Finding the Truth

1981- Freaking Out


“Molly I need your help!” Remus called out as he walked into the burrow.

“Remus, stop shouting I just got Ginny to sleep.” Molly Weasley rushed down the stairs as her husband Arthur came out of the kitchen.

“Lupin, what happened?” Arthur asked, taking Katie from him. “Please have a seat and calm down.”

“I can’t sit. Enid came to my house last night and said that Voldemort was after her and she wanted me to take care of Katie but I told her I couldn’t do it because of my condition but she ran out while I was putting Katie to bed and what am I supposed to tell her when she’s old enough. I can’t provide for her if I can’t keep a job and no one wants to hire me, she gave me all the money she had because she didn’t think she would need it but that won’t last for long. Plus we went shopping today and the diapers I got are too small and the clothes are too big, she doesn’t want to eat anything I’ve made for her and full moon is in three days so I don’t know what I’m going to do about that.” Remus paced the room as he talked barely taking a breath.

Molly took him by the shoulders and sat him down at the kitchen table, “Ok first things first, these problems are easily fixable so take a breath.” Molly waited as he inhaled quickly. “Enid did what was best for her daughter; she wanted Katie to be brought up properly. She obviously didn’t trust her parents or Peter to do it so she picked the person she loves and trusts the most. And that’s what you’ll tell her when she’s old enough to understand.”

Remus nodded, “She said her parents are moving out of the country and Peter’s been acting weird so she didn’t trust him to put her first. And she didn’t want to burden you with another kids, she felt you have your hands full.”

“That’s crazy we would have taken her in a second, she is my niece after all.”

Remus got up quickly, “Great because I’m not made for this at all.”

“Sit down Remus.” Molly said firmly. Remus sat, “As for the clothes, she’ll grow I promise. Arthur and I have lots of diapers we will find some that fit. You can’t force a baby to eat; she’ll eat when she’s hungry enough.”

“That’s it?” Remus asked shocked.

“That’s it. Did Enid leave you a letter or anything, maybe some instructions?” Arthur asked quietly so he wouldn’t wake Katie.

“Just that she’s allergic to shellfish but I already knew that.” Remus stated.

“That’s good. So we need to be careful when preparing her food because that and peanut allergies are really fatal.” Molly said. “So are you calm now?”

“No. I still don’t have a job and have no prospects. I’m a 20 year old werewolf with no references so where do we go from here?” Remus asked wearily.

“You’re going to get a muggle job, they won’t be able to be able to contact the ministry so they won’t be able to find out you’re a werewolf.” Molly reasoned.

“What about my three day ‘illness’ a month? The wolfsbane potion can only do so much it’ll keep me from attacking her but it can’t stop the change.” Remus asked.

“Arthur and I will take her on those days. Three days a month is certainly not a burden.” Arthur nodded quietly from his chair.

Remus took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, “Remus you’ll both stay here tonight and we will find you a job tomorrow. I’ll try and get you something at the ministry; I’ve been working there for quite a few years so I should have some pull there.” Arthur offered.

“Thank-you Arthur, I love Katie and I would love to do this for Enid but I honestly don’t think this is what’s best for her.” Remus said, honestly.

“Arthur and I will be here for you every step of the way,” Molly said as she took Katie from Arthur. “I’m going to put her down in Ron’s room. I hope you don’t mind the couch Remus.”

“No, no, Molly, that’ll be great thank- you. I don’t know where I’d be without you both.” Remus said as she took Katie upstairs. “Thank-you Arthur, really.”

“It’s not a problem. You’re family and we’re there for our family. Always.”