Status: This story has been copyrighted and has yet been rewritten into a new story that I'm hoping to soon get published; however I hope you enjoy reading this original!

Strength Of The World


I stood in my kitchen, my back pressed against the counter, sipping the glass of blood I’d poured only minutes before. The last few nights replayed in my mind and everything that had taken place almost seemed unreal. Eight years, looking for my parents killer and the man who’d turned me and I had found them. It was questions I’d stopped asking and answers I never thought I’d receive.

Some things still didn’t make sense though. Why these men who knew Jimmy would be giving me the answers had sent me to him and never left town after they finished what they were sent to do. Matts confusion as to why I was so vengeful; and last but not least, Jimmys grief. He told me I held much value to him when I visited Sheol, but be never told me exactly why. I was ridding the world of evil and he seemed impressed by that, yet he was willing to give me back my mortal life after I finished killing these men. The ones he claimed who wanted to take over Sheol.

I downed the last of the blood, setting it aside in my sink. Taking a deep breath, I pulled the small vial from my back pocket, swashing the red liquid around again. It was only two am and the sun wouldn’t be rising for another four hours. I knew I had more than enough time to hunt down Brian tonight.

I twisted off the cap of the vial, inhaling deeply as a scent I’d never smelled before, found it’s way through the air and into me. I closed my eyes, my fangs growing slightly longer than normal. Jimmy wasn’t lying when he told me the blood would be irresistible. It was by far, the most intoxicating smell I’d ever come across. I held the small vial to my lips before tilting my head back as I tilted the vial to let the liquid flow through my lips. It’s taste was as intriguing as it’s smell.

Placing a hand firmly against the counter, I dropped the vial. The small glass shattered as it came to a halt on the floor. A satisfying groan escaped my throat and I smirked, licking my lips. It wasn’t much longer and I found myself grasping at my stomach, I suddenly felt as if a thousand knifes were being forced through me. I gasped, falling to my knees, my grip on the counter growing stronger. I grunted loudly as my skin began to turn white and I felt my body hardening. I felt as if I were a corpse, stiffening after being dead for only a couple hours.

“Jimmy!” I wailed “help me!”

I released the counter, curling into a tight ball on the floor, wrapping my arms tightly around my waist. Within seconds I felt my body being released, beads of sweat rolling off my skin. I placed my hand against the floor, breathing deeply. I closed my eyes, letting my body fully recover from what had just happened. But just as Jimmy had promised, I would be okay.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position, taking hold of the counter once more to pull myself up from the pool of sweat beneath me. I walked into my bedroom, throwing on a new set of clothes before fixing my hair and applying some makeup. I only had a few hours to find Brian and I needed to end this as fast as possible. After I was finished with him, I had Matt, and this would all be ended.

Throwing on my cloak, I made my way to the city streets, walking toward the bar, trusting I’d find him there. I pushed open the door, glancing around the room as I walked through the small area. Yet, to my dismay once more, he was nowhere to be found.

The bartender threw his hand into the air to catch my attention and I made my way to him.

“Hey gorgeous” he smiled, pouring my favorite drink into a small shot glass “It’s on me.”

Smiling, I picked up the glass between two fingers, downing the liquid “thank you” I set the glass back down on the counter, pushing it toward the man “that’s all I’d like tonight.”

As I was turning to leave, he called me back “Hey, some guy named Brian gave me a message to give to you.”

I froze, looking back at him “Oh? What did he need?”

“I feel like a messenger, with your package now this…” he chuckled, pulling a folding piece of paper from his back pocket, handing it to me.

I unfolded the paper, pulling it open “Angel, I know what you did to Zacky and Johnny, and I am going to put a stop to this. If you’re not too much of a coward to face me, meet me at 143 Walker Ln., Brian.”

“Thank you” I smiled up at him before folding the note, slipping it into my back pocket.

He nodded as I made my way back to the streets, reading the different addresses on the buildings.

“143 Walker Ln.” the address sounded all too familiar. I took off into the opposite direction of my apartment, looking over the different numbers carefully as I passed them.

“This can’t be right.” I pulled the piece of paper out once more, reading over the address before reading the address on the building before me. It was the same building Zacky was leaving the night I’d killed him. I looked around thoroughly as I walked up the brick steps and to the brown door, pushing it open. The wallpaper had been torn on both sides of the walls and the floor was covered in dirt and dust. The place was abandoned, and looked like it had been for quite some time.

The flicker of a single candle at the end of the hallway caught my attention, and I followed the lightening cautiously. I walked into a small room, frowning as I glanced over at a row of dead bodies, laying on top of one another against the wall.

Brian stood at the end of the bodies, his back to the wall, one leg bent, his foot placed against the wall just below him, his other leg holding him up. He used his hand to cover his mouth as he lit a cigarette, looking up toward the ceiling as he pushed the lighter into his front pocket.

After inhaling, he pulled the cigarette away, smiling as he exhaled the smoke into the air “I must admit, I’m impressed Angel. I’m impressed with a lot of things” he tilted his head to look at me “I’ve never heard of a newborn killing originals” he took a long drag again, tossing it aside this time “I’ve also never heard of a newborn being stupid enough to meet up with an original without protection.”

Before I had time to move, he’d grabbed me by the neck, forcing me against the wall, lifting me up off my feet. He was much stronger than the others had been and I took hold of his arms with two hands, pushing fiercely. I tried to reach the ground once more as my feet dangled beneath me. He took a few steps forward, rubbing the tip of his nose against my own “I don’t understand what’s been going on inside that little head of yours, and quite frankly I could care less that we stepped into…your…town. We came here to deliver you, and if you weren’t such an idiotic little girl, we would of probably been gone by now. But somewhere along the way, you became stupid enough to mess with us and let me tell you something sweetheart, you may have been able to get away with killing the other two, but I can promise you, you won’t be walking away from me alive.”

I pulled my leg up slightly, pushing my knee roughly between his legs. Brian let out a loud groan as he released me, dropping to his knees, cupping his crotch with his hand tightly. I fell onto my side, landing on shattered glass from a broken window, groaning as the small pieces pierced my skin. I sat up, rubbing my neck, trying to catch my breath, watching as the small cuts on my hands healed rapidly.

Brian looked up, closing his eyes as he sniffed the air. He slowly opened his eyes, looking toward me, his eyes turned from brown to a solid black and I swallowed hard, slowly pulling myself back to my feet once more. A smirk appeared as he licked his lips “You smell so…delicious…”

Within seconds I found myself being pressed against the wall once more, his body pinning me back, his hands wrapped around my wrist, pulling them up to be aligned with my shoulders. He pressed his nose to my neck, inhaling once more. I tried to push him back, but he was much too strong. I could feel his lips ghosting across my skin and I shivered slightly. As he parted his lips I could feel the tips of his protruding fangs against me. I swallowed deeply once more, knowing whatever was about to happen was meant to be. I had faith that Jimmy knew what he had done when he’d given me the blood of the damned.

A sort of pleasure surged through my neck as his fangs penetrated my skin and I relaxed, closing my eyes, letting him do as he wished. Before long, Brian pulled away, trailing his fingers over his lips, looking down at his hand that was now covered in my blood before looking back up at me. His eyes soon returned to their normal colors and his skin quickly grew pale.

“What have you done to me?” he grabbed at his stomach, letting out a deafening roar as he found his way to his knees. His body seemed to harden as mine had before, except unlike me, he soon turned to stone.

I placed a hand over my mouth, startled by what I’d just witnessed. I slowly made my way toward the new figure, reaching out to graze my fingers over the stone. Before I could touch it, it became inflamed as the other guys had. I quickly jumped away from the fire, sliding down the wall as my feet gave beneath me.

The room began to spin and my vision blurred. I placed my hand against my neck, before falling to my side, the room seemed to darken around me. I placed my hands against the floor, trying to push my body up once more, but couldn’t find the strength to do so.

I could see the figure of a man walking toward me, but my vision was far too gone to recognize him. I could feel two hands push under me and I was lifted from the ground. I raised my hand slightly, pressing it to the mans cheek as we walked from the scene. My hand soon fell back to my side as the world vanished around me.
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I hope you all enjoyed this seventh chapter of the story! My writing has advanced since I've written this and I've rewrote this story as an original piece of work that I'm hoping to publish before the end of the year! I love writing just to entertain others which is why I decided to post this story here. So I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy the rest of the remaining story as well!