For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

When I'm With You, I Feel Like I'm Right At Home

It was perfect, absolutely perfect. It was everything I had ever imagined, I mean who hasn’t pictured their dream house with their dream man?

Right in front of me was an all brick house, white shutters, tall hedges all around the yard to ensure privacy, the neighborhood was gated, and it was the perfect size. I was completely speechless, not only was this perfect home right in front of me but so was my future with Harry.

“I know it’s soon and it’s a little much but I just can’t wait…” I cut him off by attaching our lips.

“It’s perfect.” I whispered.

Harry took my hand and led me up the stairs to our new home. He dug in his pocket for the key and unlocked the massive door. When I stepped into the foyer I couldn’t help but smile, the floor was still covered in plastic and the walls were only primed but it was still beautiful. The ceiling in the foyer went all the way to the second level, with a crystal chandelier. Most of the appliances and furniture was still missing but Harry took me throughout the whole house telling me what everything was and where everything would go. The fact that Harry was just as if not more excited to put together a house of our own just made me want to cry. I was so excited but so scared at the same time.

“Harry…” I stopped him in the midst of what will be the master bedroom.

“You alright love?” he put his arms around my waist.

“Yeah of course, this is all so amazing. I just- aren’t you worried?” I hesitated.

He let out a sigh and moved his hands to my face. “Babe, look at everything you’ve gone through, all the obstacles you’ve overcome and everything we’ve been through together. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that we can’t beat this together. I’ll do whatever; pay anything to help you kick this. As long as you’re still willing to fight…I’m no going anywhere.”

Damn he had a way with words. In order to fight back the tears I did the only thing I could, I kissed Harry.


While Harry and I decided on furniture, flooring and paint, Liam let us stay with him. Shopping for furniture with Harry was better then I expected. We ended up learning a lot more about each other. We liked the same couches, colors, floors, basically everything. I never doubted that Harry and I had a lot in common but this definitely proved it. Most of the time we spent together the last couple of months were spent preoccupied with his career and my illnesses so it was nice to just not worry about anything for a bit.


Our house was official done in about five days. Everything was pretty surreal, walking into our house, waking up and falling asleep with Harry not in a hospital bed, cooking and cleaning. I was so busy getting ready to have the guys and Harry’s family over I really didn’t think about the transplant, until the phone rang.


“Quinn? It’s Dr. Anderson. How are you?” my stomach dropped when I heard her voice.

“Oh hi, I’m- Uh- great actually. I’ve been busy moving in and stuff. I mean I have my days but things have been pretty good…”

“Well I’m so glad to hear that. I have news actually.” She paused. “When do you think you can come in?”

My stomach dropped again. “The sooner the better…when’s the earliest you have?”

“How about noon today?” she said

Harry would be recording all day which meant he couldn’t go with me but I don’t think I could wait. “That’s perfect. I’ll see you then.”

We were having everyone over tomorrow so I couldn’t wait until then and I for sure couldn’t wait until after, but was I supposed to call Harry and tell him? I couldn’t interrupt his work but I knew he’d be gutted if I kept this from him.

I got in the car and dialed Harry’s number. I was relieved that he didn’t answer because that meant I wouldn’t have to interrupt. I left him a message and hoped he didn’t call before I got to the hospital even though I wasn’t sure I wanted to face this alone.

I nervously sat in the waiting room. When she walked out my mind raced trying to read her expressions, but she was a blank canvas.

“Come in, sit down.” She walked me into her office.

I sat down and impatiently waited for her to tell me the news.

“So how are things?” she asked.

Great, small talk…”Uh- I’m good still. I don’t mean to be rude or impatient…”

“OH! Of course, I am so sorry. So we got your blood tests back and well….” She took a long pause. “I’m not sure how to say this, but you’re cancer free.” A huge smile grew across her face. “We’re all so proud of Quinn, we really are. I just want to stress to you that it’s still early.”

I know I should have listened to her but I couldn’t comprehend anything after that. Everything I’ve gone through, all the blood, tears, pain, vomit, headaches, blood tests, IVs, chemo, radiation, shaving my head, pneumonia, and shingles, it had all paid off. I had beaten this thing and I owed it all to Harry and the lads. I held in as much emotion as I could even though a few tears managed to escape. I thanked Dr. Anderson and practically ran out of the hospital. Harry still hadn’t called me back and I wasn’t about to tell him this amazing new over the phone, so I decided to go to the studio.

I cried like a baby in the car, but they were good tears. I got to the studio and saw all the fans waiting outside. I couldn’t wait so I just went for it. I put up my hood and kept my head down and started towards the fans. I heard all the girls saying things to me and whispering things about me but I didn’t even take the time to comprehend them. Once I got in the studio I basically ran up the flight of stairs and to their room.

When I walked in Harry was in the booth. He sounded absolutely amazing. I hugged all the guys who looked so confused as to why I was there. Harry finally noticed me and walked out of the booth. I could tell he knew I was crying, so his face quickly went worried.

“You alright babe?” he asked

“You know I wouldn’t usually interrupt but I called and I don’t know if you got my message…” I paused and he face tensed up.

“I went to the doctor.”

Harry fell onto the couch, his head rested in his hands. I saw the guys follow Harry’s lead.

“I’m cancer free baby.” I didn’t fight the tears this time.
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