Finding the Truth


Anna sat quietly eating a piece of buttered toast, staring at the blank sheet of paper in front of her. She had so many questions but she wasn’t sure how to construct them onto paper. How exactly was she supposed to word this? Hi Rowle, I’d really love it if you could tell me who I am, the whole truth as to why you kept me hidden from the world and, the cherry on top, who are my parents and how did they die. She slammed her pen down in frustration and was crumpling her piece of parchment into a ball, when she noticed Hermione staring at her from the next table.

Her bad mood vanished instantly; she got up quickly to walk over to her table and sat down in front of Hermione, Harry and Ron. “Hi, I’m sorry I missed dinner last night but I was in Dumbledore’s office for quite a while.” She said, apologetically. Harry, Hermione and Ron just stared at her, “What? Do I have something on my face?” She asked, as she whipped her face of imaginary crumbs.

Before they could answer, Anna heard a voice to her right exclaim happily, “All right you made it in Gryffindor!” The twins sat down beside her and did a double take at her robes and said together in a confused voice, “Or Not?”

“Actually, I’m a Slytherin. It took the hat a while to decide but in the end that’s what he came out with.” She explained.

The smiles disappeared from their faces and there brown eyes turned cold. Anna turned to Hermione and asked in a voice filled with hurt, “Have I done something?”

Hermione hesitated but began slowly, “It’s not you, it’s just that the Slytherin’s are very bad people, Anna.”

“Surely they can’t be all bad?” She asked hopefully.

Fred scoffed next to her and in a hushed whisper explained, “Most of their parents were big supports of-“He was cut off as she suddenly felt herself being yanked up by her shirt collar.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Draco turned her to look at him and she could see the fury in his eyes.

Pushing his hands off her, she said feeling brave, “talking to my friends till you so rudely interrupted.”

“You are not to be friends these people.” He said, looking at each of them with disgust, he made to grab her arm and lead her away but she smacked his hand away.

“Really because I believe I already am and since when do you have any say in who I can and cannot be friends with, Draco Malfoy?” She asked, with genuine confusion. She could see Fred smiling out of her peripheral vision. She noticed that his hair was a slightly darker red then that of his brothers and he had a tiny scar on the side of his neck and she made a mental note to ask him about it later. “Because last I checked you are neither my father nor my brother so you have no say in what I do.”

She turned quickly to look at Hermione and asked, “Would you be able to show me to the library, I have a few things I need to look up?”

“Sure, I would love to.” She glanced at Draco as she got up, and Anna turned to leave but he quickly grabbed her arm.

“I swore to my father I would protect you.” He whispered quietly.
She looked at him with mock sympathy and said, “Awe sweetie, you say that like I should care.” She turned and left him standing there with a look of shock on his face.

“Kind of a pistol, isn’t she?” The twins said to him and he looked at them with disgust before walking away to sit at his table.