For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

It's A Promise For One Even After We're Gone

Harry’s POV

I woke up early the next morning. I decided to kill some time and go on twitter for a bit. I opened up my laptop and signed on, my mentions and direct messages were higher than ever before. I clicked on my mentions,

“Oh my god. I am so incredibly sorry @Harry_Styles. She’s in a better place now.”

My stomach immediately dropped to my toes. What the hell was going on. I threw every pillow and blanket off the bed in search for my phone. I had thirty missed calls and hundreds of texts, nothing from Quinn. I read a text from my mom, “Love. Please call me back, I just read the letter.. I love you.”

What letter? I continued on my search through twitter until I found a link. It was a picture of a shaky written letter from Quinn. Just seeing my name on the paper triggered tears.

I hope you never have to read to this because if you do it means I didn’t make it. The thought of leaving you makes my heart shatter. Despite everything we’ve been through I’ve never been more in love with you. I literally adore everything about you. You’ve saved my life whether you’re willing to take credit for it or not. Having you around gave me a reason to not give up. Remember the first day you stayed with me and made sure I was eating and we just talked and enjoyed each others company? After you left, that’s when I was ready to fight, to beat this and be with you. Everything we’ve experienced together was better than I could have ever expected.

I always pictured our future. Picking an oversized princess wedding dress and seeing you and the guys at the alter in your tuxes, having children, and how I’d sneak up to their room at night and find you in their bed telling them the story of how we fell in love, growing old with you.

Please don’t be sad that I’m gone, just remember the love we shared. I hope one day you’ll learn to love again. I would hate for you to be alone and not have to the chance to have a family and grow old with someone. You deserve someone healthy, someone who can go skydiving with you, support you with the band and love you unconditionally. I’m truly sorry that I couldn’t be that person. Not a day went by that I didn’t feel guilty for loving you. My life had an expiration date and it was selfish of me to fall in love with you but by no means do I regret it. The only thing I regret is not being stronger, not being able to kick this stupid disease. I hope you know that I never gave up, there wasn’t a second after I met you that I wasn’t giving it my all.

This isn’t the last of me Styles, love works in mysterious ways.

Always and Forever,
-Quinn xx”

I don’t think I had ever cried so hard. I sat there staring at the letter on my laptop, clutching the hotel pillow, bawling like a baby. What was happening? I was not prepared to deal with this, I could feel Quinn slipping through my fingers and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

My phone started vibrating viciously against the nightstand. It was the hospital. I figured it was Cheri trying to get in touch. I thought avoiding the call would make the situation less real so I didn’t answer it. The phone rang again, I hesitantly answered.

I choked on my tears, not saying anything.

“Babe?” her voice was weak but still alive.

Her words sent shiver down my spine and only made me cry more. I was more confused then ever.

“Harry? Love what’s the matter? Is everything alright?” I could tell she was getting worried.

I spoke through my soft sobs. “I-You- Shit- I just- I love you so much. I saw this letter online and I thought you died Quinn. I’ve never been so terrified.

Quinn’s POV

I was still utterly confused. I didn’t know exactly who took my letter or why they did but I knew where it ended up. I explained everything Harry and by the time I was done he was furious.

“It’s fine Harry.” I tried to calm him down.

“NO. It’s not Quinn. It’s such an invasion of privacy. I really can’t believe someone would do this. I’ll take care of this Quinn…”

I cut Harry off, “I know that babe. But I don’t care about any of that you know why?”

“Why?” he said quietly.

“Because in less then twenty four hours you’re going to be here, right where you belong and that’s all that matters.”

I could almost hear his smile over the phone. “You’re right. I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you.”

I hung up the phone with Harry and a sudden sharp burning sensation traveled up my neck and all over my chest, I paged the nurse continuously. I struggled to sit up in my bed. The burning sensation was matched with what felt like tiny bites. I quickly ripped off my hoodie, revealing large blotchy red rashes all over my torso.

I really couldn’t catch a break…
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it's been awhile!
I went to summerfest all day yesterday...

This is just a filler but hey Harry comes home tomorrow!
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Thanks as always

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