This Watermelon Smile Will Ripin Cause Its Coming Out Of The Water

yeah i went there

"Well shes not looking so good," I over herd the dr talking to Ivy and Marshal one day. "While the tummor is slowly dyeing her body is slowly giving into the cancer at the same time." I watched as Marshal took Ivy in his arms and nodded saying he'd tell my father. I closed my eyes and let the weakness take over.

"Ash, Ash hunny wake up," I opened my eyes to see Ivy staring down at me with a small smile on her face. "Hi sweetie, you've been sleeping for a while now, the doctor would like to run a few test." I just closed my eyes again, as the bed started to move and I was wheeled away and i slowly lost my ablitly to stay awake again.

"I think our best bet is to try to remove it," My eyes slowly opened to find myself back in my room, I then noticed 4 new people in the room.

"Daddy?" I questioned with all my strength, all of thier heads snapped to me.

"Hi baby girl, daddys here" He said coming over and kissing my head.

"Why...why are you guys here?"I asked as all the guys said thier hellos.

"We cut tour short to be here with you, your gonna have surgry, to remove the tummur" I nodded not really understanding but still agreeing.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked slowly

"I'm gonna go call them now..." Pete said Kissing my head and walking out of the room to use his cell phone.

"Daddy? When can we go home? Live normal? So I can be with Alex?" I asked tears in my eyes.

"As soon as you get this'll beat this, and we'll go home and take Alex with us" I gave a small smile

"They're right down stairs, apperently they were gonna come anyway," Pete came back into the room."When's surgry?"

"Tonight" Daddy smiled down at me."THen we get to take you home" I smiled and rested back against the bed.

"We're here whats going on?" Ivy came running into the room fallowed by Alex who rushed over to me.

"Hi baby," He kissed my head.And thast when it happend, My stomach started to hurt really bad.

"Ash? You okay?" I herd daddy ask as I started crying.

"Alex remember I love you, I love you too daddy, guys, always remember me" I said crying more as the pain incresed and I felt myself falling.

"Ash? Ashlynn?" I herd Alex start to freak along with everyone else.

"Help! Please Help!" I herd Uncle Pete call.

"Ash, baby I love you please don't leave I" I felt a small kiss pressed to my lips before loseing it all together.

~ Alex's point of view~

I watched as she was wisked away into surgry.

"She'll be okay" I herd Pete tell Andy as they sat in a waiting room couch.

"Come on man all we can do is wait." CAsh told me hitting my shoulder.

"Guys I'm gonna go down to the church" I said before making my way to the levelator, Down to the last floor by the cafiteria held a small little church with candle's burning strong. I sat in one of the pue's and kneeled down, folding my hands.

~Ashlyn's point of view~

I opened my eyes to see a white room, I looked down to see myself and doctors around me, blood every where.

"You know...there's so many people that love you...It'd be a shame if you...ya know die" I looked to see a beautiful woman about 5foot6. Long flowly brown hair. MOst gorgous blue eyes.

"Who are you?" She looked at me.

"Oh I'm Norah, now if you come on we have loads to see." She took my hand and we were in the waiting room of the hosbital. I watched as my family sat there crying.

"Mommy? When is aunt Ro gonna come out? IS she gonna be okay?" I watched as Sara asked Ivy who pulled her up in her lap.

"YEah AUnt Ro is gonna be okay" Ivy started to cry as more people came into the waiting room. I watched as Panic at the disco and Paramore walked in and hugged daddy.

"Shes a fighter she'll be fine" Hayley said with tears down her face. I looked around the room then turned to Norah

"Where's Alex?" I asked not seeing the man who means the most to me. She took my hand and we wen't in the waiting room anymore. I was sitting in a church next to Alex.

"Please god" He spoke as tears ran down his face. "I've waiting so long for this girl, you can't take her now...I need her I really need her bad. NOt only me...He father, He just got his little prinsess back, Please this girl has too much to live for..." HE put his head in his hands and cried.

"Oh Alex," I went to reach for him but My hand went right threw him.

"He can hear, or see you, or feel you." She said

"Why are you showing me all this?!?! Just to torchher me before the cancer takes me away?" She shoke her head and took my hand again. I was now up in the clouds. Everywhere I looked little kids running around. Shaseing eachother.

"Norah!" They all exclaimed before they all came running over.

"Hey little guys and girls, miss me?" They all giggled untill one little girl caught my attenchion.

"Miss Norah? Did you bring me my mommy this time?" The small little girl asked, from the back of the larg group of children.

"Ahh Tabitha, yes I did." She smilled over at me before pickin gup the small girl. Who waved at me.

"See You have to live, or she wont get a chance, she'll be stuck up here for another god knows how many long years..." She looked at me, "Your a fighter, pull threw this, I know you can" She patted my cheek " You are gonna help more people then you know what to do with, I always knew the futar was bright for you." She leaned in and kissed my cheek, before I was then pulled back from her, and a bright color was shoved in my eyes, Witch I closed in pain.

"Ashlynn I need you to open your eyes," I herd the doctor say, I opened my eyes a bit to see myself being wheeled into a room. "Hey, your out of surgry, can you wiggle your fingers and toes for me?" I did so and she smiled down at me. "Thats really good, well your in an ICU room, and there's a bunch of people waiting to see you, but if you wanna rest-"

"Please can I see my dad?" I asked my voice all raspy She nodded.

"You can have up to three people right now, but i sugest you rest, the tomarrow we'll see about more, but I'll go get your dad, anyone else?"

"can I have my uncles too? Uncle Pete, Patrick, and Joe? Thats all the rest can wait till morning, but do tell them I love them?" She nodded

"Rest for now" I nodded and closed my eyes.


Everyone's head snaped as the doctor aproched them.

"Well the surgry went right as planned, shes out and awake, shes very very tired. Shes asking for her dad, and her uncles' Pete, Patrick, and Joe?' They all stood up "to the rest of you all she says she loves you and she'll see you guys tomarrow morning when shes feeling better" They all nodded "ANd if you boys would fallow me" She gave one last smile and started walking back, and the guys fallowing.

I opened my eyes again to see the doctor from before leading my father and them inside the room.

"Oh Ash," Daddy said before taking me in his arms."Ash I love you" HE huged me tight and all the guys started and made this one big group hug.

"Daddy I love you I really really do."
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys sorry its been a long while i realise that but I really didn't feel right writing all this so its porb still gonna be all skatterd to know end sorry guys, but if i get a coment or two not from sara i'll update a little be more, i just need some suporters.

adn i realise theres many, many typos and suchbut i'm sick cut me some slack