This Watermelon Smile Will Ripin Cause Its Coming Out Of The Water

more broken bones and tears,

"ASHLYNN ROSAILE HULEY!!!" I herd my fathers voice boom.

"Uh oh" I herd Alex mubble as me looked at my arm. I looked downto see my cast unraveling.

"Shit" I mubbled I shot Alex a worried glance.

"Come on" He said as he helped me swim to the edge. I went to get out and Alex suported me at the waste but being the idiot i am i used my broken arm to houst myself up, earning a loud poping cracking noise.

"Ow..." I said as tears came to my eyes and I feel back into the pool, only for Alex to catch me.

"Just great" I herd daddy mubble as Alex now held me in his arms, and I griped his shirt.

"Pass her here" Daddy said as Alex held me up. I was passed from Alex to daddy, then daddy carried me to a pool chair.

"Supid" I herd Josh mubble and Hayley hit him.

Daddy took off the remander of my cast as Alex came over and sat behind me putting me between his legs holding me.

"EK!" I herd Ivy squeak as she looked at my wrist. I looked downto see a small buldge in my wrist, most likly the bone. The room stared to spin and tunnle in. I put my head back against Alex closeing my eyes. He put his head next to mine and kissed my neck.

"Dont look" He wisperd, and I nodded.

"We have to take her to the hosbital." Patrick said, being the most logical.

"In wet clothes? She'll catch a cold!" Ivy said.

"FIne Alex take herback to the room and both of you change and we'll get directions to the nearest hosbital." Daddy said rubbing his temples as he looked at my now almost black wrist.

"Alex it hurts" I told him as he helped me get dressed. He looked down at me and kissed my head.

"I know baby I know" I sniffled and carfully put my head on his chest. He carefully wraped his arms around me.

"Guys come on before it gets to late! We all have to be up tomarrow" I herd Daddy yell and pound on the door.

"Coming!" Alex yelled grabing two zip up hoddies and guiding me out the door.

"Come on its half hour away" Daddy said as we headed to the elievator.