Mother Dearest

Smart and Athletic


“Hello, I’m new here. I came to get my schedule.” I say to the secretary at the front desk.

“Name, please.” She asks politely.

“Daniela Gaskarth.”

She types my name into the computer, and prints my schedule. “Here you are, sweetie.” She hands me my schedule. “You’re tour guide will be Anthony De Luca. He should be outside that door.”

I smile, “Thank you.” I open the door that she pointed to and see a fairly tall boy leaning against the wall, talking to his friends. His brown hair hung in his eyes as he glances at me.

I walk up to him, “Are you Anthony De Luca?” I ask, hoping to find the right person.

“Yeah. Are you Dani Gaskarth?” He says looking at me, along with his friends.

“Yeah, I’m Dani.”

“We’ll I’m your tour guide.” He smiles at me and I smile back. He waves at his friends and he begins to lead me down the hallway. “So you’re a …”

“I’m a senior.”

“Seriously? I’m a junior. You don’t look like a senior, how old are you?”

“I’m 13, but I’ll be 14 in February.”

“You’re 13 and you’re a senior? Wow. I feel dumb.”

“My mom and dad home schooled me since I was 2. They were testing out this experimental teaching thing and I was stuck as the guinea pig. But as you can see, it helped me a lot in the end. They thought that since we moved here to Maryland, I should experience a real school environment.”

“Well I hope this year is great for you. Do you know anyone else that goes here?”

“Yeah. I actually know a bunch of people from all the travel teams that I’m on.” As we walk further down the hall, I see my friend, Cassie. I wave to her and she comes over and hugs me.

“Dani! Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?”

“I’m going to school here now. Remember, I told you during practice on Saturday.”

“Holy crap! I totally forgot! But it’s great to see you here. Are you trying out for the school team?”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?”

She laughs. “Good point. It’ll be great to have you on the team. We’ll I have to go find Greg. See you later. Bye Dani!” She says walking off to find her boyfriend.

“You know Cassie Angels? Captain of the varsity cheerleader squad? I’m mean everyone knows her, just they don’t know her, know her.”

“She’s one of my friends from the state champs cheerleading team that we’re both on. And the state champs dance team.”

“Oh. Then you probably already know Liz, Krista, Devon, Ava, Steph, and Jacqueline.” He says.

“Yep I know them all. And I know Emily, Madison, Hailey, Ashley, Natalie, trinity, Mackenzie, Evelyn, Morgan, Sydney, Jessica, Victoria, Riley, Brooke, Grace, Paige, Kylie, Jocelyn, Michelle, Diana, Chloe, Brianna, Lauren, Ella, Mia, Sarah, Jen and Makayla. And those are just some of the girls that I know.”

“What guys do you know?” He asks curiously.

“Well there’s Jacob, Michael, Joshua, Matthew, Ethan, Andrew, Daniel, Chris, Jayce, Jayden, Oliver, Eddie, Orlando, Brian, Pat, Nick, Joe, Pete, Shawn, Jesse, Philip, Alan, Ryan, Giovanni, Rich, and Greg. Those are only some of them.”

“Well I guess it won’t be hard for you to make friends.”

I laugh. “I already know everyone in the senior, and freshmen year. I know some sophomores and juniors, but not a lot.”

“How do you know so many people without ever going to school with them?”

“I’m on traveling teams with a lot of the girls. And I know the most of the guys because they date a lot of the girls that I know. Or I know them because of my parents being friends with their parents.”

“What sports do you play?”

“Just about every single one known to man.” I laugh.


“I just love sports. My dad was captain of his football, baseball, basketball, and hockey teams in high school. I don’t know how he did it but he did. He still plays tons of sports with my uncles. My mom thinks it’s his excuse to seem ‘cool.’ My mom is actually an ex-rockette. She loves to dance, cheer, and do gymnastics. And since I’m her only daughter, she made sure I did those three. I guess you could say it’s in my blood to play sports. Also, I’m the oldest in my family, so I help my younger brothers with all their sports.”

“Wow. Smart and athletic, you’re sure to be a knockout around here.” He smiles at me.I didn’t take notice that he stood a little bit closer then before.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you think. Comments are loved.

And comment on who I should do a one shot on.
Details in the journal titled "Oneshot."

xoxo Holly