This Watermelon Smile Will Ripin Cause Its Coming Out Of The Water

stop the bitchn' I updated *lets fast forward some

It has now been two weeks aince I found out I have cancer.
All the bands have been informed.
I have been staying in the hosbital.
And I start my chemo today,
Daddy leaves tomarrow.
Ivy and Marshal will be my gaurdens.

"Okay Ashlynn" Dr.Taylor walked in, She was nice. She's only 20, and shes my main doctor here. "Ready for your first round of chemo?" I'm not gonna lie...I'm nurvous. Specaily cause I'm all alone. Daddy was sent home to rest. The boys were at an interview, and Ivy had to watch the kids.

"I'm ready" I said grabing my baby bear, that Pete had sentme, cause I left it on tour. Taylor helped me into a wheel chair and hooked my IV up.

"Lets go!" She wheeled me down some halls and into a big room. I was hooked up to everything and sat in a big confy chair.

"Where is everyone today?" She asked as She started the treatment.

"The boys have an interview at some radio thing...daddy went home to shower and rest...Ivy's with the kids" I said hugging my bear.

"Will you be okay in here by yourself?"She asked as she walked towards the door.

"Yeah I think I'm gonna try to sleep, haven't got alot of that lately" I said and she nodded. "Taylor?" She looked back "If anyone comes send them in ya?" she nodded and left.

I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Sweetie time to wake up"I herd Taylor say I opened my eyes and sat up from where I was leaning. "Your gonna feel really nause, and might get sick" I nodded as she helped me back into the wheel chair."When we get back to the room I'll give you some ainti nausa"She started to push me back to my room. We got closer and I saw People already sitting around my room.

"You have vistors" She smiled as she pushed me into the room. All the boys loungen around the room.Marshal I'm guessing went home to get daddy and Ivy and the childern.

"Hey" I said weakly as I was wheeled up to the bed. Alex came over and Lifted me up andon to the bed. Witch I thanked him.

"Okay heres a bucket if you can't make it to the bathroom, and I'll be right back with some ainti nausa," She looked up "And a new IV bag"She walked out of the room.

"How was the interview?" I asked as they all drug thier chairs over to the bed.

"It was okay same old same old" Alex said as He sat on the bed next to me. I sunggled into him.

"How do you feel babe?" Alex said raping me in his arms.

"I feel sick" I said putting my hand over my mouth, and bringing the bucket into my lap.

"Okay here ya go" Taylor came back into the room and replaced my bag and injected me with some white liquid.

"Where is everyone else?"I asked trying to ingore the contents of nothingin my stomach that wants to come up.

"Right here" Daddy said as they all walked into the room kids and all.

"Here aunt Ro" Sara said handing me 5 home made cards "Thier from me and the babies!" She sounded so happy.

"Thank you"
♠ ♠ ♠
short but sweet right?