Status: Still writing and going to summer school to prepare for college updates when I can:)

Surprises of Life

Chapter 3

Luc and I helped Amanda finish packing. Amanda refused to allow Luc out of her sight and her grasp for very long. We filled her bag and she grabbed the doll that I’d given her for Christmas. She ran over to Luc who scooped her up. I grabbed her bag off the floor and we walked out. “We can drop the bag off in my room and then we need to go down for dinner.”

“Mama, I’m supposed to help make dinner.”

“It’s okay, Amanda. You don’t need to work anymore. Tonight and for the rest of your life you are going to eat with the family because you are family.”

“Okay, Mama,” she lay her head down on Luc’s shoulder. “Daddy,”

“Yes, baby?”

“Are you going to stay here with Mama and me?” Amanda whispered.

“No, I’m sorry baby. I won’t be staying with you,”

“Daddy, I want you to stay with me,” she whispered tears coming to her eyes.

“Well, on Friday when we leave I can stay with you. I promise Friday night I will curl up with you and you can stay with me all night.”

“Okay, Daddy. Can I sit next to both of you at dinner, please?” She looked between Luc and I almost scared of our answer.

“Yes, baby girl, you can.” I answered her. She smiled and put her head down on Luc’s shoulder again. We walked into the dining room together and our parents turned to look at us. My Mother walked over and pulled me aside.

“I agreed that you could take responsibility for her but this is going too far. Your uncle has not signed her freedom papers, she should be working.”

“Mother, Luc and I decided that we want Amanda to be our daughter. I’ve raised her for four years. She has always thought of Luc as her father. We just want to make it official. I’m adopting her and so is Luc. I’m seventeen and Luc is nineteen we don’t need permission to do this.” I walked over and said hello to Luc’s parents. I took Amanda from Luc and carried her over to the table. I sat her down, before sitting next to her. Everyone soon joined us. Luc sat next to Amanda, his parents across from us, my mother next to me and my uncle at the head of the table.

“Mr. Hoes,” Luc began as we dished ourselves food. “Do you know what we need to take with us so we can adopt Amanda?” His parents looked at him shocked. Mother had tipped my uncle off so he wasn’t surprised.

“Well, you would need her freedom papers and of course she would need to go with you.” He explained.

“Luc, do not do this, please,” his mother said. “Do you know what people would say about you adopting a five year old black girl? I personally will not condone it. If you adopt that girl you will need a new place to live. I will not have a black girl in my family.” Luc stared at her, shocked by what she said. Amanda got up and ran from the room. Luc and I stood up and I waved Luc down.

“You take care of this; I’ll go after her.” I ran out of the room. I looked around and saw her at the top of the stair case. I ran up after her. I found her in my room. She grabbed her bag and tried to push past me. “Amanda, where are you going?”

“Back to my room, I’m going with the others. No one wants me.” Tears streamed down her face.

“Amanda, I want you and so does Daddy. We love you Amanda.”

“It’s only causing problems, me going with you. I want to go with the others.” She said with fresh tears running down her face, and Luc walked into the room.

He walked over and knelt beside her. “Sweetie, I want you to forget what my mom said. I love you and I’d give anything to be your Daddy. I can take care of you Amanda. No one is going to change my mind about you. I promise.” Luc vowed. He and Amanda stared at each other for a minute, before Amanda nodded and walked into his arms. I sighed in relief. He looked at me over her head and gave me a small smile. Luc picked her up and rocked her slowly to sleep. He laid her down on my bed and covered her up.

“What are you going to do?” I asked him as we walked downstairs.

“I don’t know. My dad helped me buy a wagon and build up my savings this past year. I don’t have much but it’s enough to get all three of us through for a few months. We need to find out what your parents are going to do.” I nodded and we walked into the parlor.

“Where is she?” My Mother asked.

“Upstairs; asleep,” I replied. “What are you going to do about our decision?”

“We have decided that your uncle will sign her papers and you can have them. If you adopt her you will need to find a new place to live.” Mother answered slowly.

I looked at Luc before answering. “Alright, I’ll be out tomorrow. Am I allowed to take my bed or just my trunk?” They looked at each other before nodding.

“Just the bed; not the frame.” My uncle clarified.

“Same for you, Luc,” his mother cut in.

We nodded our thanks and stood up. “May I have her papers now, please?”

“Yes, right this way.” My uncle left the room with Luc and I said good night to everyone before going into the entryway to wait for Luc. I sat on the bottom stair. It wasn’t long until Luc walked out and I stood.

“Are you okay?” I asked and he nodded. He held out his hand and led me out to the porch when I took it.

“Alexa, one of the things I bought with the money I made is something I hope you will accept.” He bent down on one knee and I gasped. “Alexa Taylor Hoes will you marry me?” I nodded silently as tears blurred my vision. He slipped the ring on my finger and stood up to kiss my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. After a minute he pulled back and looked at me. “I’m going to put my bed in our wagon and I’ll be by to pick you and Amanda up in the morning.”

“I can’t wait.” He kissed my cheek again before walking down the steps.

“Tell Amanda I love her when she wakes up in the morning. Alexa, I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I watched him go before going upstairs and changing into my night clothes and crawling into bed and snuggling with my daughter.
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Sorry it's been so long. Let me know what you think:)
