For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

Things Cannot Be Reversed, Learn From The Ones We Fear The Worst

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the consecutive beeping of my heart monitor. My mind was hazy as I tried to shake off the anesthesia. My bones ached but my body was numb. How long was I out for?

“Good mornin’ lovely!” Cheri spoke loudly as she entered my room. “We had a chat right after the transplant. Do you remember?”

I declined her answer with a mixture of grunts and head shaking.

“Thought so. Well seems you’ve been out ‘bout a day and half. Doc says the transplant went well, now we just gotta wait and see” she started checking my temperature, blood pressure, heartbeat and what not.

“That boy of yours has been ringing me all day long. Would you like me to dial him up?”

Surprising for the three minutes I was up I forgot about Harry, but that quickly ended when thousands of thoughts and memories rushed through my head.

Cheri dialed the phone and placed the phone in the nook between my shoulder and head, I was too weak to hold the phone.

A sleepy Harry answered the phone, “Quinn?”

“Hi babe” my voice was equally as raspy.

“I’m so glad to hear your voice, I was worried sick.” I could him fluffy up his pillow.

I turned my head slightly to see the clock, 8:00 am London time. Stupid time zones. “I just saw the time I’m sorry to wake you at 3:00 in the morning.”

“No, no I’m so glad you called.” He paused. “How are you feeling babe? I miss you like crazy, the lads too. They keep asking ‘bout ya.”

I forced a smile. “I just woke up for the first time since the transplant.” I paused, I swear I coughed up a lung. “Sorry. But I’m still a bit knackered. I miss you too Harry and the boys.”

He sighed. “I can tell. I wish I was there you know, to take care of you. Just hang in there for me alright love?”

“I’ll try, just have fun and call me when you wake up. I love you”

“I will. I love you too Quinn.” I could hear his voice dozing off.

“Sweet dreams Styles.” I slowly grabbed the receiver, damn was that thing heavy, and hung up.

I shifted comfortably in the bed falling back into a deep slumber.


Harry’s POV

It’s been four days since Quinn and I had an actual conversation. Whenever I’d call she was sleeping, when she called I was performing, sleeping, doing an interview or something like that. We left each other messages for as long as the machines would allow. In every voicemail Quinn left me she sounded so far gone. Her voice wasn’t as sweet and soft, more raspy and forced. I could hear her grunts of pain and discomfort. Listening to a message literally destroyed me inside but I found myself repeating them over and over again whenever I had the chance.

I called Quinn and no answer so I dialed the nurses station asking for Cheri, I didn’t this frequently.

“Hi Cheri? It’s Harry”

“Hello dear.” Her voice was soft.

“How’s Quinn? I haven’t heard from her in ages.”

“I’m glad you called. Have you got a minute to chat?” she spoke quietly.

“Yeah. Is everything alright?” My mind raced.

“I’m afraid not love. We got some blood work back and well she’s had a fever for the last couple of days, cold sweats, night chills and such, so we just decided to check up on some stuff. And well I’m afraid she’s got pneumonia.”

This couldn’t be happening. I was utterly gutted, great gran died from pneumonia a few years back.

“Now I know this doesn’t help but its quiet common for someone in her vulnerable state to get a virus of some sort.” She waited for my response.

“How did this happen? Weren’t you taking care of her?” I snapped. I didn’t mean to it just happened.

“Of course I am Harry. We’re all doing our best to put her at ease. Her immune system is very weak right now which makes her more exposed to these things.” Her voice was still sincere despite my rudeness.

“It’s not that bad right? You can give her something to get rid of it? She’s going to make it right?” I choked on my words.

Cheri hesitated. “Like I said we’re doing the best we can to make Quinn comfortable.”

I hung up the phone right away. I couldn’t talk to her anymore without the use of profanity. I stormed out of the bathroom, kicking everything in my way.

Louis stood in front of me holding me back. “Mate what’s wrong?”

I fought back. I didn’t want to hurt him, I just couldn’t control it. The rest of the lads rushed over to stop me and help Louis. Finally I just lost it. I cried like a baby and fell to my knees and in the hands of my four best friends. In between my sobs I filled them in about Quinn’s situation. WE sat on the green room floor crying in each others arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter to make up for some loss time and I can't sleep (;
I hate how sad most of my chapters get so I try and throw in some happy stuff
hang in there

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