Krystal. I got one good hit in, then her mother grabbed me. She looked into my eyes and smiled. “And you like her back.” She says. I spat in her face. It was the best I could do. “You little faggot!” She yelled at me, letting go of my wrists. I kneed her in the stomach and went over to Krystal. She had passed out. Her mother had kicked her so hard, that her ribs were probably broke. “Krystal? Krystal don’t die on me!” I yell at her. "I think I love you." I whisper in her ear. She probably couldn't her me, cause she knocked out cold, but at least I technically admitted it to her.

Her mother came back around, and tried to punch me, but Jayy stopped her. “Dahvie, what the hell is this?” He asks me. “Jayy, meet Krystal’s mom. Isn’t she wonderful.” I say in the most sarcastic voice I could. “What’s wrong with Krystal? Security!” He yells. “Her mother kicked her in the ribs. We have to get her to a hospital.” I say to him. Security came over and escorted Krystal’s mom out of the area. I also informed them that there was another one that attacked me. After they were gone, I picked Krystal up and ran to the front desks.

“I really need a taxi or something!” I yell at the person working the tickets. She gave me a strange look then looked down at Krystal. She understood after that. She got her phone out and called an Ambulance. About twenty minutes later they arrived, strapped her on a gurney and placed her in. “I want to go with her!” I say to them. “What are you to her?” The paramedics asks me. I had no clue what to say, but “Boyfriend.” came out of my mouth. After that I got into the ambulance, and we were rushed to the hospital.
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ok, so its short compared to the other chapter and all... Umm... I don't really care for this chapter. I mean at all. its horrible. Tomorrow will be my last day to update this story, then I have to start preparing for vacation. Sorry. And the title is all from botdf song Death To Your Heart, which is exactly what Krystal's mother wanted.