Believe in Me

Ch. 6 Fantasyland

~Krystal’s P.o.V.~

The last thing I remember was my mother kicking me in the ribs, and a faint voice telling me that they thought they loved me. I held onto those words as I slipped into the darkness. I was so cold. I felt a stabbing pain on my right side. Where my mother had kicked me. Eventually at some point, I felt a warming through my whole body. Morphine, which meant I was in a hospital.

I had had horrible dreams, and then some that were like a fantasy. I remember one very well. It was a blissful dream, that I wish had never gone away. It was such a strange dream though. The reason I mainly remember it is, because I was with Dahvie. He was always with me in the dream. Always telling me that he loved me.

I remember it starting off like this: I was walking through a field of flowers when Dahvie popped up in the middle of no where and kissed me. He tasted so good to me in the dream. “I love you.” He whispers in my ear, and then runs off. I chases after him as the scenery began to change. We were in some kind of candy land. Everything looked delicious. I found Dahvie eating a lollipop that looked exactly like the one on his Candyland song cover with Jayy. I laughed at him for a second. Then stopped.

‘What kind of dream is this?’ I asked myself. I really didn’t care as long as I was with Dahvie, even if it was just a dream. “Dahvie, I love you.” I tell him. He looks up from his lollipop and smiles at me. “As do I, my little honeybun.” He says to me. I smiled and went over and kissed him. The dream had went on like this for what seemed to me hours, and through it, I enjoyed it as long as I could.

Then there was one that makes me cringe if I think about it for too long. I had been walking around until I had come upon a body. It was Dahvie’s body all covered in blood. He had a sword sticking up through his back. I had screamed and tried to go to his body, but it was like a never ending hallway. I just couldn’t get to him. I had eventually gave up trying to get to him, and sat down and cried. It was such a horrible dream. If I ever got out if these never ending dreams, I was going to tell Dahvie that I loved him.

~Dahvie’s P.o.V.~

I had stayed with Krystal every minute since she had been hurt. The doctor had informed me that he had given her some medicine that would help her with her pain, but would also cause her to sleep for three of more days. He had also told me that she had three broken ribs and couldn’t do anything once she was out of the hospital. I nodded at him when he told me. Its been three days now since she was hurt.

Blood On The Dance Floor had to drop out of Warped Tour. We informed the fans that we would be having our own solo tour to make it up to them. Jayy was staying on the bus as we waited for Krystal to wake up. The rest of the band had went back to their places in Arizona. Jayy would never leave me alone. He was always there for me no matter what. That’s why he’s my best friend.

“Krystal, please wake up soon. I have something to tell you.” I whisper to her. I was crying again. I couldn’t help it. It just wasn’t right without Krystal. She always made my day so much easier and better. I felt her sheets tighten up, and looked up at her. She was smiling at me. “What would that be my Dahvie?” She asks. I smiled at her and continued to cry. This was it. I was going to tell her.

“Krystal DiAna Simms, I love you.” I whisper to her. She smiled at me and mumbled something softly and then started to cry. “Why are you crying?” I ask her. “Because I’ve never been loved by anyone except my father.” She says to me. I get up and lightly kiss her on the head. She lifted her hands up to my face, and smoothly grazed my cheek. I could tell it hurt her to do even just that little movement, so I didn’t want to put her in anymore pain. “Rest now Krystal. Please?” I tell her.

“In a minute. I want to do one thing before I fall asleep again.” She says, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me in for a kiss. I kissed her as gently and kindly as I could. OK, so sure, I had kissed plenty of girls, and done a lot of other things, but this kiss was just wow. That’s all I can really say. Wow. “I love you, Dahvie.” She says to me, drifting back to sleep. I smiled as I watched her sleep. She was so beautiful. ‘Wait, what did this mean?’ I thought to myself. I ignored it and went back to my seat. I had finally been able to sleep that night. And it was all due to Krystal. I was so glad she was OK. Well as OK as she could be.
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ok, since the other chapter was so short, I decided to type up the next one. Hope you liked it : ] comments would be wonderful!!! lol, but again hope you liked it and are ejoying the story.

Also title comes from botdf's song Fantasyland, which is on their newest cd Evolution. Reason I know this? Is because I printed off the lyrics yesterday after I signed up for the botdf mailing... I know I'm a little strange.