Mother Dearest

He Likes Me, He Really Likes Me

I hate awkward silences. Especially when everyone is staring at you.Even Zack. I open and close my mouth, looking like a fish, unsure of what to say. Suddenly, Zack saves me from the awkward silence.

“Jack, just because you consider her our ‘band mother’ and me the ‘band father’ doesn’t mean we have to date.” He says glancing at me.Maybe he doesn’t like me.“But since you mentioned it, we might as well tell you that we planned on going out on Friday. We’ll have to get someone to baby-sit you guys.”

My eyes widen, did he just say we’re going out on Friday? When did this happen? Was I not paying attention when we planned this? I’m totally lost. In my confusion, CoCoa screams delightfully.

“OH MY GOSH!!! Why didn’t you tell me about this?! You sneaky little fox! Now I can help you pamper yourself before the date! YAY!” CoCoa says thinking of all the possible rituals before a date.

“She didn’t tell you because it was a secret. We were just going to go and leave someone to watch over you guys.”

“So could we consider this your honeymoon? Since you’re our parents and all.” Jack asks slyly.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. There will be no sex with my cousin this Friday. If she gets pregnant, we may no longer have a bassist.” Alex says seriously.

“Oh, she won’t get pregnant! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Zack has some condoms, just in case.”

“OoOoOo! If you get pregnant, Dani, can you name the kid after me?”

“Guys, they just said that they’re going out. They’re probably just gonna grab something to eat and maybe watch a movie. They’re not gonna go and reproduce.” Rian says reassuring that nothing would go wrong.

“But seriously Zack, if you get my cousin pregnant, you’re dead.”

“Alex, I promise you that I won’t get your cousin pregnant. But I will get her dinner.” He replies smiling at me. I smile back.

Finally getting a word in the conversation I say, “Well I guess we should get Martin to baby-sit the little ones. Rian, you can keep Martin company.”
Don’t you hate when you have to stay in 100° weather? Add blasting music, fan girls, shirtless guys, and CoCoa flirting with Alex than you have the scene before me. Having just helped a few teens get some merch, I am now seated under the tent waiting for Zack and Rian to bringing me some food.

“Hey Dani.” I hear a familiar voice say. I turn to see Martin standing in front of the table.

“How may I help you today, sir?” I ask adjusting my big Chanel sunglasses. I love these sunglasses. Alex actually got them for me for my 19th birthday.

“Well I was just looking at the eyebolt shirts and I was wondering if you have one in my size?”

“You kinda look like a large.” I say jokingly.

He gasps, “Are you calling me fat?”

I smile, “Maybe.”

“I’m hurt. You think I’m fat.” We both laugh. “So how have you been?”

“I’m good. Met a bunch of new people since the last time I saw you.”

“Cool, cool. So some of the guys are gonna have party Friday, you wanna go?” He asks hopefully.

“Oh, I can’t. I have a date.”

“Really? With who?” He asks curiously.

“With me.” We turn to see Zack and Rian with Taco Bell in their hands. Zack steps closer and hands me my food. “I hope you don’t mind Martin but we’re gonna eat.” He says with a slight glare towards Martin.

“No problem, I gotta get ready to play anyway. Bye Dani.” He replies waving at me. I politely wave back as he leaves.

“Well that was awkward.” Rian says sitting down next to me. “What did he want anyway?”

“He was wondering if I wanted to go to with him to a party on Friday. But I told him I have a date.” I say before taking a bite into my taco. “Yum, tacos.” Zack smiles at me.
“I think he likes you.” I just about choke on my soda and Zack spits his out.


“I think Martin likes you.” Rian repeats. “Paul told me that Martin was talking about how hot you are the other day. And he pretty much just asked you out.”

I look at Zack noticing his clenched fists and white knuckles. Is he jealous?
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