Sequel: Ours Now....
Status: All done!

Ours Then....

Day 12

Ours Then….

Day 12
You’re terrible at keeping secrets, you know that? I’m always surprised if you can even wait until the actual holiday to give me my gift. Like right now, you’re trying to hide the fact that you’ve got flowers underneath your jacket on the seat next to you as we wait at the airport. I can actually go to this away game. You’re adorable, Golden Boy.

After the meet, my team made me do my birthday swim, as it was the last time I would be with them as a team until the following summer. Doing my last lap of butterfly (the worst stroke known to man), I thought about you coming here. (Thinking back to it, I think it is one of the two secrets that you have successfully kept from me.) It was a really sweet thing to do, but considering the fact that I would have seen you the following week, it was a little odd.

And of course, Noah had to point it out to me too. Noah Santa was, and still is, the bane of my existence. He had gotten it into his fool head that I had a ‘thing’ for him. Me having a ‘thing’ for him couldn’t be farther from the truth.

“So your boy Sidney coming all of a sudden is kinda weird, huh?” he asked as we packed up our bags from the grassy area where we all waited for our events.

I sighed turning to him with my hands on my hips. “No, it’s not.” That was a lie. “So my boyfriend came to surprise me for my birthday, I think it’s awesome! And you should mind your own business.”

“Aw, Roarin’ Rory tryin’ to prove herself wrong? That’s so cute,” he laughed brushing shoulder that was bare, seeing as I had shrugged my arms out of the straps.

I stepped back and bumped into someone. You. “Hey, there, Golden Boy.”

“Hey, babe,” you said not looking at me. Your eyes were glaring evilly at Noah. “Stay away from her. She can make her own decisions about me. And you better not touch her again.”

Now, I’m pretty feminist. And if it had been anyone else but you talking about me like that, I would have slapped them silly. But you were different.

Noah shrugged, but you could see a flicker of fear pass through his eyes. “Whatever, dude. You be careful, Rory.” He walked away in search of his ride.

“I really don’t like him,” you said handing me my hoodie to put on over my damp bathing suit.

“That makes two of us,” I sighed linking hands with you.

You grabbed my duffel and we walked away, in search of our own ride.

Late that night, you and I had just come in from sitting in the backyard, catching up. Sitting down at my desk to check my email, I saw I had an unread text on my cell. Opening it, I saw it was from Noah. I had given him my number before I realized how weird he was.

New Message from Noah: You might want to check this article out about your boy Sidney…..

He had sent me the web address. I really was tired, but my curiosity won out. As the web site loaded, I thought about what the article could be.

I gasped when I saw then headline. ‘Sidney Crosby to play for Rimouski Oceanic’. Shit.

New Message from Noah: So I’ll take your silence to mean that you’re reading the article. Right?

New Message to Noah: Yeah. I did.

Rimouski Oceanic did not play anywhere near Shattuck-St. Mary’s. Hell, they didn’t even play in the same country. I was fuming, what hadn’t you told me?

Day 12 Over and Out!
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Oh, Sidney. When will you ever learn? So did any of you see this coming? What's Rory gonna do? More importantly, what's Sid gonna do? Only time will tell. Comment, lovelies, and tell me what's on your minds!