It Started with a Sad Song (The Diary of Bo)

25 facts about Me
1) My name is Bolinda Linda Johnson.
2) I call myself Bo.
3) I am fourteen as of today, June 11th, 2006.
4) My birthday is April 23rd, which is shared with Shakespeare and Michael Moore.
5) Shakespeare also died on my birthdate. (ironic how one can die on their birthday, no?)
6) I am 5'2" and have tan skin, bright blue eyes, and black hair.
7) I am Filipino, Latino, and English (as in England).
8) I have a mother.
9) I have a step dad.
10) I have a younger half-sib named Audrey.
11) I've lived in London less then two weeks ago.
12) I have just been dragged off to an Irish town called Dublin.
13) I enjoy drawing, reading, and being with friends.
14) I have no friends in this new town (as of yet).
15) I read novels. Not silly old magazines.
16) I don't think highly of my drawings. Others beg to differ.
17) I am the child constantly pushed into the lockers at school.
18) I am a freshman in Lynn-Parker High School.
19) I eat lunch alone.
20) There are very many things I wish too try.
21) Unfortunately, I am too timid to do so,
22) I dislike school very much.
23) Mostly because I am an utter recluse (at least, that's what my step father says about me (in joking of course))
24) If you noticed before, I called myself a child seven lines up inside this blue and purple cover.

25) And before this diary is full, I intend on becoming an adult.