Status: Still writing and going to summer school to prepare for college updates when I can:)

Surprises of Life

Chapter 2

I took my bonnet off as I walked inside. I walked upstairs to begin packing. I packed the clothes that I hardly wear. I looked around my room deciding on a few smaller items I wished to take with me. I sighed and looked out the window, thinking of the first time I had done so. It had been four years ago, a mere six months after my father had died of pneumonia. I had just me my uncle and he’d given me this room. Tears came to my eyes, as they always did, when I thought of my father.

My father had been the only family I had ever known. He had never mentioned my mother and I had never asked. He was always pretty relaxed with me. Daddy taught me how to run the farm so I could take care of myself should anything happen to him. Of course Dr. Roberts wouldn’t allow me to live on the farm after he died. He didn’t believe it to be safe. I stood when there was a knock on my door. “Yes?” I said automatically, I smiled as the door opened and revealed five year old Amanda. A young orphan girl I found while I was taking a walk. She was only six months old when I found her. I had brought her home and started training her to be a servant. I was also teaching her to read and write and do arithmetic. “Hello, Amanda how are you?”

“I’m good, Miss Alexa. Your mother would like to see you in the parlor.”

“Thank you Amanda. Have you been studying while I was away?” I asked walking down the stairs with her.

“Yes, ma’am, not as often as you would like but we’ve been pretty busy. Miss, may I ask you a question?”

“Of course,”

“I’ve heard that your uncle is going to free us instead of taking us. Is that true?”

“Yes, it is,” I frowned, “You’re too young to live by yourself. You’re like my daughter, and I’m not going to leave you here defenseless. Amanda make sure you are ready to go when we are.”

“Yes, miss, and thank you, Miss Alexa.”

“It’s no problem sweetie,” I leaned over and hugged her. “Now, you can go back to your chores. I want you to stay with me tonight, just like when you were little.”

“Yes, miss. Also Mr. Luc is talking to your uncle right now.” She added slyly.

“Thank you, Amanda and remember what I told you about eavesdropping.” I told her as she ran off. I walked into the parlor and sat down next to my mother. “You wished to see me Mother?”

“Yes, your uncle has spoken to Dr. Roberts and they moved up the date of our departure. They believe it would be more prudent to leave on Friday.”

“Yes, ma’am. I need to speak with you about Amanda. She’s too young to be set free and I did say that I would take responsibility for her. She’s like my daughter. I would like to take her with us. She’ll be my responsibility.”

“Well we had planned to give her freedom and leave her with one of the others. Although she does hang on you. She may come but we will still give her the freedom she deserves.”

“Thank you Mother. If that’s all I should go pack the rest of my things.”

“The Roberts will be joining us for supper so please try not to be late.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I curtsied and left the room. “Nancy, when Amanda is done with her chores please send her to me.”

“Yes miss, I will.”

“Thank you,” I ran up the stairs and continued packing my clothes. I packed the few extra things that I wanted to take with us. I had just closed my trunk when there was a knock on my door. “Come in,” I called out and the door opened. “Hello, Amanda,”

“Hello, Miss Alexa, Mr. Luc would like to speak with you. Would you like to speak to me later?”

“No, you can both come in,” Amanda walked in followed by Luc. “Good afternoon, Luc,”

“Good afternoon, Alexa,”

“Amanda, my mother said that you will be given your freedom but you are going to come with us. We are leaving on Friday. I want you packed and ready to go by Wednesday. The others are leaving tomorrow so when they leave I want you to bring your things up here.” I looked up at Luc really quick before turning back to Amanda. “What I don’t need my mother’s permission on is the one thing I need your permission for. Would you like me to become your mother? Do you want me to adopt you?”

“Yes, please, Miss Alexa.”

“Okay, I’ll go tomorrow and see what needs to be done for it. I’ll also speak to my uncle. Now please go and pack your things.”

“May I call you Mama?” Amanda asked shyly.

“Yes, of course,”

“Thank you, Mama,” she hugged my legs and ran out of the room. I laughed and looked at Luc.

“Are you sure you want to be a mother? It’s a lot of work, Alexa.” He asked looking at me with wide eyes.

“I’m sure. I’ve been Amanda’s mother for almost four years now. I named her and I’ve raised her. It’s been torture going away to school and leaving her here.”

“I know. I want to ask you something. Would you like to go on a chaperoned walk with me?”

“I would love to. Was this what you were talking to my uncle about?” I asked smiling.

“Yes, and he said I could court you,” he looked down at his feet, glancing up at me from under his eye lashes. “If you want to court me that is. I’m not going to force you or anything.”

“Luc, I do want to court you. Can you court me knowing that I’m going to be a mother. It’s a shameful thing having a child out of wedlock.”

“Well you are adopting so technically you haven’t had a child and I love Amanda. One more thing, I do intend on marrying you and when I do I want to adopt Amanda. I want to be Amanda’s Daddy.” He had a look of excitement in his eyes. “If we get married would you let me become Amanda’s father?”

I nodded. “Yes, I would, we would need to talk to Amanda. I don’t think she’ll have a problem though. I remember what she called you when she was three. She and just started working and she loved doing things for me. You had come over and she was told to tell me. She came into my room and said, ‘Mama, Daddy’s here,’ and ran out.” I laughed.

“She really called me, Daddy?” His voice husky with emotion.

“Yeah, it just means a lot to me. I used to come over all the time to see her while you were gone. The first time I came over I found her crying so I kept coming. I love her, Alexa.”

“Come on,” I took his hand and led him into the hall.

“Where are we going?” He asked quietly.

“To Amanda’s room, no matter what happens between us you are Amanda’s father. She needs to know that. Tomorrow you and I are going to become legal parents.” I explained leading him down Amanda’s hallway.

“Are you sure, Alexa?” He squeezed my hand.

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation. I knocked on Amanda’s door. She opened the door and gasped.

“Mama, I’m not done packing yet, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, baby girl. I just wanted to bring Luc down here because we have a question for you. May we come in?” She nodded and stepped back. I walked in and Luc followed.

“Amanda,” Luc started before taking a deep breath. “Mama told me about the time you called me Daddy.”

“I’m sorry if I offended you, sir.” Amanda said quickly.

“No, you didn’t. I was just wondering if you wanted me to be your daddy? I would very much like you to be my daughter.”

Amanda screamed and jumped into Luc’s arms. He held her automatically but he stared at me obviously shocked. Amanda leaned back and looked at Luc. “Are you really going to be my Daddy?” She asked quietly.

He nodded and she smiled hugging him again. He curled her into his chest. “Can I call you Daddy?” She whispered.

“Yes, Baby Girl, you can.” He smiled and kissed the top of her head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, so I've been editing as I type this so let me know if there is anything I can do. Thanks for everything you are the reason I write:)
