For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

Let's Drive With No Destination

I really couldn’t process what he was asking me. I sat there sitting on the bed picking at the corners on my thumbs.

This had to be a joke. Maybe the guys are in on this? This had Louis and Zayn written all over it. But he looked so official and they wouldn’t take it this far would they? As much as I wanted to tell management to shove it I had to be professional.

I bit my lip hard before speaking, “excuse me?”

“We’re only looking out for Harry. This is what’s best for him.” He looked down checking his watch.

If it was physically possible for blood to boil, I’d imagine this would be what it would feel like. My whole body heated up. I clinched my fists so tight my knuckles turned white. I started chewing aggressively on the inside of my cheek and my eyes started filling up with tears. Screw being professional.

“What’s best for Harry?” I snapped. “You don’t know what’s best for Harry. You only know what’s best for your paycheck, so why don’t you take you’re $250,000 and buy yourself some class.” I pushed the briefcase full of money into his gut.

He grunted. “I can understand you’re hostility, but we’re willing to pay for your treatment as well. Maybe if things get better we can discuss you and Harry again.”

I let out a loud scoff. “I would die from lack of treatment before I’d take your money. Now please get out.” I threw opened the door.

“You’ll regret this. This is Harry’s career you’re jeopardizing, just remember that.” He said as I slammed the door in his face.

I leaned against the door frame as the tears started. His words kept repeating over in my head and stabbing me in the gut. Was I being selfish? I couldn’t ruin Harry’s career. I paced the room aggressively and fell hard on my knees. I crawled to the side of the bed, reaching for the phone. Quickly I dialed the number by memory, quietly sulking until a familiar voice spoke on the other line.

“Hello?” Liam said confused.

“Lee, don’t say anything please. Don’t tell anyone who this is. I need you to come to the hotel please.” My words were shaky.

“Don’t move. I’m coming now.” He whispered quickly.

I dropped the receiver falling into the fetal position, loosing all self control.


Only eight minutes passed before Liam and Paul rushed in, neither of them bothered knocking. Liam ran over to my and cradled my hiccuping body.

“Quinn what happened?” Liam said.

Paul sat on the bed behind us intently listening.

“Some man came to the door. He said he was from management. I told him you guys weren’t here but he said he wanted to talk to me.” I paused. “He came in and started rambling on about how they were happy I was here and better but that I should have told them I was coming because they of the publicity. He said he was doing damage control and I was the damage.” I cried again. “He told me that I was baggage and offered me $250,000 to break up with Harry and never talk to him again. He said I’m not good for Harry, that I’m jeopardizing his future. Is that true Lee?” I looked up at him with big eyes.

He pushed the tears from my face and comforted my head to his chest. He looked angry.

“What was his name Quinn?” He said sternly, ignoring my question.

“Liam, Is he right?” I pushed away from his chest, and looked for an answer.

He grabbed my face tightly, “don’t even think that! You’re the best thing that’s happened to that bloke, everyone knows it. Now tell me his name.”

“Price something” I said weakly. “I was mean to him. I’m sorry, I tried to be professional. But he said all those things and I couldn’t help myself. I basically told him to shove it.” I looked from Liam to Paul nervously.

Smiles grew across both of their faces. Liam’s strong arms lifted me up and placed my on the bed before placed a light kiss on the top of my head. He grabbed Paul and pulled him to the corner, whispering in his ear. Paul nodded acceptingly and Liam took of into the attached living area.

Paul made his way back the side of my bed and sat down lightly next to me. He nervously scratched his head. “I spend a lot of time with the lads, you know that. They tell me stuff and I see things, I know that if you left Harry it wouldn’t be doing what’s best. You’re what’s best for that kid.” He placed a light hand on my hand, patting lightly.

I flashed Paul a weak smile, “Where’d Liam go?”

“Just take care of stuff.” He chuckled. “Why don’t you get dressed we’ll take you back to the arena.”

I got up and made my way to the bathroom with my suitcase. I searched aimlessly before pulling out dark washed skinny jeans, a baggy white v-neck tied right above my right hip, a dark gray cardigan, and my floral doc martens. I walked out of the bathroom to find Paul and Liam conversing quietly.

They both looked nervous and hesitant. “Here, sit down dear.” Paul directed me towards the bed.

“Quinn, I called management.” Liam began. “I asked for that man and explained everything to them. No one named Price works there, or has ever worked there.”

“What do you mean? He was here Liam. I’m not lying!” I said defensively.

“We aren’t saying you are!” Paul reassured me.

“We’ll just have to have a meeting with management and discuss him and what he looked like.” Liam finished.

On the way to the arena I starred out the window replaying my conversation with “Mr. Price” over and over again. I grabbed my phone and composed a message to Harry.
“I love you.”

As I sent the message a truck collided with our SUV.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lots of stuff happening with Quinn right now, poor thing.
Don't worry though, I'm not straying away from her cancer.
Sorry my updates haven't been consistent.
My insomnia is back so I'll probably be writing more.
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