For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

Your Just A Daydream Away

I landed heavily in my first class chair. I placed my IV bag onto the tray in front of me. I quickly took out my ipod and untangled the ear buds. This would be my first time flying and I was mortified. I threw my head back, closed my eyes and filled my mind with Death Cab For Cutie.

I managed to get about two hours of sleep before jumping out of my seat. I was more then thankful that the bathroom was free. I slid into the tiny room and slammed the door shut. I hung over the toilet as I emptied my stomach of all its contents. I flushed the toilet and splashed cold water on my face. Instantly I thought my body was rejecting the transplant. I shook off my negatives thoughts and rummaged through my over-sized purse. I pulled out my tooth brush and tooth paste. I brushed thoroughly to make sure I removed the horrid taste from my mouth. Once I was done I pulled out my make-up bag and applied make-up for the first time in months. I lightly blushed on some powder to add some color to my pale face. I coated my eyelashes with just a bit of mascara. Harry has seen me and my worse and normally I wouldn’t bother, but I was nervous about the publicity we might get. What will his fans think of me?

The plane finally landed and I couldn’t have been happier. When I walked out of the gates I searched through a sea of people for a familiar face. I finally found Paul and instantly smiled. Paul was head of security for the boys and was the only one who knew I flew in. He rushed over to me and gave me a hug that I gladly accepted.

“You look wonderful,” he said.

“Thank you,” I gave him a large grin. “Do you mind if I freshen up real quick before we leave?”

“You go right ahead dear. I’ll go get your luggage and meet you by the restrooms.” He said politely.

I described my bags to Paul and we departed ways. I walked into the bathroom and stared at my disheveled appearance. I was wearing a pair of black leggings, an oversized maroon sweater and brown boots. Normally I’d love my outfit but my self esteem has taken a huge blow since Harry left.

I met Paul outside the ladies room and walked to his black SUV. I sat in the front seat and was completely out of breath. I reached for my cold water bottle in my purse and took a long chug. Paul quickly broke our silence.

“He’s going to be so happy to see you.” My face heated up as me cheeks grew pink.

“I’m really happy to see him too.” I hesitated. “Paul?” I asked.

“What is it dear?” his face was confused.

“Do you think I should put on a wig, maybe a scarf? I don’t want to embarrass Harry.” I said timidly.

“Now you listen here. All that boy has done is babble on and on about you. When he sees you the last thing he’s going to be thinking about is your hair kiddo. And plus, he always talks about how beautiful you looked when you shaved your head. I was convinced he was going to shave his head too.”

I laughed and nodded my head in acceptance. I rolled down my window and let the cool New York air hit my face. Paul and I didn’t say much for the rest of the ride. On the inside I was jumping out of my skin. 40 minutes and I’d see Harry’s flawless face, that brown curly mop and his cheeky grin.
When we pulled up to the venue my hands were clammy and started to shake. I couldn’t stop smiling and I could feel my stomach doing cartwheels in my stomach. I ran into the venue, snuck into the back and feel to my knees.

Harry was standing there with his hands all over a curvy blonde. Her lips were glued to his neck. She was everything I wasn’t and had everything I needed.
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