Mother Dearest


“Alright, so here are the two shirts you wanted.” I say to a couple waiting to see All Time Low.

“Thank you!” The girl replies as she goes to pay but is beaten to it by her boyfriend. She gives him a look while he just smiles and then they kiss. How cute.

“You’re welcome. Next in line.” I say.

Two teenage girls come up, looking like they could easily blend in with those that stand around at street corners looking for a night of pleasure. With their fake orange tans, push-up bras, tiny see-through tops, ultra mini miniskirts, and genuine hooker heels. Yep, they’re only here because they think the guys are cute.I bet they don’t even know the band name.

“Can we get the two of the Puffins shirt?” The fake blonde asked looking at her nails. I subtly noticed that her roots didn’t match at all with her hair color.

“Sure. What sizes?” I ask looking through the box.

“Both small.” The brunette replies texting on her cell phone. Does she know that too much of that can cause carpal tunnel? I guess not, ‘cuz she’s till texting away like no tomorrow.

“Sorry, but we don’t have any smalls left. Would you two like a medium instead?” As soon as I ask, the brunette stops texting and the blonde stops admiring hersplit endshair.

“No smalls left? But we want a small.” The blonde replies glaring at me.

“Yeah I know, but we just sold the last smalls that we had. You can still get the shirts in medium. It’s not a big deal.”

The brunette scoffs, “It is a big deal! We want smalls!”

“Just take the medium sized shirts and tie the backs. It’ll be fine.” I say growing impatient. The girls debated whether or not to take my advice with the mediums.

“Fine. We’ll take the mediums.” The blonde answers with slight disgust while saying ‘mediums’.

“Here you go. Enjoy the show.” I say as they pay me and give me fake smiles. Once they leave I sit down in the chair by the table.

“Looks like you’re having a rough time. Just wait ‘til we finish playing, then you and CoCoa will be bombarded with customers.” Zack says to me, smiling. I smile back.

“Everything’s been fine, actually. Just the two last girls that bugged me.”

“What’d they do?”

“They had a fit because they were getting medium sized shirts instead of smalls.” I reply with a laugh. He laughs as well.He has a cute laugh.

“Hey Zack, we gotta play now.” Jack says coming over.

“Alright. See you later Dani.” Zack replies smiling as he leaves.

See you later Dani. CoCoa says mimicking a guy’s voice.

“Shut up.”

“I told you he likes you.”

I blush in response.
“You guys were amazing!!.” I tell the guys as I run up to hug them. Through the corner of my eye I swear I saw Zack blush, but it’s probably just my imagination.

“Thanks.” He replies scratching the back of his neck.

“Let’s get going I’m tired.” Jack whines.

“Wait for Alex, he still as one more picture to take with those girls.” Rian says pointing over to Alex and the two girls that had the fit over shirt sizes. I just chuckle to myself.

Zack looks at me.“Are those the two girls you were talking about earlier?” I nod my head and he laughs a bit. I notice CoCoa giving the two girls death glares. Finally Alex finishes taking the picture and we all climb into the van.

Two hours later and Jack decides to tell us some strange story. Alex made all the dramatic sounds to go along with the story. This sucked because everyone wanted to sleep.

“Shut up will you! We’re all tired!” Rian exclaims frustrated with Alex’s sound effects and Jack’s story.

“You shut up!” Jack says sticking his tongue out.

“Yeahhhh.” Alex says pretending to mimic the girls from Lilo and Stitch.

Tired and frustrated, I yell at Alex and Jack. “The both of you will stop now and go to sleep! Everyone is tired and not willing to listen to your story! So you two better go to bed now! I’ll tuck you guys in if I have to, but you will go to sleep or so help me God, I will keep you both in this van for all of tomorrow!” I take a breath,“I feel more like your mother than your merch girl.”

Everyone looks at me wide-eyed. Then Jack whispers to Alex in a baby voice, “I think mommy is angry.”

I narrow my eyes, “Bed, now!”

“But I don’t wanna.” I glare at him.

“Just go to bed guys.” Zack says tiredly.

“Shut up, dad.”

“Go to sleep will you!”

They just stick out their tongues.

Bed, now.

At the same time they say, “Yes mommy.”“Yes mommy.”
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