
We're Orphans

I woke up in the hospital. I was extremely confused. I looked around the room and spotted Erick in a chair by my side, but he was asleep. Daniel and Hunter were too asleep on chairs by the wall.

"Erick," I whispered. He began to stir and soon his head came up.

"Kirbie, you're alright," he said kind of relieved, but I could tell that something else was wrong by the look on his face.

"Yeah, where are Mom and Dad?" I asked a little confused.

"They didn't make it," he whispered.

"So that makes us orphans?" I asked.

"Yes," his voice cracked.

"Erick, I know we have a place to live. We won't be separated," I said trying to comfort my older brother.

"We do, with aunt Hailey and uncle Aaron," he said.

"They will take good care of us," I said being strong, though on the inside I was dying.

"Kirbie, I see you are awake," said a man in scrubs.

"Yeah, do you mind telling me what happened?" I asked.

"Well, you hit your head and you went into a small coma. You don't have any broken bones, unlike your brothers and sister," the doctor said. I looked directly at my still sleeping siblings in chairs and noticed that they both had a broken arm. I then turned toward Erick and waited for what he broke.

"I have a broken leg," he said. I looked over the edge of the bed and saw he had a cast on his ankle.

"So there is nothing wrong with me?" I asked the doctor.

"No, you just hit your head a little too hard," he said.

"When do I get to leave?" I asked.

"You all can leave when somebody comes to pick you up," he said before leaving the room. My brother and sister were soon awake and we were all talking and crying about our loss. That was until our aunt and uncle showed up.

"Children," Hailey said.

"Aunt Hailey," I said smiling. She always was my favorite. Though she and uncle Aaron never had children.

"How are you all?" she asked.

"Could be better," I said shrugging.

"I know this is a horrible time for all of you," she said.

"Children," Uncle Aaron said walking in.

"Aaron!" I smiled.

"You are our guardians?" Hunter asked.

"We are," Hailey said.

"Cool!" Daniel said.

"Can we leave now?" I asked.

"Yeah, you are all signed out," Uncle Aaron said. I wanted to leave here so bad that I almost jumped out of the bed, ready to get out of this place.