This Watermelon Smile Will Ripin Cause Its Coming Out Of The Water

practice, and dinner.

"NO! NO! NO!" Mrs. Jones yelled at me. "You’re throwing your weight to much!"

"What weight? I'm not a fat ass like you!" I yelled back.

"How much you weigh?" she spat

"95 even"

"Lose five maybe ten"

"I'm already staving to stay 95"

"Then I suggest doing more"


"Do some spin jumps then leave....practice over!” she yelled to all the team.

I quickly did my jumps and left the ice. I quickly packed up and left, only to see Sam waiting for me.

"Tree harsh" He told me. "Ten pounds? You'll be less fat!" He told me kissing my head and walking away.

"Or I'll be nothing" I sighed and felt a vibration in my gym bag, I quickly looked, head freak
Aka my father.

"Yes head freak?"

"Ash Lynn come home we're having a family dinner"

"You mean a meeting of the freaks to plane to kill me in my sleep?"

"Ash please" I hung up on him.


I quickly showered and put on a pink and yellow sundress. With white legends and went down stairs.

"Sit eat" My father said as I walked into the dinning room.

"I'm not hungry I ate. Coach put us on a diet" I half lied.

"Then sit!" Father yelled.

I sat down and pulled out my phone.

"Can we have a meal without you texting?" Pete the vampire freak said from across.

"Can I have a family who’s not freaks and cares about me?" I asked

"Can you stop being rude?" Joe the pot head freak asked.

"Can you hook me up with drugs?” My father shot him and me a look.

"You shouldn't do drugs" Patrick the fat freak said.

"You shouldn't wear a hat at the diner table"

"Since when do you have manners?" Head freak asked.

"Since when did you care?" I stood up and ran up to my room grabbing my keys and purse.

"I'm going to Sam's couple people are going over, don’t wait up" And with that I walked out, to get my quickie with the man I date for rep.
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good? bad?