Sequel: Ours Now....
Status: All done!

Ours Then....

Day 7

Ours Then….

Day 7
Calm down. You’re all going to make it to the Cup, I’m sure. Just a little more time of playing, and then you’ll be skating around the ice with the Cup. These playoff games are just formalities. We all know who’s going anyway. It’ll be you guys and Detroit, so that you can all beat Marion Hossa’s ass. Just saying. But see what I did there? I became the wonderful hockey girlfriend for a little bit, and then I threw in the whole beating Hossa. And I know what you would say, ‘You’re always a wonderful hockey girlfriend.’ Don’t lie. You and I both know that I can….slack a little bit when it comes to that. But you still love me anyway.

For a long time, we were a very happy couple. Towards the end of the year up at Shattuck’s, you were feeling under the weather, so I was left to go for a run on my own.

After 30 minutes of running all on my lonesome, I stopped and gave you a call.

“Hey,” you said hoarsely.

“Aw, is Golden Boy still sick?” I joked. But I really was concerned.

“You’re really funny, you know that?” you said back. I could hear you cough then, ew.

“You want me to swing by your dorm and talk for a little bit?” I offered. “I’ll bring stuff we shouldn’t be eating.”

“That would be great. Although, you don’t need to bring the ice cream,” you assured me.

“Too bad. I want ice cream. I’m going to go get some now. But I warn you, I just came from a run,” I warned. I hoped I didn’t smell terrible.

“Don’t care,” you said. “Just come, please.”

I laughed. “Okay. See you in a few.”

“Hey, Golden Boy,” I smiled entering your dorm. Jack was nowhere in sight, which surprised me.

“Hi, Rory,” you grinned. “It’s good to finally see you.”

I looked at the time on my phone. “So I ran to take a shower, oh well.”

“Ice cream?” you asked arching your massive eyebrows. They still are pretty big. You had this massive smile on your face.

I nodded and held up the bag and spoons. “Ben and Jerry’s Half-Baked.”

“You’re wonderful,” you laughed as you took a scoop of ice cream from the carton.

“I know. No need to tell me,” I laughed. “So how are you feeling?”

“Better,” you nodded. “Fever broke. I’ve just got this awful cough.”

“Oh, that reminds me. I grabbed you some of these,” I said reaching into the bag to pull out a pack of your favorite lemon cough drops.

“Hey, you remembered. Thanks, babe,” you smiled again taking the bag. “I’ll take ‘em to class tomorrow. Which reminds me, can you help me get a little caught up tonight? I’ve missed two days of school.”

“I could. But I can think of something better,” I giggled. Yeah, I was a giggler then, not so much now, but you know why.

“Oh really?” you laughed leaning in.

I kissed you then, but you pulled away quickly.

“I’ll get you sick,” you warned.

“Don’t care,” I shrugged.

You shook your head and laughed, but kissed me anyway. I guess I just have always had that effect on you.

Day 7 Over and Out!
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Ta-dah! Hope you liked it, although it was a filler. The next chapter will have an arguement, the following will have a reconciliation, and then it'll be their summer break. I've got a few surprises in store for that. So, yeah. Comment and let me know what your all thinking!