This Watermelon Smile Will Ripin Cause Its Coming Out Of The Water

sorry its been long i know! but its a REAL chapter

I awoke the next day. To a sight I really did like. I was curled up next to Pete and Brendon curled up next to me. There were grown men scattered around the living room on couches chairs, and blankets. I noticed Josh and Hayley curled up whispering to each other. I looked over to the clock on the VCR.


Wait whets the date? I mean. I know we're leavening for tour any day, now... I've been packed since the mall incident 3 days ago-wait oh shit

"Hayley!" I semi yelled She piped her head up and looked at me.

"Yeah Ash Lynn doll?" She asked

"Isn't this the day we go on tour?" She nodded and looked at Josh "But we dont have to leave till 8" I Jerked up making Brendon wake up.

"WHERES THE FIRE?!??!" He yelled wakening everyone up as well.

"What?" Hayley asked looking at me I sat there in sort of a trance.

"Ash?" Pete said from next to me. I just looked at the clock as it turned to 7:46.

" TOUR!"

"Ash that like not for-15 mines!!!" Hayley jumped up as did everyone else. I watched as they all ran round the living room looking for phone chargers and phones.

I personally ran upstairs and jumped in the shower. I think Brendon might have drooled on me. I quickly showered and changed.

" Buses!!!!" I herd Jon yell then a crash. "Dylan comes back to daddy!!!!" He yelled running after his cat.

"See this is why you have dog's they come when you call" I herd Ryan say.

"Ash comes on!!" I un-plugged my home straighter and took one last look at my self. I did my eyes all Smokey and a bit of blue glitter to match my blue I <3 309 Hit the Lights shirt. My Skinny's with the cute vans.

"Ash Lynn...” I herd Zach come into my room.

"Bathroom!" I yelled from behind the closed door. I swung open, and arms went around my waste and a chin on my shoulder.

“Looking good" He said tickling my sides.

"Zach stops!" He kissed my cheek and stopped.


"Zach, no I'm sorry you know I don’t like you like that Imp sorry" I pulled away from him.

"Then what was last year?"

"Um let’s see a hook up? Zach I had broken up with Charlie and I was upset. I’m sorry" I quickly walked to my bed grabbing my The Cab Hoddle and ran down stairs. I quickly picked up my huge black duffle, backpack, and purse. I quickly stopped by the picture over the fire place.

"By mommy I'll be back soon" I touched the picture with my finger tips. If only she-

"Ash?" I herd daddy.” Your mother would be proud if she saw what you did over the past month." I nodded and he kissed my head.

"Let’s go" He took my duffle off my shoulder and put it on his.

"Daddy,” I asked as we walked away "How long till I get the cast off?" He chuckled and put his arm around me.

"Till your wrist bone isn't broken"
♠ ♠ ♠
There! I updated! Sorry the past week has been like WOAH!
Yesterday and saturday was bamboozle...I'm burnt and still in shock!
I met The Cab like 5 times in one day! I have no voice!
Hayley herd me from stage as did Ryan!
Sorry rambleing
Keep reading please!!!