For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

I Need You So Much Closer

“Twenty minutes guys!” I yelled as I poked my head into the wardrobe room, catching glimpses of Harry’s bare back. I bit my lip hard as I continued to study his body.

He turned around to find me staring and walked towards me seductively, “You like what you see?” He nibbled on my ear.

My knees got weak and my body shuttered from the warmth of his breath. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips before continuing to get dressed. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis all walked out looking dashing and hyped for the show. I hugged each of them placing a friendly kiss on each of their cheeks while wishing them good luck. By the time I was done Harry was dressed and putting his ear-ins in place. He wore his khaki pants and white button up. He kissed my forehead as he wrapped his arm around my neck and walked me to side stage. I could see all the people and flashing lights from the side, there were thousands of girls screaming, crying, dancing, and waving. I could already feel the anxiety sinking in the pit of my stomach, I couldn’t even imagine how the guys were feeling. I placed my hand on Harry’s tummy, just above his belly button and got up on my tip toes to kiss him. Our kiss lingered for a while before he gently slid his tongue along my bottom lip. Acceptingly I hooked onto his lip and gave it a light sick before we both pulled away. I hugged him tightly and wished him good luck.

The guys ran on stage and the crowd lost it. The atmosphere never died down. Seeing the guys perform for the first time was mind blowing. They put everything they had into each song; it was really amazing how they managed to connect with every single fan in the stadium. Sometimes I’d catch Harry’s attention and gave him a subtle wave that he’d match with that sexy wink.

In the middle of ‘more than this’ my nausea was getting to bad to ignore. I unfortunately left the side stage and searched for the bathroom. I barely made it to the stall before I started to dry heave. When I was done throwing up I went to flush when I noticed what I had exactly thrown up, blood. My palms started sweating as my thoughts raced. I finished up in the bathroom, washing my hands, freshening up, and brushing my teeth, you learn to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste with you everywhere.

I made my way back to side stage just in time to see the guys finish up the last two songs. I tried my best to enjoy the last couple of songs but I was searching for answers. Throwing up on the plane was the first sign, now throwing up blood? Of course I thought the transplant didn’t work, which meant I’d have to explain to Harry. What was I going to say? Interrupting my thoughts, Harry’s sweaty physique ran towards me and picked me up.

“Yuck! You’re all sweaty Harry!” I joked.

He put me down and we were rushed by Paul and the rest of security out of the venue almost immediately. I was quiet the whole way to the hotel and Harry knew something up.

“What’s wrong love?” he asked.

“We’ll talk later hun,” I dismissed.

“Just tell me please,” he pouted.

Louis leaned forward, “Yeah come on babe, tell us!”

I knew this wasn’t the place or time I should tell Harry but the guys wouldn’t get off my back. They kept begging for blocks until I finally gave in.

“I threw up during the show.” I said quickly.

“Oh come on Quinn, Harry’s solo wasn’t that bad,” Liam joked.

They guys all broke out in laughter. “Blood,” I interrupted. “I threw up blood.”

Everyone was silent and I felt terrible. “I’m sorry. I told you we should talk about it later.”
No one said anything for a while until Zayn broke the tension, “Don’t apologize, we kept asking. We should have left it alone”

“You need to go home Quinn,” Harry said bluntly.

“What?” I could barely speak. My heart was in my throat, and my palms got sweaty. Was he breaking up with me?

“We’ll talk about this at the hotel.” He said looking out the window.

I was crushed. I’d risked everything to come here and see him incase it’d be too late and he was telling me to go home? And to make it worse he was going to wait to tell me? I don’t think so. I’m not one for scenes but he owed me and explanation and I was going to get one.

“No we won’t. You’ll tell me now.” I shifted away from him.

“Not in front of the guys Quinn.” He spoke quietly.

“Then you should have thought about that before starting this conversation…”

“Calm down Quinn.” He ignored me.

I ignored him too. None of the guys said anything until we got to the hotel. We walked up to the door and Harry slid in the key. He opened the door and stood back to let me in. I walked in and threw down my bags and got in Harry’s face.

“You’re going to explain what the fuck you’re talking about right now Harry Styles and I mean it. You owe me that.” My voice got raw, I was devastated.

“I just think it would be best if you went back for more treatment. Obviously the transplant isn’t working. I can’t let you stay here and be with me while you’re slowly dying.” He explained.

“So you’d rather be an ocean away from each other and have me die alone?” I backed him closer to the wall.

“That’s not what I meant.” He said sheepishly.

“Then what did you mean?” I pushed him against the wall.

He grabbed my wrists aggressively. “If something happens to you while you’re here it’s gonna be on my shoulders. I’m taking you away from treatment. You should be getting better. I won’t be able to live with myself Quinn.”

I pulled away from him. “We don’t even know for sure that the transplant didn’t work. And even if I didn’t I’m still going to die Harry!”

He grabbed my face and attached our lips. The kiss was rough and made my knees go weak but I quickly pulled away. “You can’t just kiss me and think everything’s okay!”

He grabbed my shoulders, spun my around and pushed me against the wall. “You’re so sexy when you’re mad,” His voice was raspy.

I lost all motivation to put up a fight or be mad at him. He lifted me up and pinned me against the wall, he began placing sloppy kisses all over my neck. I tangled my fingers in his curls giving them a light tug pulling his face to mine. Harry wasted no time slipping his tongue into my mouth and carrying me to the bed. He stopped at the foot, flashing a cheeky grin and then tossing me onto the California king sized bed. He kicked off his shoes and within seconds crawled over my body. His hands found their place on either sides of my body, propping himself up. Our kissing was quick and hungry as my fingertips worked to the hem of his shirt. Teasingly, I slid my hands underneath his shirt and traced every divined line on his torso before tugging it right off.

“Are you sure?” he whispered.

I didn’t bother answering; instead I kissed his neck and finished with a bite that would surely leave a mark. Harry mimicked my action and slid off my sweater. We lied there kissing, hands roaming, and bare skin touching until we both needed more. Harry made the first move kissing all down my torso until he reached the band of my black leggings and slid them off slowly. He ran his large hands up from the tips of my toes, pausing to rub my inner thighs gently, and stopping at my face where he latched on and kissed me slowly. I unbuckled his belt, undid the button and slowly unzipped his pants. Quickly he squirmed out of his them and made his way back to my lips.

I taunted the elastic of his Calvin Klein’s, snapping them against his skin. His lips lost their form as he light out a sigh of anticipation. Getting me back, his fingertips traced their way up my arm and made tiny circles on my shoulders with his index finger as his thumb hooked onto my bra strap. He guided it down to my elbow following with tiny pecks. As he reached for the other strap his free hand reached around my back and unhooked my bra using two fingers. Harry removed my bra leaving my chest exposed. He swiftly threw my bra off, adding to the array of clothes covering the floor.

Harry looked back at me, taking in my breasts for the first time, biting his lip intently. I flashed a cheeky grin before I pulled him closer to my face. My hands naturally found their place on his chiseled shoulder blades, rubbing, grabbing and scratching while Harry had his way with my chest.

Harry slid his way down to my panties tugging at the sides. I couldn’t take his games anymore. “Harry” I moaned. He smiled against my stomach before ripping them off. He placed both my legs on his shoulders before kissing my inner thighs, getting closer every kiss. Harry’s tongue ran up my slit as he slid in finger. He worked at my core loosening up my body and sending waves of lust that makes your toes curl, body quiver, and hands grip tightly at the sheets. By now I’m sure our neighbors knew Harry’s name.

“Harry,” I gasped. “Please, I can’t wait anymore.”

He made his way back towards my face. I didn’t hesitate pulling off his boxers, revealing his large member. He leaned down and fumbled in his pants searching for a condom. My hands found their way down his body and stroked him lightly until he found what he was looking for. He ripped it open eagerly and slid it on within seconds. He propped his body up placing himself in front of my entrance. He laced our fingers together and I inhaled deeply, preparing for the pain. He kissed me passionately before slowly entering. I squeezed his hands tighter.

“I’m so sorry. I can stop” he whispered.

“No, no just give me a minute.”

He kissed me again, “You’re so beautiful Quinn. I love you so much.”

His words put my body at ease. “I love you too Harry.” I gave him a nod to continue.

He hesitated but started off slowly. I let up my grip on his hand and he started pumping faster. We took our turns moaning, gasping and screaming. Our lips never lost contact.

“Fuck, Q. I’m so close” he groaned.

“Me too baby” I whispered. Harry moved faster, finishing me off first. Seconds after his hips bucked. He rolled over throwing the used condom on the floor and shifting as close to me as possible. Harry’s body was hot and sweaty, making some of his curls cling to his forehead. His eyes were greener than they have ever been and he had the cheekiest grin I’d ever seen.

We both lied there on our sides, arms wrapped around each others bodies, legs tangled, skin pressed and eventually falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you see that coming? (;
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