Sequel: Ours Now....
Status: All done!

Ours Then....

Day 14

Ours Then….

Day 14
I hate planes. Always have. At the moment, I’m trying to write this during takeoff. You’re sitting a few rows up, with Flower, while I sit in the back with Vero. You know I don’t like them and you keep glancing back. It’s cute.

It was the same way on the plane up to Cole Harbour. Except that time, we sat together. I had leaned my head back against the seat and shut my eyes.

“You okay?” you asked me in a whisper.

I nodded. “Just not a big plane person.”

“And yet you get on one multiple times a year to go to school,” you chuckled lightly. “Don’t worry. Everything’ll be fine.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I still don’t like them.”

You shrugged (or I’m assuming you did, my eyes were shut) and took hold of my hand. Your touch still sent shivers through my spine, like it always had. Come to think of it, I’d been getting that feeling since we met. It was one of the things that made me wonder how I hadn’t realized my true feelings for you.

Hours later, we were moving through baggage claim, looking for our ride.

“We’re going to have an awesome time. I found you a pool a few streets down from our house that you can use, since it’s your off season. And we can go down to the harbor and-,” you were rattling off things rather excitedly.

I cut you off with a peck to your lips. “Whatever we do will be fine. So long as we’re together.”

You beamed down at me and I blushed. Being with you was perfect and I didn’t know what I was going to do without you at Shattuck’s.

Day 14 Over and Out!
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Sorry for the fillerness! I liked the idea of her being afraid of planes for some odd reason. I think the next chapter will be them just spending their last days together and then things will get crazy. What are your thoughts so far? Let me know what's on your minds, lovelies! Drop me a comment!