For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

With Every Word I'm Blown Away

“She’s burning up”

“Are her lips blue?”

“What should we do?”

“Is she breathing?”

“Shut up. Yes she’s breathing.”

“We need to take her to the hospital”

“Should we?”

I tried to follow the conversation half conscious. I woke up feeling worse then when I fell asleep. I squinted one eyes open looking at Harry and the boys huddling around me.

“You alright babe?” Louis asked

“Treatment.” I slurred. “Sleep. I need.” I didn’t have enough strength to put together full sentences. I rolled over on my side pulling the blankets closer to my sweaty body.

The guys shared confused looks before Harry dismissed them. I heard Harry shuffle around the room before he sat next to me on the bed.

“You sure you’re okay babe. I’m worried.” He wiped the sweat from my brow.

“I just need to sleep it off. I’ll be better in the morning” my eyes were glued shut.

He signed loudly, kissed my cheek softly and said, “I hope so.”

I woke up the next morning purposely before Harry. I had a big day planned for us, even if I still felt terrible.

My shower the next morning was heaven. I leaned against the cold tiles as the steam built up and filled my lungs. The hot water hit all the right spots on my aching body. I dreaded getting out of the steam chamber. I reluctantly turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my shaking frame. I had decided on my ripped blue jeans, a cropped cream sweater and my floral doc martens.

I wasn’t going to let Harry know how I was feeling. I knew he would insist on taking me to the hospital or staying at the hotel and I wasn’t going to do that. I walked out of the bathroom and Harry was still sound asleep. His curly locks were tangled in a hundred different directions. His face was smashed against the pillow, his mouth wide open. I took a deep breath and rolled onto the bed. Time to put of my best healthy face.

“Baby” I hummed, brushing back his hair. “It’s time to wake up. I’ve got quite the day planned for us.”

He let out a husky whimper before extending his long arm and pulling me towards him without opening his eyes.

I giggled playfully as he pulled me into a warm embrace. “Harry,” I whined. “Go get ready.”

He kissed my cheek. “Let’s just cuddle today love,” kissing behind my ear.

I placed a tiny kiss on the tip of his nose. “Come on babe.” I playfully pulled him upright. “I’ll order some breakfast.”

He fake cried while he got out of bed and walked into the shower. “I want waffles!” I heard him yell over the shower.

I called down to room service and ordered food for Harry. I knew I should have got something for myself but just the thought of eating sent my stomach through loops.

After Harry got out of the shower and ate his breakfast we were ready to go. Harry was wearing dark blue jeans, a white v-neck, and converse. His hair was perfectly tousled. He looked so effortless, but he still managed to put butterflies in my stomach.


We walked out of the hotel and through the fans. Harry helped me into the large SUV and slid in next to me. “So where are we going love?” Harry questioned.

“You’ll see.” I smirked.

I rested my head on his toned chest for most of the ride, trying to ignore the horrid feeling running through my body.

“No way!” Harry yelled as we approached Disneyland.

“I hope that’s a good no way.” I said.

“Aw love. I’m excited! Are you gonna be okay to ride the rides?” He asked.

“Anything for you babe.” I kissed his lips tenderly.

We got out of the car and I instantly felt eyes on me. This was the first time Harry and I would be out in public since I got to the states. I hoped that I could go the whole day without feeling sick. That unfortunately didn’t happen. I put off rides of any sort for as long as possible. After every ride I struggled to keep down anything, I went to the restroom four times throwing up all liquids I had digested this morning.

I tried my best to make this time amazing with Harry, which wasn’t difficult at all. Harry was such a sweetheart. He knew I was struggling to keep up with the walking so he offered me piggyback rides every time.

We spent most of our day at the park walking around and just enjoying our childhoods, occasionally Harry would stop for some fans. Harry even won me stuffed Minnie Mouse. As much as I loved our time at Disneyland, I couldn’t wait for my next event I had planned.

When we left the park the sun was just about to set. “I’m excited to see what’s next” Harry said, pulling my legs on to his lap and rubbing my knees.

“Well” I paused. “You sort of took my idea with breakfast on the beach. I was planning on dinner at the beach.”

“That sounds lovely” he said kissing my forehead.

When we got to the beach I guided Harry to the secluded spot I asked Paul to set up for us. There were blankets, pillows, candles, and food.

“Let’s go for a dip love,” harry winked.

“We don’t have suits Harry.”

“Who needs ‘em?” and with that Harry kicked off his shoes and ripped off his shirt. He walked up to me swooping me up bridal style, pulling off my boots. Once my shoes were off Harry threw me over his shoulder and took off running towards the water.

The water was cold and sent my body into initial shock at first. I wasn’t worried about getting sick and Harry wasn’t worried what people might get on camera. We goofed around in the water just sharing a normal experience together. Moments like these make everything worth it.
♠ ♠ ♠
So another filler kinda :/
I'm sorrrrrrry! Don't hate me.
I've never been so excited to write the next chapter!
I can't wait(:

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