This Watermelon Smile Will Ripin Cause Its Coming Out Of The Water

MAkeing mommy proud.

"Noah I want you to me Alex my boyfriend, Andrew My daddy, Peter, Joe, and Patrick My uncles." I pointed to each person "And then theres Marshal, Johnson, and Bryan." The small child looked at everyone and burried his face in my shoulder. "Don't be shy" I said as Alex came forward to take the bags away from me.

"Hes adorable" Alex whisperd to me before kissing me and taking the bags upstairs.

"You are so much like your mother," Daddy said comeing over to help me take off my jacket and Noahs'." This is something she would have done." I smiled

"Do you mind holding him while I go get changed?" I asked him and he nodded carefully took the small child out of my arms.

"No!" The child reached back towards me. I took hold oh his small hand.

"I'll be right back i'm just gonna go put on difffernt clothes." I kissed his hand and he started to cry as I went up the stairs. I walked into Alex and mine's room, closeing the door and flopping on the bed next to Alex.

"You did a good thing. " He said laying down next to me rubbing my back.

"He's crying because he thinking I'm going to leave like his mom did. "I turned to face Alex.

"I know what your thinking but no you didn't not take on more then you can handle. You can do this WE can do this." He said Kissing my nose

"Okay," I smiled and sat up. " I'm gonna go change, um we don't have anything for him for christmas. " I said as I walked into our closet.

"Thats why after you callled I called your father and the boys and they all ran to differnt stores and got stuff. its all wraped and under the tree. Even a diapers and a crib. " I threw on my white top and walked back into the room.

"Seriously?" He nodded as I smiled and ran into his arms"You are amazing you know that?" I said as he held me in his arms.

"I try" He said kissing me, to witch I retured. "Come on Lets go be a family" I said hopping out of his arms and taking his hand in mine. We walked down the stairs and Noah ran right to me. I picked him up and sat him on my hip. He wiped his eyes with his small fist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Hi Noah I'm Alex" He said reaching his hand out to the small boy. Noah looked at me and I nodded.

"Hes a good guy I promise he wont leave I promise. " and with that Noah reached for Alex, Alex took Noah in his arms and held him tight. "See?" I said to the small boy. He gave me a small smile and burried his head in Alex's shoulder.

"Mommy would be so proud of you baby," Daddy took me in his arms and kissed my head.

"I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
this goes to rivals are insane for comenting and making my day.
Hope you enjoy