Status: This story has been copyrighted and has yet been rewritten into a new story that I'm hoping to soon get published; however I hope you enjoy reading this original!

Strength Of The World

The Revenge

I scanned through the city as I made my way back to the bar, in hopes to find the men still there. I had to find a way to get them alone, one at a time, without them realizing what was happening. I needed to work fast. However, they knew Jimmy was going to give me the answers I desired when I visited him, so I knew this wasn't going to be an easy task. What if they had left town? They delivered me, that's all they needed; but before I had left the bar before, Matt told me they'd be seeing me soon. Nothing made sense. Did they know I would be coming after them? Already prepared for what I had to bring?

As I pushed opened the doors to the bar, I searched the room, only to find them gone. I turned, making my way to the street, glancing down every road visible.

"Excuse me Ms, are you looking for someone?"

I turned to find a man beside me, a biker, one of the many who'd passed through here.

"Actually yes" I smiled "I had to run back to my apartment to grab some money and I was spending some time with some old high school friends here before I left. I just got back, but they're not here. Did you happen to see a group of four men, tattoos, piercings, leave?"

The man nodded “Yeah, I saw four guys come out, three of them took off that way” he pointed in the direction of my apartment “and another one went that way” he pointed in the opposite direction.

I looked toward the direction in which he pointed “Do you remember what he looked like?”

“Yeah, short black hair, snakebites.”

“Zacky…” I whispered “Thank you sir.”

He nodded, turning to walk to another group of bikers.

I began into the direction the man had pointed me, searching the streets and alleyways for Zacky, the man who’d helped kill my mother. I needed to find him before he met back with the other men; it made things easier for me.
“Dead End” the sign read before me. I let out a low growl, turning back to face the direction I’d come from. The creak of a building door caught my attention and I looked over to find Zacky walking out, wiping his mouth on the back of his arm. I froze, watching him as he sprinted down the small stairs, stopping to look in my direction.

I clinched my fist as he neared, a smirk placed upon his lips.

“Don’t you know it isn’t safe for such a young vampire to be out alone? Especially when she knows originals are walking the streets?”

He was standing in front of me within seconds, a hand wrapped firmly around my neck, pushing me into a brick wall. I let out a loud gasp, taking a hold of his neck with one hand, using the other to grab his wrist which held mine. I tightened my grip as he did his, his eyes turned a solid black, a hint of red glistening. We were both struggling for breath, but I wasn’t giving up.

It wasn’t much longer and he released me. I quickly turned us so he’d be against the wall now. I coughed, inhaling deeply. I tightened my grip around his throat and I could feel him weakening. He took hold of my wrist, his grip was soft as he tried to push me back.

“Please” he mouthed, but my anger had the best of me. There was no mercy in me for these men.
I pulled back my free hand slightly before forcing it toward the center of his chest. My fingers pierced deeply into his flesh. You could hear his sternum cracking beneath my fingers. Taking a hold of his heart, I ripped it out before him. I couldn’t help but smile as he let out a loud gasp, dropping his hands to his sides. I released him, watching him collapse onto the ground.

His blood on my hand turned black, as did his heart. As I jumped away from the now lifeless vampire, I used my arm to shield my eyes of the bright flames that consumed him. I slowly lowered my arm as the flames subsided, only to find a pile of ash.

I scanned the area carefully to make sure no one had seen before walking over to a dumpster, picking up a small empty box to place the heart in, wiping off the remainder of his blood on the inside of my cloak before walking back toward the bar. I needed to find a way to deliver his heart, as a message. I wanted them to know what was coming if they didn’t already. I wanted them to know what I was capable of, that I had killed an original.

It didn’t take me long to return to my apartment. I taped the box shut and marked the top with my name. After I cleaned up the small mess I’d made, I made my way back to the bar, where they were once again no where to be found.

“Could you do me a favor?” a soft smile played at my lips as I set the box atop the bar counter.
“Anything for you sweetheart” the waiter rested the palms of his hands on the counter, leaning down to my level.

“You remember those four men who came in here the other night? I was actually in here with them earlier tonight, if you didn’t notice.”

“Yeah, I remember” he nodded “what do you need? Are they causing you problems?”

“Oh no, not at all” I chuckled, running my finger over the box, tapping it lightly “Three of them should be coming in, could you please give them this? I would give it to them myself, but I have some things to do and I’m not sure when they’ll be back.”

The waiter nodded with a smile, looking over the small package “Of course doll.”

I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his cheek before turning to leave. I needed to feed to regain the strength I’d used tonight. I had to be prepared for the next fight. I felt powerful and satisfied that I’d gotten revenge on one of the men who helped kill my family and I couldn’t of been more thrilled to know I was one step closer to my mortal life.
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I hope you all enjoyed this fourth chapter of the story! My writing has advanced since I've written this and I've rewrote this story as an original piece of work that I'm hoping to publish before the end of the year! I love writing just to entertain others which is why I decided to post this story here. So I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy the rest of the remaining story as well!