For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

Don't You Dare, Don't You Ever Give Up On Us My Dear

I spent close to two ours in the shower before I managed to step out. I patted myself down with a towel before tying the hotel bathrobe around my waist. I wiped away the condensation on the mirror, observing my face. My eyes were red and puffy, it was obvious I’d been crying.

I opened up the bathroom door and the cool air hit my exposed skin. Harry was sitting on the edge of our bed waiting intently. He stood up as soon as he saw me, walking towards me. I needed to avoid this conversation.

“Sorry I took so long hun,” placing a quick kiss on his cheek. “It’s all yours.”

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. “Love, are you okay? They’re just trying to…”

I cut him off. “Harry, I’m fine. I knew this would happen eventually. Just go shower or you’re gonna be late for sound check.” I faked a smile.

I could see the doubt all over Harry’s face but he nodded and disappeared into the bathroom. I stood there as guilt filled my body. My head got light and my eyelids grew heavier. I fell onto the bed and within minutes I was sound asleep.

Harry’s POV

My shower was cut short since Quinn used up most of the hot water but I didn’t mind. I stepped out wrapped a towel around my waist and shook out my damp curls. When I walked into the room I found Quinn curled up in the middle of the bed fast asleep. She looked so peaceful when she slept. I couldn’t help but study her shrinking frame. She had gotten considerably smaller since I was in London. Her skin was pale and flawless like a tiny porcelain doll. No matter how sick she looked she could still take my breath away. Everything about her was perfectly constructed. She had bone structure that girls would kill for, big eyes you could get lost in, lips you needed to kiss, and that damn smile.

I sat down lightly next to her limp body. I pulled the covers over her and just watched her for a bit. I couldn’t help but think about everything that I had missed and everything that I might miss with Quinn. I had never seen Quinn when she wasn’t sick. I still hadn’t taken her out on a proper date. I began to wonder if I’d ever get to do or see those things.

Eventually, I shook my thoughts and placed a light kiss on her scar. I made my way to my suitcase grabbing clothes for the day, and quickly slipping into them. I grabbed another piece of the hotel paper and quickly scribbled a message for Quinn. I placed it on the pillow next to her. I shuffled to the door, stopping and taking in her silhouette one more time.

“How did I get this lucky?” he whispered.

Quinn’s POV

A solid consecutive pounding filled my head. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light. I rolled over facing Harry side of the bed to find another note on his pillow.

“Didn’t want to wake you. Come to the arena whenever you want or if you feel up to it. Just call the front desk for a car. I’ll check up on you soon bird. I’m so glad you’re here.
I love you!
xoxoxo Harry”

As I put down the note, I heard a knock on the door. I let out a groan as I made my way to the door. Standing in front of me was a large man in a well tailored suit. He stood at least 6’5”. His hair line was receding, his face was sun burned, and his teeth were so white, large, straight they had to be veneers, and his nose was large and crooked at the end.

“Hello dear. I’m assuming you’re Quinn. My name is Alexander Price.” His voice was deep and intimidating.

I remembered that I was still only wearing the hotel bathrobe as I pulled it tighter to my body. “Yes I am. Um- I’m sorry sir, I don’t think I know you...”

“Oh, I’m sorry! This is our first time meeting. I’m on the board of management for One Direction.” His voice seemed fake.

“Oh, well it’s a pleasure then. Unfortunately the guys aren’t here. They have sound check right now. I have the address if you need it.” I walked towards the nightstand. Mr. Price invited himself in and closed the door behind him.

“Actually I’m not looking for them. I’ve come to discuss some things with you if you’ve got a minute…” his voice carried as he sat in the chair in the corner of the room.

I was immediately confused but obliged regardless. “Uh-Um-Alright.”

“Now I’m sure you’ve heard the news about your and Harry’s reunion. We’re delighted that you’re feeling well enough to visit but we normally like to know in advance, only because we can take some precautions to avoid situations like that. And well I’m out here to do some damage control. The board is concerned about you’re health. You shouldn’t be away from your doctors or treatment. And to be frank, you’re baggage Quinn. We don’t like baggage.” He stood up and walked towards me with his briefcase in hand.

“This is our offer to you. $250,000 cash, no strings or anything. All you have to do is go back to London.” He opened the brief case and placed it next to me. It was full of money. “Well and end things with Harry of course.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhhhh Ohhhhh!
Do you think Quinn's gonna take it? Does Harry know about this?
Juicy next chapter so hang in there!
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