For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

This Time Baby You Better Reach Down Deep

“Babe can you zip me up?” I asked.

“I’d rather not…” Harry said with a devilish grin, kissing my exposed shoulders.

“I’m going to be late.”

“Will you please let me go with you?” Harry zipped up my dress.

“It’s your day off Harry. And plus what if someone recognizes you there? I don’t want to take away from Carl.” I said sheepishly.

“Are you going to be okay though? I don’t like the idea of you going anywhere alone.” Harry said.

“I’m not going to be alone. Paul is coming with me. I’m not going for the wake just the service. My nausea and just the thought of an open casket has disaster written all over it.” I buckled up my strappy sandals and smoothed out my black dress in the mirror. The last time I wore this dress I was a good thirty five pounds heavier. The dress hugged all my curves perfect but now just hung loosely off my frame.

I kissed Harry goodbye and made my way to Paul down the hall. He helped me out of the lobby and into the car. I sat there nervously for the whole ride. The thought of meeting Carl’s family was terrifying. I barely knew Carl and all of a sudden his giving me this life changing gift.

“We’re here.” Paul turned around

I unbuckled my seatbelt and exhaled deeply. Paul got out of the car and open my door for me. “You don’t have to come in Paul.” I said quietly.

“Oh yes I do. I have strict instructions from Harry.” He said laughing.

I loved how overprotective Harry was, definitely a turn on.

When we walked into the building I saw a sign by one of the doors, ‘Carl Haley.’ I slowly approached the doorframe, stopping to sign the guest book. I continued into the room. I was shocked by what I saw. Hardly anyone was wearing black, the only people crying were from laughing too hard, kids chasing each other in circles, and it was rather loud. Collages of Ellie and Carl were on display everywhere. I started to make my way towards them when someone approached me. She wore tweed dress pants, a white silk button-up and pointy high heels. She had Ellie’s strawberry blonde hair, cut right above her shoulders.

“You must be Quinn.” She said, pulling me in for a hug. “I’m Robyn, the daughter.”

I was taken back by this whole situation. “Yeah, I am. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m terribly sorry for your loss.” I said nervously.

“Oh my. Your accent is just the cutest! Stan you have to hear this.” She yelled. Once she grabbed my hand and pulled me into their family circle, I was gone. I met at least 30 people, loud people might I add. They were all so outgoing and colorful; I didn’t have much of a break. Don’t get me wrong though, I loved it! I just wasn’t expecting it. Carl’s kids, Robyn and Stan, took turns telling stories of their parents and how madly in love they were. They also told me how Carl called them after our talk and told them his plan. He told them he was going to write a letter that needed to be delievered to the hospital and who to look for when I came to the service. I almost lost track of time until I started seeing spots. I could feel my stomach churning and that was my cue to leave. I said my goodbyes and thanked them all. Before I left Stan and Robyn pulled me aside.

“I hope we didn’t overwhelm you too much” Robyn said.

“No! It was great. Thank you for being so accepting.” I replied.

“We aren’t this crazy either. We knew it wasn’t the same for Dad once Mom died so we just thought it’d be more appropriate to celebrate them being together again rather then dying.” Stan added.

“That’s a lovely idea.” I smiled. Stan hugged me and said goodbye before walking away.

“Well this is yours” Robyn pulled out an envelope. “The paperwork and everything you need for the cord blood is in there.”

“You have no idea how much this means to me.” I choked back tears and hugged Robyn tightly.

After saying goodbye to Robyn I walked over to Paul who was now talking to Stan.

“Ready to go?” Paul asked.

“Yeah, I’m feeling a little sick.” I said

We both said goodbye to Stan and were on our way. I immediately regretted not throwing up before we left. I had to ask Paul to pullover ten minutes into the drive.

I was more then happy to get back to the hotel. All I wanted was to cuddle with Harry but when I walked into our room Harry was no where to be found. I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped off my sandals and struggled to get out of my dress. I started a bubble bath and popped some much needed Advil.

I dipped my big toe into the tub to check the water. I shed the rest of my garmets and slid into the bath. I lied there for awhile letting my mind race and body soak. The deeper my thoughts got the heavier my eyelids became, slowly I felt myself slipping into a deep sleep.

Harry’s POV

The lads and I decided to go out tonight, just the boys. We ate pizza at the hotel and then played eight games of laser tag, my and Louis won of course. I had a great time with the guys but I missed Quinn like crazy, not to mention I was worried I han;t heard from her all day. I cut my night short to go check up on her when I ran into Paul in the hallway.

“Hey mate, how was it?” I asked

“Different. I’m glad I ran into you though. The guy’s son told me I was supposed to give this to you…” he handed me an envelope.

“Are you sure? I’ve never even met the bloke.”

Paul shrugged. “That’s what he said. And Quinn wasn’t supposed to know ‘bout it.”

“Hmm…” I took the envelope and stuffed it in my pocket. “Thanks again for taking her Paul.” I shook his hand firmly.

“You got it kiddo.”

I quickly made my way to our room. I could smell Quinn's bubble bath as soon as I walked in. I decided to take advantage of my alone time and opened up the letter.

“Don’t let this one go, marry her.

Carl x”
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I know this one isn't that long but I wanted to give you guys something tonight
Hang in there! It'll get good soon

Thanks for the amazing feedback like always!

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