Mother Dearest

I'm Watching You

I absolutely hate awkward silences. And this was the worst one yet. Everyone stared at me as the letter dropped from my hands, as if in slow motion. Zack wraps his arms around me and Alex clenches his fists. CoCoa came over to me trying to make sure I’m all right. Confused, Jack and Rian stand by the door, waiting to be told what is going on and who Cheerio is.

“Guys, let’s leave CoCoa and Dani alone for a little bit.” Zack says stroking my hair. He kisses my forehead and follows the guys out.

“How the fucking hell did he find me?” I ask.

“I don’t know, honey. But you have to relax.” CoCoa says sitting down next to me.

“Relax?! Relax?! Are you kidding me CoCoa? This guy stalked me for most of my life! He beat me and tried to rape me! He is supposed to be in jail! What, did he just walk right out and not get noticed?! He was given 20 to life for what he did to me CoCoa! I have fucking scars to prove it CoCoa! He fucking carved his initials into my skin!” I yell out of anger.

“I know sweety, I know. I don’t know how he got out and I have no fucking idea on how he knows that you’re here. But we’ll just have to keep a look out for him.”

I take a few deep breaths. “How are we going to know what he looks like? We haven’t seen him in three years.”

“I don’t know, Dani. We’ll just have to keep an eye out for you at all times. Zack can do that and stay with you at all times.”
“CoCoa, I know what you’re looking at. And so does Jesus.”

“Shut up Dani!” She lightly shoves me as I make fun of her for staring at Alex.

It’s been exactly a week since Anthony revealed himself as my secret admirer. The love letters have stopped but this eerie feeling keeps me from acting like myself. And I’ve been paranoid every second of each day. For example, the other day I thought he was outside my window, but it was just a bird. Zack has done his best to get my mind off of things. Some ways a bit more distracting than others.

“So Alex tells me you and Zack are going out tonight.”

“He says it’ll help keep my mind off of things.” I respond.

“I know another way that he can keep your mind off of things.” CoCoa says grinning, mischievously.

I lightly shove her. “Not like that CoCoa. Ugh! You have such a perverted mind.”

“I blame it on having three older brothers.”

I roll my eyes.

So say hello to all the boys at the top of this table that you’re under
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby I understand that you’re making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry


“Hello Dani. You look quite lovely today.” A voice says on the other line.

“Anthony?” As soon as I said that name, CoCoa’s head whipped around to face me, wide-eyed.

“I see you remember me.”

“How could I fucking forget?”

“Oh baby don’t get angry with me. Blue looks really good on you today.”

“How do you know that I’m wearing blue?”

“Because baby I’m watching you right now.”

I look all around me. “Leave me alone Anthony, please.”

“I hear that you’re dating someone.”

“Leave me alone, Anthony.”

“And you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your new boyfriend, would you?”

“Anthony, I said leave me alone! I don’t love you in any way, shape, or form! After what you put me through, I hate you.”

“Well, we’ll change that now won’t we?” He says hanging up.

Again looking around, I start to breathe heavily knowing that he’s watching me. I wish Zack was here.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this kinda sucks.
I had about no time to do this.
Tell me what you think.
Comments appreciated.