Mother Dearest

Memories Come Flooding Back To Me


“In other news to-”


“But Chris, I love you. I can’t li-”


“Right now you can get Oxy Clea-”


“Finally, something good on.” I say as the opening credits for “The Hot Chick” appear on the TV screen. I smile snuggling myself into my blanket.

Ding. Dong.

“Ugh, just as I was getting comfortable.” I get up from the couch and walk towards the door. “I’m coming! Stop ringing the bell.” I say annoyed with who ever was at the door.

Once I open the door, I glare at the person standing there. “Anthony, what do you want?”

“I want you to hear me out Dani, please. Just let me explain.” He pleads.

I sigh. “Fine. Come on in.” I say opening the door wide enough for him to come in. He comes in and I lead him into the living room after I closed the door. “So, explain why you threaten and scared off all of my boyfriends.”

He takes a deep breath. “It’s not that easy for me to tell you Dani.”

“And why not?”

“Because-Because I love you.”


“I love you. I’ve loved you since I met you. Everything about you makes me love you ever more. You’re perfect. Your complexion is flawless. Not one blemish visible. Not a single person hates you. You never try to hurt people’s feelings, you care about everyone, and you’re nice to everyone. Those guys that you date don’t see all of that in you the way that I do. The just want you for your body. They don’t deserve you; you’re too good for them. I’m your secret admirer. I love you, Dani. I love you so much.” He says holding my hand.

I pull my hand out of his grasp. “I think you should leave Anthony.” I say backing up.

“But we belong together Dani. Don’t you see? You came to my school, like an angel, and I helped you. It’s as if you were sent straight to me.” He takes steps closer as he talks.

Frightened, I back up into a wall. “Please leave Anthony.” I say as he advances towards me.

“Not until you realize that you belong to me. No matter what, you’ll always be mine. If anyone gets in the way I’ll take care of them. No one can have you but me. And if someone should try and take you away from me, I’ll get you back even if I have to kill someone.”

I stare at him wide-eyed. He’d kill someone? Just to be with me? I have to get away from him, now. “Anthony leave now! Before I call the cops. Just leave me alone.”

He grabs me by the shoulders. “You don’t get it, do you? We were made for each other. I love you.”

I squirm free from his grasp and run to the kitchen. Grabbing the closet thing, which was a knife, I point it at him. “Just leave Anthony.”

He glares at me and advances towards me. Launching himself at me, I fall to the ground. I struggle to break free from him as the knife drops to the floor.

“Get off of me Anthony!”

“No! If I can’t have you, than no one can!” He yells in my face glaring at me. The flaming look in his eyes scares me.

He starts to kiss me all over my face, eventually traveling down my neck to the skin exposed by my tank top. My screams were muffled by duct tape that seemed to magically appear in his hands and on to my mouth. Then his hands start sliding up and down my sides, gripping and groping every now and then, making me feel even more uncomfortable. I tried pushing him away but he just pinned my hands above my head with one of his own. His hands made their way to my jeans, unbuttoning them and slowing pulling them off. Tears streaming down my face as my clothes were being pulled off, leaving me in my bra and panties.

“I don’t have to do this you know. I could let you go right now. But as soon as I do I know you’ll leave me.” He takes the knife off the floor and gently glides it down my body, sending shivers down my spine. “You’ll leave me and then I’ll have to come and find you. I don’t want to hurt you, but you leave me no choice. Maybe if I mark you as my own, no one will get in my way.” He says dragging the knife across my stomach, drawing blood.

With a lust filled look in his eyes, he cuts my bra leaving me exposed. He stares at me, muttering, “So beautiful.”

Watching me intently, an idea forms in his mind. “Now I’ll mark you as my own.” He flips me over, my back facing him. I feel the edge of the knife cut into the skin of my back. I scream as loud as I can, hoping some one would hear me. Again and again I feel the blade dig into my back and drag around in curves as if forming letters.

“Now that I’ve marked you, there is only one thing left.”

After flipping me over, he begins to take off his clothes. Realizing what he’s going to do a fresh set of tears escape from my eyes and pour down my face. I turn away as I feel his hard member against my thigh.

“Hey! Dani, why is your front door unlocked? Someone could bre-” Alex drops his bag once he sees Anthony and what he’s about to do to me. “Get the fuck off of her!” He yells at Anthony. He punches him square in the face.

Freed from Anthony’s grasp, I yank the blanket off the couch and use it to cover myself. I tear the tape off of my mouth and watch in horror as Alex and Anthony fight. I grab my phone off the coffee table and dial 911.

I wake up in a cold sweat, events of that horrible day flooding back into my mind, his words echoing in my head. Breathing heavily, I notice my phone vibrating, signaling that I just received a text message.

I open up my phone only to read:
If I can’t have you, than no one can.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that this took a while.
Tell me what you think.
Comments appreciated.

Oh, I want to do a one shot on someone in A7X.
Comment on who and any ideas that you have
Ideas will be loved.