This Watermelon Smile Will Ripin Cause Its Coming Out Of The Water

The uh oh is for real...

"She has what?" My dad asked as I layed down on the bed, Cast on one arm shirt pulled up.

"Right there"The doctor pointed to the screen. I grabed Alex's hand and bit my lip. I had the ultra sound pressed against my lower stomach. "It looks like a tumur."

"You've got to be kidding" Daddy said siting on the edge of my bed, putting his head in his hands.

"You wont know if its cancer or not untill you go to a doctor near you, unless your gonna be here for the next week" The doctor froze the screen and wiped the gel stuff off.

"We're goingon tour for 3 months" Daddy said, lifting his head up.

"Sir She mightnot have 3 months if its cancer and its not teated" My eyes swelled with tears. Alex took me in his arms, and held me close to him.

"Any suggestions on the best hosbital?"Daddy asked rubbing my lower leg.

"I personaly would go to Vegas, my friend Dr. Cramer Is the head oh the cancer center over there,"

"But it might not be cancer" Alex said holding me closer and kissing my head.

"I'm just saying..." The doctor trailed off. "Sir if you fallow me I'll give youthe number and we'll have youguys out of here before sun rise" Daddy leaned over kissing my head and walking over to the door.

I started to sniffle and hold in my sobs that where trying to escape. I would shake every 5 seconds trying not to cry.

"Shh its okay to cry babe" Alex said, I pulled back and looked into his eyes. He was hurt I could see it but alex Deleon was not one to cry infrount of others.

"Cancer Alex cancer!!!!!!!!!!" I started shaking with sabs, tears non stop.

"Shh baby shhh" He pulled me into his lap and held me close to him, trying to stop my sobs.
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another update soon i promise!