Mother Dearest

The Date

I hate not knowing what’s going on or where I’m going. It bugs me. So when Zack told me that where we are going is a secret, I became a bit impatient.

“Why can’t you tell me where we’re going?” I whine.

“I told you before, it’s a secret. Now close your eyes.” Zack answers. I just look at him. “Come one, just do it.” I sigh through my nose and close my eyes. I feel him place his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to where ever he planned on taking me.

A little while later with at least a dozen turns, we finally stopped. “Okay, we’re here. Open your eyes.” Zack says.

I open my eyes. “Miyako Japanese Steak & Sushi. A sushi place? You brought me to a sushi place? Aren’t they like really expensive?”

“No worries, Alex is paying.” He smirks pulling out some money that I assumed came from Alex’s wallet.

I laugh. “He’s going to kill you when he finds out.”

“He won’t find out because no one will tell him.” He says slyly leading me into the restaurant.
“Okay so where else are you taking me?” I ask him curiously.

“Well, turn around.” He smiles. Confused, I turn around. Face to face with “Carnival” in big, bold, bright red letters.

My jaw drops. “Oh my gosh a carnival! I haven’t been to one in so long.” I squeal grabbing his hand and running to nearest ride.I can’t believe I just squealed and grabbed his hand. I never squeal.

He laughs as he follows me. “I didn’t think you’d actually like it.” He says honestly.

“Are you kidding me? I love carnivals!” I reply seating myself in the Tilt-A-Whirl.

Ride after ride after ride. I don’t know what time it is, but quite frankly I don’t care. I’m having so much fun with Zack right now. So far we’ve been on the Ferris wheel, the Scrambler, Bumper Cars, the Merry-Go-Round, the Double Colossal inflatable slide, Human Bowling, the Hay Ride, the Fun House, and the Swinging Ship. Zack even won me a huge teddy bear by playing that “World’s Strongest Man” game.

“Zack you really didn’t have to get me this bear.”

“It’s no problem, I wanted to give it to you.” Aww.

“Well thank you.” I smile at him. And that’s when I saw it. In it’s tacky powder blue paint and tattered black cloth. The photobooth. I squeal and drag Zack behind me as I run for booth. Practically throwing Zack into the booth, I insert the necessary amount of change and jump into the booth. With only room for one person, I sit on Zack’s lap.It’s not like either of us minded.

Picture after goofy picture after goofy picture. With only one picture left, Zack did something that I didn’t think he would do. He kissed me, right on my lips. After getting over the initial shock, I started to kiss back. As he pulled me closer to himself, I slipped my arms around his neck. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but I seriously didn’t give a damn.

So say hello to all the boys at the top of this table that your under
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby I understand that your making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry

“Ugh. What?” I say angrily into my phone.

“Mommy! Alex hit me!” Jack yells over the phone.

“What the hell Jack? Why don’t you tell Paul! He supposed to be watching you guys.” I answer frustratedthat Jack just ruined my kiss with Zack.

“He’s busy talking to Matt and Rian.”

I roll my eyes and hang up. “I am so sorry about that.” I tell Zack.

“It’s no big deal. We had to breathe sometime.” He replies jokingly. “And anyway, now you have some proof for CoCoa.” He says holding the little photo strip in his hand. I look at the photos, noticing the last one was a picture of the kiss.
“I had a great time tonight.” I tell Zack as I hug Caleb. I decided to name the bear Zack gave me Caleb.

“I did too and I’m glad you had a great time.” He says smiling at me. I smile back. He leans in and our lips collide. Kissing him back, I pray that Jack doesn’t show up.

“Zack and Dani kissing by the bus, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Alex's voice suddenly breaks us apart and we look towards the nearby window to see Alex, CoCoa, Jack, Matt, Rian, and Paul smiling down at us.

“Paul I thought I told you to make sure Jack and Alex go to bed early?”

“Yeah, about that...I fell asleep?” Paul answers unconfidently.
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