Mother Dearest

Shaving Cream


Shaving cream? Check!

Big Bird feather? Check!

Countdown to feather tickling Alex’s face in 5…4…3…2…1!

“Urgh.” Alex grunts as he twitches under the feather.

First try unsuccessful. Attempt 2 in 5…4…3…2…1!


We made contact! I repeat, contact has been made!

We all try and hold back our laughter as the unsuspecting Alex now has shaving cream all over his face.


Reload complete. Feather ready. Attempt 3 in 5…4…3…2..WAIT! Subject is moving! I repeat subject is in motion. Hold feather, hold feather!

We all hold our breaths as Alex twitches slightly in his sleep disrupting our mission.

Subject has stopped. Attempt 4 in 5…4…3…2…1!


“What the?”

Run! Subject is awake! I repeat subject is awake and angry!

We stumble out of the bus running as fast as our legs could carry us. Running in all directions we succeed in escaping from the Shaving Cream Monster, a.k.a. Alex. Not looking at where I was going, I run smack into someone. That someone being Martin.

“Whoa. Why are you running?” He asks helping me up.

“Sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. We were playing a trick on Alex and then he woke up. So now we’re running away.” I say in one breath.

“Nice. Last time someone played a trick on him, he toilet papered their bus.”

“Yes, but I’m his cousin and because of my younger brothers I have more tricks up my sleeve than he does.” At least he isn’t asking about me and Zack.

“So, I heard Zack asked you to be his girlfriend.” I spoke too soon.

“Yeah. He asked me out about two weeks ago.”

“That’s cool. I think you should start running now.”

I look at him confused. “Why?”

“Because Alex is heading this way.”

I turn around and sure enough Alex is running towards me. “Well, gotta run.” I say as I take off in a different direction. I am so thankful that I run five miles without getting too tired.
“The magic of our first love is our ignorance that it can never end.” I read off another love letter from my secret admirer. “This is getting really annoying.”

“I bet they’re all from Martin.” CoCoa says looking at her nails.

“Why do you think that?” Jack asks.

“Because he’s practically in love with her. Since we’re on tour with them, he has access to taping things to the bus door.” CoCoa answers.

Everyone nods their head in consideration.

“I don’t think it’s him.” They all look at me. “What?”

“How could you think that? You were the first one to point out that he’s pretty much in love with you.”

“Yeah but he hasn’t been the same lately.”

“What do you mean?” Rian asks.

“Well when he comes to hang out he’s not only talking to me. He talks to everyone. He hasn’t been extremely curious in mine and Zack’s relationship and he seems to be getting over the fact that I’m taken.” I say, sounding more like I'm trying to convince myself over everyone else.

“It could just be a cover.”

I shrug my shoulders. Zack comes from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, lightly kissing my temple.

“We’ll find out who it is baby, don’t worry.” Zack says, comforting me.

“I hope so.”

“Don’t worry, we will.”

“Hate to burst your bubble, but Dani, you got another love letter.” Alex says handing me an envelope with my name on it.

This secret admirer is more like a stalker.
♠ ♠ ♠
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