For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

I'm Willing To Break Myself, I'm Not Afraid

Louis, Zayn, Niall, and I shuffled into the green room after a long game of football. My sweaty body fell on the couch, the boys following my lead. I reached for my phone on the coffee table. One new text message, seven missed calls and one voicemail. I went to the voicemail from Paul first, and put it on speaker. We all went quiet as a side of Paul we’ve never heard spoke on the other end.

“Harry. I don’t know where you lads are but none of you are answering. I don’t know how to say this.” My stomach dropped to my toes. “Liam, Quinn and I were on our way to the arena. I was driving, Liam behind me, and Quinn in the front seat.” He paused and loud sirens started. “A truck hit us. I didn’t even see it Harry,” his voice choking up. “It was on Quinn’s side. Me and Liam are fine just some bumps and bruises. They took Quinn without telling me anything. We’re going to the hospital now. I’m so…” Liam’s groggy voice cut in, “Paul my arm!” “I’m coming. As soon as you get this come to Mercy Hospital. Please forgive me.” The phone cut off.

The guys stared at me blankly waiting for me to say something, but I didn’t. I stood up and took off running. I could hear their calls and fast footsteps behind me, but I didn’t stop. I ran down the hall, through the lobby and out right past hundreds of fans. Their screams grew louder as the boys appeared seconds after me. I ran towards the car, pulling on every handle viciously trying to open the door. Three clicks quickly followed unlocking the doors; I jumped into the passenger seat, Louis driving, and Zayn and Niall behind us. Leaving the arena was frowned upon, but leaving without security, that was a death sentence but none of us cared. I lost all composure as Louis began driving, Zayn plugging in the address in the GPS. I only caught bits and pieces of their conversation. I had no idea how they were keeping their composure. Paul, Liam, and Quinn were some of the most important people in my life, and here we are, no idea what was wrong.

“Harry….Harry…HARRY!” Louis screamed, shaking me out of my trace.

He continued, “I’m going to drop off you and Niall at the front. Alright lad? Everything’s going to be okay.”

My legs nervously shook the whole ride there, moving so fast I was sure it would fall off. The hospital finally came into perspective and I threw off my seatbelt and scooted to the edge of my seat, my hand squeezing the handle tightly. I could hear Niall’s seat belt unbuckle behind me.

I was out the door before Louis even came to a completely stop. We sprinted into the ER, almost walking right past the receptionist.

“Excuse me sir, you can’t go in there without a signing in and a name tag.” She yelled.

Niall grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her desk. “Liam Payne. Quinn Samuels. Paul Higgins.” Niall spoke for me.

“Are you related to them sir?” she asked. “Oh my god, aren’t you guys from that British band? My niece loves you guys.” She gawked.

“Please.” I quickly begged.

She ripped off two name tags, “Yes. I’m sorry, go. Second floor, they’ll tell you what rooms.”

I took off running pressing the elevator at least 30 times before running towards the flight of stairs. Niall grabbed the name tags, thanked the woman graciously, promising her signatures later and followed closely behind me.

When we got up to the second floor and rounded the corner to the front desk. Paul was hovering over the desk holding the receiver to his ear.

“Paul!” Niall yelled.

His head jerked in our direction, he dropped the phone and limped towards us, engulfing us both in large hugs. He pulled away and began to speak; “I’m so sorry” He looked at us like he just killed our dog. “I didn’t even see the truck.”

I hugged him back, this time I didn’t want to let go. I cried heavily into his chest. His strong arms patted my back firmly.

“Niall! Harry!” I looked up and saw Liam running towards us. His face was a bit scratched up and his left arm wrapped up in a black cast. We hugged him tightly.

By now Zayn and Louis had made their way towards us, and were talking with Paul. Liam grabbed my shoulder, “she’s asking for you.”

Liam guided me towards Quinn’s room, then giving us alone time. Her mangled body lied there almost lifeless. Her leg was broken and already in a cast, the side of her face was bruised and scratched. A neck wrapped in a brace. I walked toward her side and grabbed her hand. Her tiny fingers laced with mine. I looked up to see her eyes slowly open and a cheeky grin on her face.

“We’re going to be late for your show.” She spoke quietly.

I let out a small laugh as the tears started.


Quinn’s POV

I don’t remember much from the accident except for getting hit, being plowed by a truck isn’t something you forget.

Luckily, my body was numb from all the painkillers being pumped through my system. Me being in an accident was the last thing I wanted Harry to worry about. I couldn’t seem to catch a break since I arrived in the states, and I couldn’t help but think maybe that mysterious man was right.

I slid my body over, letting Harry lie down next to me. This position had become routine every time he would visit in the hospital. His arm snaked around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. I rested my ear against his chest, his heartbeat soothed me to sleep.

“I was so scared Quinn.” He whispered.

When the doctor came in Harry lightly shook my body, placing kisses on the top of my head. He said I was cleared to leave once they unhooked me and what not. Harry placed a delicate kiss on my chapped lips before scooting out of bed.

“I’m going to go tell the lads. I’ll be right back!” he spoke with a big smile.

Once Harry was gone the doctor approached the side of my bed. We spoke to your doctors in London, we agree that it’d be best for you to go back to London. They should have your test results back soon, it’d be impossible to start treatment while you’re constantly moving.”

I sat up cringing at his words. He reached around and took of the precautionary neck brace, removed the tubes from my nose, and unhooked my IV.

“I appreciate your concerns sir, I really do. I’ve had this discussion with my doctors and they were well aware of the situation. I also made the decision to refuse further treatment.” I made sure to speak quietly incase Harry was close. We hadn’t talked about my decision yet and now wasn’t the best time.

The doctor scratched his bald spot as he gave me a confused look. “Well…You’re free to go. I’ll have a nurse bring a wheelchair.” He exited as Harry and the guys walked in.

They stood in the doorway with all the same looks on their faces. I had always thought the looks you get when you’re a cancer patient were the worst, I guess I was wrong. The look you get when you’re a cancer patient who’s just been in an accident is a hundred times worse.

I broke their sympathetic looks, “It’s not as bad as it looks. How are you two?” asking Paul and Liam.

Liam rushed to my bed side and squeezed me tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” He whispered in my ear.

The rest of the boys lined up behind Liam each giving me big hugs, friendly kisses and supporting words. Paul was last, guilt was written all over his face, which made me feel absolutely horrid.

His muscular body wrapped around as he whispered his apologies in my ear. I cut him off almost immediately, pulled away and looked him straight in the eyes.

“This is not your fault. You have no reason to apologize. Some junkie ran a red light that does not make you responsible. I’m just glad that you both are okay. Liam can perform tonight and you can keep them safe like you always do.”

He gave me a half hearted smile.

“Can we please leave now?” I begged.

Everyone laughed lightly. Paul helped me to the wheelchair and Harry pushed me to the car and back to our hotel room.

I said my good luck speeches to the guys and thanked Paul before Harry and I went back up to the room. He laid my aching body on the bed and tucked me in like a little kid.

“Are you sure you’ll be alright? I’ll stay with you. I really don’t want to leave you.” He pouted.

I grabbed the back of his neck, removing the space between our lips but just for a bit. “I’ll be fine. You cannot miss a concert; it would devastate your fans. All I’m going to do is sleep, and the hotel said they’d be more then willing to help me if I need it. I’ll be right here waiting for you. Now go have a good time. I love you Harry.”

“I love you Quinn. I don’t want to loose you.” He kissed my check.

“Well then it’s a good thing I’m not going anywhere.” I forced a smile through my agony.

He wrapped his lanky arms around my body one last time, the contact of our skin still making my heart drop, and slowly walked towards the door. He hesitated and looked back at me; my eyes were already fighting to stay awake.

I could barely hear him mumble under his nasally breath, “What am I going to do without you?”
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Sorry I know it's been awhile!
And this chapter isn't that great but it'll get better I promise!

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Your comments are amazing.
I was actually starting to worry about the story but thank you so much!
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