Mother Dearest

The Question

“Mommy! Time to wake up!”

I didn’t want to wake up, so I kept my eyes closed. I suddenly feel my leg being lifted, then dropped.

“Mommy! Wake up! Jack’s voice whined once again.

I feel a tugging on my pant leg.


I feel something heavy on my stomach. Wanting to know what was crushing me, I open my eyes. I see Jack sitting on my stomach with his arms crossed and a pouty face.

“You know for a tall, lanky kid that looks like he’s all skin and bones, you’re pretty heavy.”

He gasps. “Daddy! Mommy called me fat!” He screams as he flips over the car seat in front of us to get to Zack.

“Well, maybe if you went to sleep the first time she told you to, she wouldn’t be mean to you.” Zack says a matter-of-factly. Jack just pouts some more. Aww, he looks just like a little kid who was put in to time out.

I yawn. “What time is it? And where’s Rian, Alex, and CoCoa?”

Zack looks at his phone. “It’s about 11:45.They all went to get us some lunch.”

“Okay. Do you know when they are coming back?”

“They left about 10 minutes ago. So they might be a while.”

I nod my head. “Is there a bathroom near here?”

“There’s a port-a-potty right there.” He says pointing to it. I grimace.

“Ew. I hate port-a-potties.” Him and Jack laugh.

“Well, it’s that or use the bathroom on someone’s tour bus. But then they might think you’re some crazed, stalker fan trying to rape them on their bus.” Jack says, swinging his feet like my 4 year-old brother, Aaron. I miss Aaron.

“Well then how about a band that you do know that has a tour bus?”

“There is always Boys Like Girls.”

“Great! Then let’s go hang out with them until the rest come back with food.”
You wanna know what I think sucks about meeting new people? Leaving a good first impression. Especially if you’ll be seeing them just about everyday for the entire summer. So when we went to go hang out with them, I decided I might as well not look like a wreck that just woke up. So here I am in a pair of pink and blue plaid Bermuda shorts, white flip flops, and a blue tank top with my light brown hair up in a loose bun and some eyeliner, getting a piggy back ride from Zack.He has really strong and nice arms.

We make our way over to the bus and Jack starts drumming out a beat on the door almost hitting Paul in the face.

“Whoa Jack! Knock me out why don’t ya.” Paul says jokingly. “Hey Zack. And who might the girl on your back be?” He asks noticing me.

“Paul this is Dani, Alex’s cousin. Dani meet Paul.”

“Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” I say smiling.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” He says smiling back at me. “Well, come on in.” He motions for us to come on the bus. Once we get in Zack sits me on the couchmuch to my disappointment and seats himself right next to me. Jack sits on the floor.

“Hey Jack, Zack! And who might you be?” Martin asks me as he, Bryan, and John enter the room.

“I’m Dani, Alex’s cousin.”

"Damn. So I guess that means you're off limits." Martin states jokingly. I laugh a little and notice Zack ball up his fists then quickly release his grip. I look at him and he just smiles at me, so I smile back.

“Oh, so you were the girl pulled into selling their merch.” Bryan says.

“Unfortunately.” I say jokingly.

“Oh please mommy, you know you love us.”

“Mommy?” John asks.

“Yep. Dani is our band mommy and Zack is our daddy.” Jack answers.


As Jack opens his mouth to answer,

So say hello to all the boys at the top of this table that your under
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby I understand that your making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry

my phone goes off.


“Dani! Where the fuck are you? We have food! And where’s Zack and Jack? If you and Zack went to go elope with Jack as your witness, I will honestly kill you. I wanna be the witness.”

“Whoa CoCoa, we’re just hanging out with Boys Like Girls.”

“YOU’RE IN THE FUCKING PRESENCE OF MARTIN FUCKING JOHNSON AND I’M NOT THERE WITH YOU???” While she screams, I pull the phone away from my ear allowing everyone to hear her. When Martin hears his name he smiles.

“God, Cocoa calm down. We’ll be there soon.” I say hanging up. I did not want to hear her gush about Martin as he sits across from me. “We’ll we should get going. Alex, Rian, and CoCoa just came back and they have our food.”

“Alright. Catch you guys later.” We say our good byes and head over to the van.

“FOOD!!” Jack yells once we reach the van. We seriously need a bus. As we ate our food, CoCoa kept asking me about Martin and the rest of Boys Like Girls. During all of this Alex was unusually quiet. Aww, he likes CoCoa. Now I have to get those two together.
Peace and quiet. It’s very relaxing. But few things like this last long. Especially when Jack decides to make things somewhat awkward for everyone, but mostly awkward for me and Zack.

“So Dani,” I look at him,“If you’re our mommy and Zack is our daddy, shouldn’t you two be together?” He asks curiously. His glance to Alex, Rian, and CoCoa gives me the feeling that they have something to do with this.
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Comments are greatly appreciated.