Status: This story has been copyrighted and has yet been rewritten into a new story that I'm hoping to soon get published; however I hope you enjoy reading this original!

Strength Of The World


I was running, the walls were closing in and there was no escape. I ran into a door, a solid door, no handle, no way to open it. I struck the door with my fist, blood trickling down my skin as it split with each hit. My screams echoed through the hallway and I turned, pressing my back to the door as I slid onto the floor. “Help me!” pierced my own ears and I grabbed my head on each side, pulling it down between my knees. I felt a hand resting on my shoulder and I slowly looked up, my cheeks soaked with tears.

“Matt?” I whispered and he extended his hand, a look of sorrow.

I pushed his hand aside, quickly pulling myself to my feet. I shoved him back “Why did you do this to my family?! Why me?!” I bellowed, but the sound of my voice couldn’t be heard.

The look of sorrow was still placed the same and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me tight against him, placing a hand on the back of my head to hold me in place against his chest. He was trying to comfort me. I tried to push him away, but all my anger and hate suddenly faded. At this moment, I’d never felt more safe in my life. My heart was racing and I cried into his shirt as he cradled me. He pulled my hand to his lips, running his tongue across my open wounds, tasting my blood. As he licked my wounds, they healed, disappearing as if they were never there.

I sat up in my bed, gazing around the room frantically. I couldn’t help but notice a note placed on my nightstand, the corner of my parents picture holding it in place.

“Angel” was read at the top. I grabbed it, unfolding the small piece of paper “meet me at the bar, we need to talk” and at the bottom it was signed “Matt”.

They had been here, in my apartment. I searched my body for any wounds, yet nothing could be found. They were here and didn’t try to hurt me, no less, kill me. Why? After what I’d done to Zacky, I had expected them to be infuriated.

I jumped from my bed, running out my apartment, not even bothering to change my clothes or grab my cloak on the way out. I was going as I was.

There he was, sitting in the same booth as normal, except he was alone this time. I glared as I neared the table.

“Please sit” Matt stood, using his hand to point toward the seat.

I slowly sat on the opposite side of him, not removing my eyes from him as I did. He took his seat once more, lacing his fingers together, resting them atop the table, his eyes studying me.

I was infuriated and if it weren’t for Jimmys demand that I wait and kill him last, I would’ve jumped over the table.

“W…” I cleared my throat, inhaling deeply “What do you want?”

“We received your package a few hours ago. The guys weren’t too happy, as I’m sure you expected, which is why they aren’t joining us.”

I couldn’t help but smirk, satisfied with their reaction.

“But I…we also couldn’t help but wonder why you did it. I mean, I understand you and Zacky didn’t get off to the best start, but to go this far?”

I furrowed my brows, closing my eyes “Have you lost!” I exclaimed, reopening my eyes to look at him, lowering my tone. I never liked unnecessary attention “have you lost your mind?”

He shook his head slightly, looking past me as if he were going into deep thought “I don’t understa…”

“You have a, lot, of nerve asking me to come here and coming into my home?” I interrupted him “but answer me this, why didn’t you try to kill me when you were there?”

“Angel, I don’t understand why you’re so angry….” he paused, thinking again “Wait, what did Jimmy tell you?”

“He didn’t have to tell me anything” I spat “he showed me.”

I stood, looking down at him “I hope you and your men are ready for whatever I have to bring. I know Zacky wasn’t.” I turned to leave, but was stopped by Matts hand wrapping around my wrist. I clinched my fist “don’t touch me” I snarled through closed teeth, and he removed his hand.

Inhaling deeply, I exited the bar, walking back to my apartment. My head pounded as my thoughts just seemed to pour. I placed two fingers firmly against my temples. I was confused once more, first the dream and the comfort from Matt which I’d received within the dream. Then the conversation at the bar and how, flustered Matt seemed to be about everything. I saw what he and his followers did to me and my family, there was no doubt about it.

I could sense someone as I neared the door to my apartment. I slowly pushed open the door as I twisted the small knob, peering inside my small living room and kitchen. I jerked aside as a small wooden stake flew past me, planting itself into my wall. I scowled, clasping onto the small piece of wood, hurling it back toward the dark figure.

A loud howl escaped the man and I pushed my door to a close, walking over to the man that was now on his knees.

“I didn’t expect to find you here Johnny.”

He grimaced as his pulled the wood from his ribs, tossing it aside. I took hold of his shirt, pulling him up to my level. “That was a very rude way to welcome me home” I watched as the blood begin to fade from his shirt as his wound healed “Especially since I’ve been looking for you.”

“I know what you did to Zacky and I know why you want me!” He yelled.

“Oh you do, do you?” I grinned, loosening my grip on his shirt “I don’t think you do.”

I turned to walk away, stopping to face him inches away from me, holding up my hand to stop him from attacking me “Uh, uh, uh” I shook my head “now that is no way to treat a lady, and I know you’re better than that” I placed a hand firmly to the side of his cheek, running my thumb over his cheek bone “I can see it in your eyes.”

I could sense his anger fading as he reached up to take hold of my arm.

“I knew Zacky was going to get in the way of what I desired Johnny….he was going to get in between us.”

Johnnys eyes scanned my face “you…want me?” he stammered.

I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his ear “You have no idea” I whispered before pushing him back onto the couch. I bent over some, pressing a finger to his chest, circling around the couch to be behind him. I slid down to the floor, reaching for the stake. I stood up, pushing the small piece of wood into the back of my skirt. I leaned down, pressing my lips to his neck and he sighed. I smirked before pushing my fangs into his skin, a loud moan escaping his throat, he reached back, taking hold of my hair to hold me in place.

After a few seconds I pulled back, licking the remaining blood from his skin and my lips before making my way to the front of the couch. I trailed my fingers up my sides and to the top of my corset, unlacing the small strings, letting it fall to the floor, revealing a black strapless bra. “Don’t you understand why he would be so jealous of us Johnny?”

He nodded, raising his hands and placing them to my sides, pulling me down to press his lips to my own. I placed a leg on both sides of him, sitting in his lap. I felt his fangs growing as his passion did. He bit down onto my lower lip, piercing the skin slightly. Johnny sucked the small drips of blood, pulling back to lick his own lips. I ran my hand slowly up his chest and neck, resting my fingers on his chin, pushing his head back. I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his neck once more.

“Close your eyes” I smiled, reaching behind me to pull out the stake.

He took a deep breath as his eyes closed and I sat back, forcing the wood into his chest, penetrating his heart. He reopened his eyes, looking up at me, a look of confusion and hurt. I quickly stood, looking away as his body became inflamed.

I picked up my corset, walking into my room, looking down at the picture of my parents. The hurt in Johnnys eyes was haunting me, but the thought of what he did to my parents made me careless.

I rested my head in the palms of my hands “only two more and this is all over.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all enjoyed this fifth chapter of the story! My writing has advanced since I've written this and I've rewrote this story as an original piece of work that I'm hoping to publish before the end of the year! I love writing just to entertain others which is why I decided to post this story here. So I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy the rest of the remaining story as well!