Mother Dearest

Phone Calls

“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! MOMMY!” I hear Jack’s voice becoming louder and louder as he gets closer.

I pull my pillow over my head trying to drown out his voice. Key word being: trying. Suddenly, the curtain separating my bunk from Jack is ferociously ripped open. Letting the blinding sunlight meet my defenseless eyes.

“Ugh. Jack! What the hell?! I was sleeping!” I yell covering my eyes from the relentless sunlight invading my bunk.

“But I’m hungry!” Jack says pouting.

“Well, get CoCoa or somebody to cook something for you.” I say in hopes of him leaving me to sleep some more.

“You’re the only other person on the bus.” I look at him questioningly. “Everyone else is gone. Not sure where though.”

“And they left me alone with you?”

“Well you are my mommy. He answers. I groan and roll over, landing on the bus floor with a thud. It’s times like these that I hate having the top bunk. Instead of helping me up, Jack bends down and smiles at me. Then he stands up straight and runs to the kitchen area. I get up and follow him.
So say hello to all the boys at the top of this table that you’re under
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby I understand that you’re making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry

“Hello?” I say answering my phone.

“Dani!” I hear my six year-old brother yell into the phone.

“Max! Hey, how are you? Is everything okay?”

“I’m fine. But we all miss you.” He says into the phone.

“Let me talk to her! I wanna talk to her!” I hear my youngest brother in the background.

“Hold on, Aaron wants to talk to you.” Some movement could be heard on the other line.

“Dani! I miss you! When are you coming back?” Aaron asks.

“Oh, sweetie. I miss you too. And I’m not sure when I’m coming back. But I’ll be back before you start school.” I say reassuring him.

“Okay. Here talk to Nate.” He says handing the phone over to my eleven year-old brother.

“Hey Dani. Alex is treating you okay, right?” Nate asks jokingly.

“Yeah, he’s treating me just fine. How’s everybody doing?”

“We’re all doing great. Aaron had a nightmare the other night and he woke up crying. He was asking for you all night.”

“Aww! My poor baby brother!”

“Yeah, well I have to go get ready for my soccer game so I’ll put Toby on.”

“Hey Dani.” My fourteen year-old brother says.

“Hey Toby, how are you?”

“I’m good. And I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but, I miss you.”

“Ha. Well I miss you too believe it or not.”

“Well duh. I’m kind of a big deal.”

I laugh. “I see you still haven’t lost your sense of humor.”

“Nope. Sure haven’t.” He pauses as mom yells something to him. “Alright well I gotta go. Have fun out there Dani, but not too much fun, ya hear. Talk to you later. Bye.”

“Bye.” As I hang up the bus door swings open. Everyone piles on into the bus, plopping themselves onto the couch. “Where the hell were you guys?” I ask as Zack sits next to me. “You all left me alone with Jack.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Oh, we found this on the bus door. It’s for you.” Rian says handing me a yellow envelope.

I take it and open it. When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming true. I says reading it’s contents out loud. “What the hell are up with these freaky love letters? I’ve gotten like 2 dozen since the first one Jack gave me a week ago.”

“Who are they from?” Zack asks, wrapping his arm around me.I could get used to this.

“Honestly, I don’t know. It’s so frustrating and extremely creepy!”

“Well we’ll just have to find out who is Dani’s mysterious secret admirer.” Alex says mischievously.
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