

It has been a week and we are moving into our aunt and uncle's house with them. We packed everything in our house and we're ready to go. We are going to hold a garage sale to sell some of our unneeded things. The house will go on the market soon after.

"Ready to go to your aunt and uncle's house?" Mason asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said.

"I will visit you as much as possible," he said.

"You better. I'll only be forty minutes away. You could even stay with us," I said.

"I'll do it when I have free time from the farm," he said.

"Good," I said.

"I have something for you before you leave," he said.

"What is it?" I asked excited.

"Well, it is at my house. We will head over there after we pick up some ice cream. I promise you will love it," he said.

"Fine," I said, hoping he would change his mind and tell me what it is, but I know how entirely stubborn he is with surprises.

"Let's go," he said grabbing my hand.

"What about telling my family?" I asked.

"I already talked to them about this and they love the gift that I have for you," he said.

"Wait, they all know what it is?" I asked, getting a little upset. I hate when everybody is in the loop and I'm the only one that doesn't know anything.

"Yes, but nobody will tell you," he said. I began to pout.

"Kirbie, stop it. We should go," he said. I grabbed my purse and we were on our way.

"Okay," I said following him. We got in his truck and were on our way. As we drove 'Ours' by Taylor Swift came onto the radio. It was mine and Mason's song. I sang along while holding his hand as we drove to dairy queen.

"I love your voice," Mason said.

"Thanks," I said. I knew I could sing. I just don't utilize my talent often.

"It is very beautiful," he said, making me blush. He has said this many times, but I blush every time.

***15 minutes later***

We have our ice cream and we are on our way toward his house. Mason lives about twenty minutes from my parents' house, on a huge farm.

"Your surprise is in my room," he said.

"Kirbie, nice to see you," Tanya, Mason's mom, said.

"You too, Mrs. Aschebrooke," I said.

"My dear, how many times do I have to tell you, Mrs. Aschebrooke, is my mother-in-law, would you please call me Tanya," she all but begged.

"I will try to remember, Tanya," I said.

"Thank you," she said.

"Mom, we're gonna go up to my room and hang out for a little while," he said.

"Okay, keep the door open," she said. Mason rolled his eyes at her and led me up to his room. When we got to the top of the stairs he told me to close my eyes and I complied. He guided me to his room. When we were close enough he stopped me and opened the door.

"Keep your eyes closed," he reminded me. I just covered them with my right hand to be sure. We went into his room and I heard him shut the door and move around the room a bit.

"Kirbie, you can open your eyes," he said. I opened my eyes and saw the cutest little puppy that I had ever seen.

"Mom, said that you could have her. She said that she didn't know what to do with the puppy because she was having troubles selling them," he said.

"She is so cute, but you didn't have to do this," I said picking her up. She is so tiny! Now, I have a pet of my own. I've always wanted a pet!

"You needed her. There is no doubt that she will be good for you. She will help you cope. What do you want to name her?" he said. I had to think about that. What would I name her? She is a chocolate and tan Miniature Pinscher.

"I'm not sure yet. I've always liked the name Kylie," I said.

"Then Kylie it is," Mason said. I smiled and kissed him. He is really one of the sweetest guys that I have ever met in my entire life.

"Let's see if it works," I said putting her down accross the room.

"Kylie, come here baby girl," I said. She stayed where she was.

"Try again," Mason said. So I did.

"Kylie, come, Kylie," I said. She came toward me. She seemed happy.

"She loves you already," Mason said. I smiled down on my little puppy as I held her. This is possibly the best gift thar I have ever received from anybody.