Status: FINISHED. Stored away for the perusal of future readers, past readers, or ME, whenever I need a break from the sixth season and all that is Soulless Sam!

I'm Not Strong Enough to Stay Away

False Pretense

“Ya did what?!” Ella yelped, staring at me in shock with her mouth wide open.

“Well, not everything…” I said sheepishly. “I didn’t tell him about my powers or anything. Just… everything else.” I grinned and shrugged, feeling like a scolded child.

“So how’s he think your dad died?” she asked, still sounding angry.

“He doesn’t. I told him I ran away,” I replied calmly.

“And… he knows what John did? He knows that he killed Greg?” Ella asked, this time quietly, staring down at her hands. I knew that she was hiding tears.

“Yeah, he does. And he apologized repeatedly for it to the point where I had to tell him to shut up. And… I think… I think I forgave him, Elle,” I admitted, and as I said it, I knew it was positively true. “With that pathetic, vulnerable puppy face staring at me, it would’ve been hard not to.” I couldn’t help but smile, thinking about that face. “You were right,” I added. “He may be John’s son, but he’s definitely not John.”

“Glad ya realized that,” Ella said, smiling appreciatively.

“Now, Dean, on the other hand…” I trailed off, cursing him internally. “How’s his nose, by the way?” I asked, grinning mischievously.

“Completely shattered and swollen so much ya’d think he got hit with a Stingin’ Jinx,” she told me, shaking her head in disappointment.

“Excellent,” I replied, grinning widely and bouncing up and down on the bed. I may have forgiven Sam—I actually kind of liked him—but Dean would have to do a lot to make me even consider forgiving him.


Sam and Dean had placed a call to Bobby Singer, an older hunter who I’d only ever heard of, never met. He told them that the swamp monster could be killed with fire, of course, and if they’d taken the time to think with their upstairs brains for once, they’d have figured it out on their own, the idjits. I liked this man already.

He also knew who we were. “Greg Harken’s kid?” he’d asked. “She still with that other one?” By “other one,” I’d guessed he meant me. “Garideth, that’s her name, right? Kinda hard to forget a name like that.”

To which Dean had muttered, “Hard to forget a fist like that, too.” He hadn’t planned on Bobby hearing that, however.

“She decked ya?” Bobby had asked, laughing. “I gotta meet this kid. I like her already.” And then Dean hung up on him, grumbling about how no one was ever on his side.

I loved the way he acted around me, walking on eggshells, like he was scared I’d punch him again at any moment. I must admit, I really enjoyed that, milking it a little, like suddenly jumping at him with my hand clenched into a fist. It made Sam crack up every time, which only added to Dean’s annoyance and to my good mood.

We went back to the swamp that night, each of us armed with a homemade blowtorch and a flare gun. We split up into two groups: Ella and Dean, and Sam and me. I wasn’t too happy with this situation—nothing against Sam or anything—I was just used to working with Ella, and only Ella, and when she’d suggested she pair up with Dean and I with Sam, it kind of annoyed me. 'How can she stand to be around him?'

“So, are we still good or are you gonna have another random mood swing and punch me?” Sam asked warily, but with a slightly joking tone.

“We’re good,” I assured him, smiling in what I hoped was an encouraging way. He returned the smile warmly.

Suddenly, loud footsteps thundered, shaking the ground, and we both turned and saw the swamp monster galumphing toward us. We simultaneously lifted our flare guns, hoping to stop it before it got near enough to touch us. Sam shot his and it set the monster on fire instantly, but it kept coming so I shot, too. The monster slowed a bit, but still came at us.

Just as Sam raised his blowtorch, the creature swung at him, sending him flying, then turned to me. I ducked its outstretched arms and lit my blowtorch, grinning satisfactorily as the swamp monster immediately went up in flames and exploded, then I grimaced in disgust as the pieces rained down on me. I wiped the remains from my face as I went to check on Sam.

“Now it’s my turn to ask,” I said, helping him up. “You okay?”

He chuckled and said, “Yeah, thanks.”

“Sammy!” Dean yelled in his deep voice, and I saw his and Ella’s flashlight beams coming toward us.

“I love that he calls you Sammy! I think I’m gonna start calling you that. It’s cute, like a chubby twelve year old,” I joked, and he glared at me, but the force of it was lessened by the fact that he looked like he was trying not to laugh.

“You get him?” Dean asked Sam as they reached us.

“No, Gari did,” Sam corrected, grinning sheepishly. “I got thrown into a tree…”

Dean stared at me for a minute, then forced out, “Thanks.” He avoided looking at me, staring at the muddy ground instead.

“Don’t strain yourself, sweetie,” I teased him. “And you’re welcome.”

“Hey, Dean…” Sam said hesitantly.


“…I lost my shoe…” Sam looked down dejectedly, and sure enough, he was missing a shoe, his sock covered in swampy muck.

He glanced back up shamefully, and my heart melted into a little puddle. I even heard Ella say, “Aw!” quietly and when I looked at her, her hands were over her mouth and she was gazing at him as one would gaze at an especially adorable puppy. 'He does remind me of a puppy,' I thought. 'That’s so not fair! He shouldn’t be allowed to be that adorable.'

Dean sighed in exasperation, then huffed, “Again? Sammy, you didn’t even lose a lucky rabbit’s foot this time!” Sam looked down again and it was all I could do not to hug him and never let him go.

Thankfully, I was able to restrain myself when I noticed how dirty Dean’s clothes were. “What happened to you, fall in the water again?” I smirked. He scowled and walked away, Ella following after him and shooting me a reproachful glare. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in exasperation, laughing a little at her attitude.

“She’s kinda obvious,” Sam commented suddenly, and I nodded in agreement.

“And he’s kinda clueless,” I added.

“That’s not like him.”

“First time for everything. Let’s see how this unfolds, shall we?” Sam laughed and nodded, and I grinned. “Now, c’mon, Cinderella,” I teased. “We gotta get you home before midnight!” He glared at me and I laughed at my own joke, then he reluctantly joined in.

As we followed Dean and Ella out of the swamp, I couldn’t help but realize just how much Sam was growing on me. 'Stop it, Gari,' I reprimanded myself. 'He may not be like John, but that doesn’t mean it’s cool to staring having feelings for him!'


“I made out with Dean,” Ella said suddenly as we were driving to the next hunt.

Unfortunately, I had just taken a big gulp of water and happened to do a spit take all over the dashboard. “You did what?!” I spluttered, wiping my mouth.

She shrugged ashamedly and stared at the road. “S’not a big deal,” she defended lamely.

“Not a big—what?!” I exclaimed. It isn’t a big deal that she locked lips with the son of her father’s killer, who happens to be exactly like his dad?! “How on Earth is this not a big deal?!” I asked, totally astonished.

“It was just one kiss!” Ella protested. “…that lasted a bit longer and got a bit hotter than I expected…” she added quietly.

I gaped at her in disbelief, at a complete loss for words. “When did this happen?!” I managed finally.

She fixated on the road ahead with an extreme amount of concentration. I glared at her expectantly and she finally caved. “After ya punched him… right after I got out of the shower… I had clothes on, though!” she added hurriedly, glancing at me in panic, then looking back at the road.

I was furious. “Even after he said that to me?!” I almost yelled. “Did he tell you why I punched him?!”

“Yeah…” Ella said hesitantly.

“But you still did it?!”

“Gari, please! I’m sorry!” she whined. “I dunno what came over me! One minute, I was helpin’ him stop his nose from bleedin’, and then it stopped, and the next minute, well… I dunno how it happened!” She looked at me with tears in her eyes and I suddenly thought of Sam and his puppy dog eyes.

I shook my head rapidly to clear it, then looked away from Ella. I know she’s boy crazy, but Dean?! I thought disbelievingly. After everything?!

However, I had basically already forgiven her—she was Ella, after all—I just wanted her to realize how wrong her actions were. Acting angry was the only way she’d learn her lesson. “Remember our motto, Ella?” I asked her, and she nodded, looking relieved that I was no longer acting angry.

“No attachments!” she recited loudly. “Just salt, sex, and single-malt whiskey!”

“Atta girl,” I praised, grinning. “So say no to Dean, okay? And any other assclown like him.”

Ella nodded eagerly. “So… does this mean I’m forgiven?” she asked, imploring me with wide, innocent blue eyes.

I pretended to think about it for a minute, then said, “Well, I suppose…” A bright smile lit up her baby face at my words. “On one condition.”

Her face fell a bit. “And what’s that?” she asked warily.

“Promise me you won’t do it again.”

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” Ella promised, doing the actions as well, then giggling to herself.

I sighed. 'Yeah, right,' I thought. 'Let’s see how long it’ll last.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback, please? :}

(Chapter name from "False Pretense" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)