Mother Dearest

Bang, Bang, That Awful Sound

“DANI!! YOU’RE LOVER BOY IS WAITING FOR YOU!!!” CoCoa yells at the top of her lungs.

I come out of the bathroom and flip her off. “CoCoa should you be in bed?”

“Well mommy it’s not bedtime yet, and Uncle Paul said we’re gonna watch a movie.” She answers grabbing her teddy bear from the couch.

“MOMMY!!!! Don’t go! CoCoa and Alex are gonna try and reproduce when you’re gone. Paul and Rian will be watching a movie and I’ll be left to listen to CoCoa and Alex’s sex moans!” Jack complains clinging to my leg.

“Jack, they aren’t going to have sex. Paul and Rian will make sure of it. Night Jack, have a good time.”

“So anything specific that I have to do tonight?” Paul asks making himself comfortable on the couch.

“Yeah, make sure Alex and CoCoa don’t have sex.” I say slipping on my shoes. “Night guys.” I leave out the door and see Zack standing there waiting.

“Hey, what took you so long?”

“Jack complained that he didn’t want to have to listen to CoCoa and Alex have sex.”
“Dani, what’s wrong? You haven’t spoken all dinner.” Zack asks, wrapping his hand around my own from across the table.

“He’s here, Zack. And he’s gonna try and get me. Like last time. But this time, he-he’s gonna finished what he started.” I reply shakily.

Confused, Zack asks. “What do you mean he’s gonna finish what he started?”

Without looking him in the eye, I tell him about everything that happened the day Alex saved me. Finished with my story, I look up at him and see his tense face.

“I promise you, Dani, he won’t hurt you like that again.”

“Will you be getting any dessert tonight?” Zack and I look up, to who we think is our waiter, only to see him. Anthony. It’s been a while since I last saw him. He grew taller and his hair got darker. But he still looks the same, the same hair, the same stupid smirk, and the same beady, brown eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I ask franticly.

“I came to see you, of course. And you must be Zack. I don’t find it a pleasure to meet you.” He says with a sickly smile to Zack.

“I’m guessing that you’re the infamous Anthony.”

“So Dani talks about me, I’m flattered really. But it’d be best if we were going, come on Dani.” He says heading for the door. When he notices that I’m not following, he turns around. “Well, aren’t you coming? You wouldn’t want to cause a problem for Zack here.”

“Just leave me alone Anthony.”

“Not until you come with me.”

“I’ll never willingly go with you Anthony.”

“Then I’ll just take you unwillingly.” He says pulling out a gun. The people surrounding us could be seen running around the restaurant trying to escape. “Come now Dani, or there will be consequences.” He points the gun at me. “Dani.” He says sternly.

Before he could do anything, Zack launches himself on the unsuspecting Anthony.

A loud bang could be heard ringing throughout the restaurant.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took a while.
Finals suck. =[[

Tell me what you think.
Comments appreciated.