For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

Without You To Hold I'll Be Freezing

Harry’s POV

“We kissed!” I yelled as I ran into my apartment. Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn were all sitting there rather confused.
“When I got there she was throwing up and then we started yelling and crying. She was scared of hurting me, but I just held her and we slept then she let me stay for treatment. I hated seeing her in so much pain but I loved being there with her. Oh man, and then she shaved her head. She just looks so beautiful. Here watch.” I pulled out my phone started the video.

They sat there and watched the whole video before I continued to talk.

“I know she’s sick and we talked about the possibilities but I just don’t care. She’s made me a better person and it’s only been two weeks…” I was babbling by now. “I can’t wait to go back. I have so many plans.”

“We’re proud of you Harry,” Liam said patting me on the back.

“Yeah, whatever you need, we’re here.” Niall added.

I hugged each of them. Having their support meant the world to me.

Early the next morning I started to plan everything out for that day. I let the guys in on my plan and they agreed to help me. I called Nurse Cheri and told her everything. I’d plan to set everything up while Quinn was in treatment. I decided I had enough time to take a much needed shower. Once I got out I quickly decided on shiny black slacks with a matching blazer, a white button up and a black bow tie. I squirted a small amount of moose in my hand and rubbed it through my hair.

I got to Quinn’s room and the guys were already setting up. In one corner of the room a small round table was set up, draped in a red table cloth and candles. Zayn and Louis were hanging up old Christmas lights from the ceiling.

“These are romantic, trust me. Eleanor loves ‘em!” Louis said encouragingly.

I laughed at how corny Quinn’s room looked right now, but she deserved to experience all the clichés. I plugged in my ihome and put my IPod on the playslist I made just for this date. Niall was hanging a white hospital sheet on the wall in front of Quinn’s bed. Liam placed the projector at the foot of the bed and put in ‘Love Actually.’

I checked the time, ten minutes. My heart sunk to my stomach, I don’t remember ever being nervous for a first date.

“Delivery,” Barry said with a knock on the door.

“Perfect timing! Thank you so much Barry. I owe you.” I said while quickly taking the tray’s from him.

“Nonsense, just take care of her kid.” He said while walking out.

I checked the time again, six minutes.

“Alright lads, I’m going to go get her from treatment. You have three minutes and you have to disappear! We’re on a tight schedule so don’t forget your cues!” I stopped in front of the mirror to quickly run my fingers through my hair then made my way to Quinn.

Quinn’s POV

I hadn’t spoke to Harry since we kissed. I thought of every possible scenario in my head of why he hadn’t called before I finally decided he was just busy. I knew he was leaving soon, nineteen days to be exact, but I definitely wasn’t counting.

I found myself reaching for my hair a dozen times today. I still wasn’t used to being bald, but I didn’t regret it at all. Harry gave me the strength to finally do it and I would be forever grateful for that. I got lost in my thoughts of Harry and treatment was over in what seemed to be three minutes. Cheri walked in with her infamous ear to ear grin.

“What’s got you so cheeky?” I asked.

“I have a surprise for you, it’s in the restroom.” She unhooked my IVs and guided me to the door. I cautiously flipped the light switch and found a white box placed on the counter. I lifted up the lid and found a beautiful dark purple lace dress. The sleeves were all lace and three-quarter length. The dress clung to my bony hips and fell three inches above my knees. The back swooped in a U shape down to the small of my back. I was more than impressed with Harry’s eye for fashion.

I opened up the door to a very handsomely dressed Harry Styles. He stood tall in a black suit and crooked bow tie, his hands digging nervously in his pockets while he looked at me blankly.

“Quinn…You look…I’m…Gorgeous…Speechless.” He stuttered to find his words.

I laughed at his jumbled words, “Looking pretty damn good yourself Styles.” I approached him and straightened out his tie. His hands made their way to my hips and gave them a gentle squeeze while he lightly kissed my chapped lips.

As he guided me down the hallway, everyone stared. I leaned in closely to him. “Mind telling me where we’re going or what we’re doing?”

He gave me a devilish grin, “Soon love, soon.”

When we got to my room I was more than confused. He opened the door to a dark room. He clapped twice and Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling began to flicker. He guided me to my chair, pulled it out and even pushed me in. When he made his way to his chair he grabbed a knife and lightly clinked it against a wine glass. Right on command, a very properly dressed Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn entered the room. Niall draped a bottle of sparkling grape juice over his forearm. Zayn and Liam carried silver platters, while Liam made his way to an ipod and quickly pressed play. Chris martin lightly filled the room as the boys placed the food in front of us and Niall poured our drinks.

“Well thank you boys.” I gave them large smile.

“Our pleasure love,” Zayn said softly. “Enjoy,” they all said in unison while walking out of the room

I looked back and found Harry staring deeply into my soul. “I can’t believe how amazing you look right now.” He said sheepishly.

“I’m still trying to get over all this. Someone did their homework.” I reached for his hand.

“We have a long list of things to get through love. We needed to get started, that’s why for our first date we’re fitting in dinner, dancing, and a cinema.” His thumb rubbed the top of my hand.

Wake me up by Ed Sheeran started to play. “Harry, dance with me please?”

He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me as close to him as possible. Our body moved to the music and fit together like a puzzle. His left hand lightly on the small of my back while his right held my left hand tightly. My head fit perfectly into the crook of his neck and he placed his on top of mine. His soft curls tickled the top of my bare head and sent shivers down my spine.

“I hope you know all this is my way of telling you I adore you Q. I want you to be my bird.” He spoke nervously.

I grabbed his cheek and gave him an accepting kiss on the lips. Neither of us pulled away, we kissed lightly until I hungrily nibbled on his bottom lip. His tongue crept into my mouth and met mine for the first time. While our tongues became better acquainted his finger tips traced every inch of my exposed back. We stayed like this through Fix You, Tiny Dancer, A Million Love Songs, A Kiss from a Rose, Kiss Quick and Your Song.

“My legs hurt Harry,” I barely spoke.

“I know love, get changed and we’ll watch a movie.”

I went to the bathroom and threw on the first thing I could find. I didn’t want to be away from Harry. When I walked out Harry had also changed into sweats and a t-shirt. We made our way to the bed when again walked in Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Niall. This time Niall started the projector and turned off the music. Zayn carried two blue raspberry slushies, Louis a large bowl of popcorn, and Liam had a bag of sour patch kids, yogurt cover raisins and multiple bars of chocolate. They handed us our food and quickly grabbed our remains from dinner without saying a word.

We lied there legs tangled, fingers intertwined, and head to chest throughout all of Love Actually. Despite hospital rules this would be the first of many nights I’d sleep with Harry by my side.
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I had writers block today but this is what I came up with...
I added Harry's POV, should I continue with that?
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