Chasing A Constellation

Only One

Zack Merrick was sick of being single. He was twenty-one, for Christ's sake, and had never been in a serious relationship. His best mates, Jack, Rian, and Alex; had been constantly chiding him to hook up and forget about this "couple shit." But lately he hadn't been into it. He wasn't really certain why, and he decided to contemplate it over a beer and a pizza from his favourite pizzeria whilst sitting on his faded green living sofa, listening to the drone of last Sunday night's football game. I'm not hideous or anything, so it can't be looks. I treat women with respect, so they shouldn't see that as an issue. I play in a band - added bonus. What could possibly be wrong? Zack squeezed his eyes shut and sighed, running a hand through his curly sandy coloured locks in irritation. Well. I am sort of quiet. I guess that would do it. Maybe they think I'm an asshole? Agh. No sense losing sleep over this. He stretched his aching arms and stood up, shuffling to his small bedroom. Merely by chance, he gazed at his digital clock perched precariously on a counter. 11:11 PM. Feeling like an ass, he glanced out the window, searching the skies for a shooting star. God. I'm such a teenage girl. Laughing at his own thoughts, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Is that...? No longer questioning it, he made a wish. I want to meet a girl tomorrow, one who'll love me for me. Please. Stripping off his garments, he clambered into bed and watched the snow fall from his window.

He wasn't certain how long he'd slept. Zack yawned and wiped the sweat off his forehead, craning his neck to look at his alarm clock. 12:00 PM. "Fuck!" He cursed out loud, making a fist. He was supposed to meet Alex at a local coffeehose an hour ago. Jumping out of bed and hastily dressing, Zack shoved his cell phone into his pocket and slipped on a pair of kicks. He didn't really care which ones. Making a half-hearted attempt at taming his tousled curls, he headed out to meet Alex, hoping he wouldn't have left already. Ten minutes later, he arrived, panting from the sprinting he'd done to get there. Taking a look inside, he couldn't see Alex. Zack sighed. Seeing as he was already there, he figured he might as well order a coffee. They had a new waitress, he noticed, as he'd never seen her here before. She had long, straight chocolate hair, honey caramel shaded eyes, and a big smile on her pale face.

"Can I take your order?" She asked sweetly, her voice pleasant and feminine. Using his peripheral vision, he saw that her name tag read Jade.

"Uh, I-I'll have a black coffee, please," he stammered, splotches of pink appearing on the apples of his cheeks. This girl was actually pretty cute.

"Name, please?" Jade inquired, curling a strand of hair around her index finger. She smells like apples, Zack realized abruptly as the aroma hit him all at once.

"Uh, I'm Zack. Zack Merrick," he offered, ducking his head shyly. The brunette giggled a bit.

"Jade Cota," she said warmly, shaking his hand. "Your coffee will be ready soon." Zack nodded wordlessly and took a seat at his usual table. Wonder how pissed Alex is.

Moments later, a quiet call of "Zack Merrick" was heard, and Zack walked on shaky legs to the counter.

"You're lucky you're ordering now instead of five minutes from now," Jade laughed, sliding Zack's coffee over to him.

"Why's that?" He questioned, his curiousity piqued.

"I'm almost done my shift, and I swear to God the other waitress is illiterate."

"Can I take you out after your shiftis over?" Zack could hardly believe what he'd just spoken. Was he no longer in control of his vocal cords? Jade flushed, her face turning a bit crimson.

"Er, yeah, that would be nice. Where to?"

It was Zack's turn to blush. "Dunkin? I heard they have some pretty great cinnamon buns..." She smiled and nodded.

"I'll be done before you know it." And she was. Soon the pair were put walking the busy streets of Maryland, chit-chatting about this and that, getting to know the essentials. Zack learned that Jade was 18, single, and living on her own in an apartment. Jade learned that Zack played bass in a band called All Time Low, had lovely hazel eyes, and a rather adorable smile.

"After you." Zack smiled at Jade as he opened the door to Dunkin Donut's for her. She beamed back, obviously pleased, and selected a table for the two of them.

"Go ahead and order me whatever you're having," she said, untangling her hair from her dangly earrings.

"Two cinnamon buns and a kiss it is." She had no time to protest as Zack approached her rapidly, cupping her smooth face in his hands and kissing the corner of her mouth, massaging her cheeks with his calloused fingers. He rested his forehead aganst hers, savouring the moment.

"Was that okay?" Zack questioned. Jade rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Shut up and kiss me again." And Zack obliged.
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Hope you enjoyed my first attempt at writing fluff!