This Watermelon Smile Will Ripin Cause Its Coming Out Of The Water

I told them, daddy

"Babe I'm gonna go get a water bottle," I wihisperd in Alex's ear as he signed another fans paper.

"Be carefull," He turned around and Kissed me lightly.

"Awww" The line of Fans went as I blushed a deep red.

"You guys are so totally cute!' One fan said as she steped up to the table.

"Thanks," Alex said as He sighed her paper.

"Can I get a Pic? Of the two of you?" She asked waveing her camra. Alex looked back at me and made a why not face.

He stood up and turned to me. I looked up at him as if to say I dont wanna.

"Come here," He whisperd in a soft voice that made the fans aw again. "Just one picture" He said as I walked into his arms. He held me tight and kissed my head.

"Smile for the camra!" Cash said laughing as Alex turned our bodys to the fan.

"Carma's flashed as we stood. Me in his arms and him rubbing my back.

"How long have you been together!" A fan shouted.

"Yesterday!" Johnson yelled as I glared at him. Alex giggled and hugged me tighter leaning down kissing my cheek. I blushed and burried my head in his chest.

"Ash, stop being so shy!" Marshal said leaning back on his chair to look at us.

"Marshal shut up! At lest we can show our-"

"Shut your face"He said shooting me a death glare.

"Whats your name?" A fan from the line asked

"Ashlynn Hurley, as in Andy's daughter" Ian answerd signing another peice of paper.

"IAN!!!!" Alex yelled I broke away from him and ran to the stage were daddy and them were playing on.

"Peter!!!" I yelled seeing him first.Thank god he wasnt with his bass cause i jumped right into his arms, now sobbing.

"Woah Ash hun whats wrong?"He asked holding me in his arms as I cryed.

"They know pete they know! they know I'm daddy's! They know! Ian spilled it while I was hugging Alex!!!"

"Shit" I herd Pete mubble as he started to rub my back more. "Okay ummm Its gonna be okay"

"Famouse last fricken words Peter!"I yelled sobbing.

"Whats going on?" Daddy came over.

"They know" Pete said Daddy cursed and took me in his arms.

"Shh baby its okay, Daddy's gonna fix it all, daddy's gonna fix it all" He whisperd over and over.
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Will the pop's be all over her?